
Hokage: I Can Analyze Everything

Time travel became the little boy of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Hiko said, Alexander! Fortunately, the system of analyzing everything has been awakened! From then on, embarked on an invincible road! "Ding dong, congratulations to the Host, the successful analysis of Sharingan, and one hundred and thirty-two promotion methods of Sharingan!" "Ding dong, congratulations to the host, you have successfully analyzed the dust escape, and you can use it anytime!" "Ding Dong, congratulations to Host, successfully analyzed the Tailed Beast Chakra, and obtained the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode!"

DXRACER · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs

Chapter 50

"Eight Trigrams · Mountain Breaking Strike!""Uchiha Flow·Blaster Sword!"Hyuga's burst of Chakra is like a laser ray cannon. As the name suggests, it is a blow that can shatter hills. If it hits people, it can be imagined!However, Uchiha Hiko's figure brushed past the dangerous Chakra.He is like a shadow, using the Body Flicker Technique to the peak, and the truth can be seen in the subtleties.In an instant, Uchiha Hiko appeared behind Hyuga at the same time that Eight Trigrams Destroyed countless giant trees.On the black knife in his hand, there is already a light blue blade!Immediately after he slashed with his backhand, the light blue Chakra knife extending twenty meters in an instant cut through Hyuga's right rib from his back and left shoulder!Blood soars!At this time, the nine people sent by the Hyuga clan into the Death Forest were all wiped out!These people all died in the hands of their 'prey' at the beginning!In this dead forest, the rules are like this, and the position of the prey and the hunter changes rapidly!Uchiha Hiko put away the black knife, feeling indescribably happy in his heart!Hyuga's cubs didn't understand the situation, so they wanted to take revenge on him, and wanted to kill him a second time, so these people should all be damned!..."it's over!""Yeah, it's over!"In Hokage's office, the executives sighed endlessly.Despite accepting Uchiha Hiko's monster-like talent, the final cut was a shock.That knife was not so gorgeous.But people with unique vision like them can discover how many details are hidden in that blow."That Uchiha Hiko's mind, it's terrible!""Koharu, it's scary, right? He's just a kid!""Homura, it's because of this that I feel terrible!""..."The two involuntarily set their sights on Sarutobi Hiruzen.The next thing depends on how Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is Third Hokage, handles.Sensing the questioning gaze, Sarutobi Hiruzen silently took out a bong from the desk drawer and lit himself a few puffs.As the smoke slowly faded, he frowned, "This matter is over.""What?! Hiruzen you!!" Mitokado Homura was shocked, such a big thing happened, and Third Hokage was going to pretend that nothing happened?Utatane Koharu unobtrusively tugged at Mitokado Homura, signaling him not to get too excited.Everyone is young and inexperienced.Sarutobi Hiruzen has much more to think about than the two of them!"Hiruzen, no matter what, I support your decision!"Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen was taken aback for a moment, he looked at Utatane Koharu slightly moved, and murmured: "Thank you!""Hiruzen, is it worth telling me this, we are together, the teacher asked us to stay, just to help you!"Mitokado Homura also seemed to recall the past, and sighed: "Hiruzen, I was the one who got excited just now, I'm sorry!"Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled in relief, "Homura, don't apologize to me, even I can't digest Uchiha Hiko's performance for a while now! That kid..."After all, it was the high-level people, so they quickly calmed down.Mitokado Homura asked calmly: "Hiruzen, so what are you going to do next? The two of us have the right to know, and at the same time, we can help you!""That kid's ability has already surpassed the scope of the ninja school.If he stays in the school, I'm afraid that some bad things will continue to happen."Sarutobi Hiruzen replied, he took a few puffs of big cigarettes, and said slowly Come on, "I will let him graduate early, that is, there are two options now, you listen, one let him join the special operations team led by three Jōnins, which can train an excellent talent for the village; Join Anbu!"Hearing this, the two did not answer directly, but looked at each other.They thought about it and found that there was no difference between the two ways of treating Uchiha Hiko.The only difference lies in the issue of direct control. If he is brought by three Jōnin to join the special operations team, then he will experience a lot. During missions, he has to obey the orders of Captain Jōnin, and usually he has to obey the orders of the Uchiha clan.And join Anbu, his direct boss is Hokage!"Join Anbu!""Join Anbu!"The two said in unison.Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded and said, "Okay, I also think that child is very suitable for Anbu, and he will definitely become an excellent Anbu!"Whether Anbu is excellent or not is not for others to judge.They were all relieved that the matter was properly resolved.From a personal point of view, Mitokado Homura asked curiously: "Hiruzen, look at that sword, isn't it a bit powerful? His swordplay just now doesn't look like he attached Chakra to it!""Could it be a special metal? Chakra conductive metal?" Utatane Koharu asked, she didn't care about Rashiko weapons, she was more concerned about Uchiha Hiko!Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, and said: "The material of that knife is definitely not simple, that kind of metal is quite expensive, but if necessary, I also want to make one for my future child!"