
Hokage: I Can Analyze Everything

Time travel became the little boy of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Hiko said, Alexander! Fortunately, the system of analyzing everything has been awakened! From then on, embarked on an invincible road! "Ding dong, congratulations to the Host, the successful analysis of Sharingan, and one hundred and thirty-two promotion methods of Sharingan!" "Ding dong, congratulations to the host, you have successfully analyzed the dust escape, and you can use it anytime!" "Ding Dong, congratulations to Host, successfully analyzed the Tailed Beast Chakra, and obtained the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode!"

DXRACER · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs

Chapter 7

The teacher's self-righteous humor did not enliven the classroom atmosphere.He stood on the podium and looked at them, feeling that there was something wrong with this group of people today.These people are still young, and they can't hide things in their hearts.The teacher knew from years of experience that the problem was with freshman Uchiha Hiko.In connection with the injury on Jiraiya's face, it is not difficult to guess that the two people had a conflict.During the last class, Jiraiya was boisterous, and it was obvious.However, when you enter a ninja school, fights are unavoidable.Usually Jiraiya also jumps a lot, but I suffered a loss today, so I just took it as a lesson.One thing more is worse than one thing less, the teacher did not pursue it.He continues with his class.Little did they know that all the students in the audience had already lost their minds.What did they see just now?Ninjutsu!Lightning Style Ninjutsu!When I entered the ninja school, I just wanted to learn a few ninjutsu and go out to be an excellent ninja.But so far, some of them have not even mastered the Three Body Technique!But Uchiha Hiko directly performed Lightning Style ninjutsu just now!Although this is an elite class, it doesn't mean that everyone is a family member!Except for a few iconic big and small families, more than two-thirds of the rest are dark horses killed by the masses.No matter how dark the dark horse is, he is also envious of Tianma!Both are members of the elite class, the gap between them is really not that big!While everyone was envious, they seemed disappointed at the same time. The psychological blow caused by that kind of gap cannot be recovered in a day or two!None of this has anything to do with Uchiha Hiko.It doesn't matter if it matters.In this three-foot land, only the strong have the right to mate, oh no, only the strong have the right to speak!"System, you were able to analyze everything yesterday, and I suddenly had an idea, can you explain it to me?" In the second class, Uchiha Hiko began to pretend to be asleep.He internally communicates with the system."Back to Host, do you want to analyze 'thought'?"As he said that, the system analysis column was also displayed, and the 'idea' was temporarily made into a text icon."Ah no no no, I mean, can you analyze my body, I found that my body is too weak."You have to rely on ninjutsu to fight Jiraiya, which is so bad.The main reason is that there is less physical exercise, and in terms of physical skills, it may not be the current Jiraiya's opponent."sure.""What I want to know is, what state am I in during the parsing process?""Return to Host, your current status will not be affected in any way until the analysis is completed. For example, if you analyzed [Lightning Style-Hanabi] before, you can still use Lightning Style- Hanabi during the process. After the analysis is completed, you will get the analysis results. ""I understand!""Host, do you want to parse your body?""yes!""Ding dong, remind the host that your body data has been analyzed and it will take 7 days!"This may be the first person who dares to make fun of his body after using the system once!However, analysis is analysis, not dissection.Besides, if you die, you die, count the ball!"Oh, it seems that these seven days have to wait slowly!"...After all, waiting is exhausting, and by the fifth day, he couldn't bear it anymore.Because his body was not strong enough, he began to train hard.There is a limit to this 'effort', as long as he feels tired, he will immediately sit down and rest for half an hour.You can't force your body to the limit and practice desperately, that will leave hidden wounds on your body, anyway, no one will fight with him for food, so why fight?The summary is: I can't make me tired!Anyway, weekends are off, and he doesn't go to work or 996.Youzai Youzai come and it's over!What others cultivate is body, what he cultivates is mood.Just as he finished the second set of push-ups and was sitting next to him to drink water, he suddenly heard a burst of movement not far away.From a distance, it sounds like someone is knocking on a wooden fish, but if you listen carefully, you can tell that it is chopping a wooden stake with an iron tool.The ironware should not be too thick, and the steel content should not be small, otherwise the sound will not be so appropriate.While Uchiha Hiko was resting, he walked over curiously to have a look.This practice field is relatively remote, and he only came here to practice while taking advantage of the remoteness.After all, a ninja practiced for ten minutes and rested for half an hour, and it would be embarrassing to spread the word!Can't be discovered by others!Pushing aside the leaves, he saw a white-haired boy about his age.It's not like Jiraiya, Jiraiya's goofy guy who makes his hair look like a ghost.The person in front of me, no matter in aesthetics or temperament, looks like the white-haired male supporting role in the comics.Pay attention to a cool word.His first reaction when he saw this person from behind, the name 'Hatake 50%' appeared in his mind.But obviously in this day and age, Hatake is not even an egg at 50-50.So he went around and went to the side, and found that the person was not wearing a mask.He's a good guy without a mask.He went out and asked, "Who are you?"Hearing the sound, Baifa stopped, turned around, and replied after a two-second pause: "I'm Hatake Sakumo, are you Uchiha Hiko from Class A-1? I saw the exchange between you and Mr. Orochimaru that day. Great, but I will definitely surpass you!"Hatake Sakumo!Wood Ye white teeth!Although he hasn't had his milk teeth yet.He has caught this legendary man!He also wanted to meet those well-known ninjas when he traveled across time, but the population of Konoha Village was larger than expected, and because of the war, he didn't dare to just wander around in the village!Now, it's the first time I've seen Hatake Sakumo!Although it is a bit abrupt to ask someone 'who are you', but among men, they pay attention to the first impression with a hammer."You said you saw me sparring with Orochimaru...emmm, when did I spar with Orochimaru?""Five days ago, because I saw your strength, I will practice hard here every day!" Hatake replied honestly.five days ago...So it's a date with Jiraiya, right?Orochimaru is just a brawler!How could one of the parties be ignored?Baimao why bother to embarrass Baimao!Uchiha Hiko looked at the broken sword in Hatake Sakumo's hand and the wooden stake in front of him.The jujube wood pile with a diameter of 30 centimeters was almost cut off by the dagger in his hand!A short sword, not a long sword, nor an epee.To use that thing to cut jujube stakes, you must first have a hand that does not suffer from blood blisters. If you don't believe me, you can try it.Anyway, Hatake Sakumo's hands were wrapped in gauze, so he didn't know what was going on, and he didn't dare to ask.Can use a short sword to cut jujube wood piles until they are incomplete and will be broken. What the hell is hard work!through!ruthless!"It's not what you think, five days ago, I wasn't fighting with Orochimaru..."