
Hokage: I Can Analyze Everything

Time travel became the little boy of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Hiko said, Alexander! Fortunately, the system of analyzing everything has been awakened! From then on, embarked on an invincible road! "Ding dong, congratulations to the Host, the successful analysis of Sharingan, and one hundred and thirty-two promotion methods of Sharingan!" "Ding dong, congratulations to the host, you have successfully analyzed the dust escape, and you can use it anytime!" "Ding Dong, congratulations to Host, successfully analyzed the Tailed Beast Chakra, and obtained the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode!"

DXRACER · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs

Chapter 42

"Uchiha Flow·Blaster Sword!"With a low shout from Uchiha Kagami, his figure was like lightning, as if he had directly penetrated the target in front of him!In fact, it's just an optical illusion, because the speed is too fast!Immediately afterwards, a strong flame erupted from the Short Sword in his hand, and the flame quickly turned into a blade more than ten meters long, slashing at the target from behind at an oblique angle!That huge flame blade cut the target in half with just one blow!Although the name of this technique is 'Uchiha Flow · Blast Sword', it has nothing to do with the wind attribute Chakra, but Fire Style!The basic swordsmanship routine is: Leap behind the enemy with the Body Flicker Technique, and then use a huge flaming blade to attack the enemy from behind unexpectedly!This swordsmanship coincides with his Wakizashi's ability!Instead of using Chakra to transform into flames, it is better to use Chakra directly into the black knife to create a 40-meter-long ultra-thin light blue blade!That cutting ability is much stronger than a blade made of flames!Uchiha Hiko was thoughtful, just look at this technique, he already has several extended versions in his mind!One of the advantages of being a traveler is the agility of thinking, which will not stick to the rigidity of this world.However, before that, he still had to learn this technique from scratch."Yan, have you seen it clearly? This technique is not like ninjutsu. It requires great sophistication. If it doesn't work, I will demonstrate it to you again?""No, I've memorized it, try it!" Uchiha Hiko said.His brain did remember it, but he didn't know if his body would cooperate.As he spoke, he raised the black knife.Uchiha Kagami's explosive power as an Elite Jōnin is definitely incomparable, but he is not stupid and knows how to use all available resources."Blinking Technique!"Taking the jujube pile in front of him as a target, he used the Body Flicker Technique to fall 15 meters behind, then turned around and slashed at a high speed, and the Chakra in his hand was crazy output, and a 20-meter Chakra blade was projected on the black knife.With one slash, the extremely sharp Chakra blade, like cutting vegetables, cut off the jujube stake with ease!Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kagami hesitated for a moment, and immediately cheered, "Haha, your black knife has helped you a lot. You skipped the stage of changing Chakra, and the speed is even faster!"Uchiha Kagami looked at the black knife on Uchiha Hiko's phone, and suddenly, the red knife in the collection room was no longer fragrant."No no no, in terms of speed, you are faster!"Uchiha Kagami didn't understand the meaning of these words, "Don't worry, when you become Jōnin, your speed will definitely be amazing!""Let's talk about swordsmanship. I'll talk about speed later. I just took advantage of it. What do you think of Senior Jing?""Opportunism is not counted, ninja is to use everything, you have such a talent! Then, this swordsmanship is your swordsmanship!" Uchiha Kagami praised.But Uchiha Hiko still shook his head, and the black knife in his hand had been raised again."I'm still not proficient enough. The wood is dead, but the person is alive. It can't be used in actual combat!"Uchiha Kagami patted Uchiha Hiko on the shoulder, "Since this is the case, you need to practice more. In the upcoming battle, you must not be careless!""I see!"As soon as the voice fell, his figure had rushed out!The great practitioner Zaun Aike said, if you fail once, do it again!After he had practiced ten times, he was able to use the same Uchiha Flow·Blaster Sword as Uchiha Kagami!The huge flame blade, although not as sharp as the black knife's Chakra blade, lies in comprehension!When he understood it, he put it into the system analysis!"System, give me an analysis of Uchiha Flow·Blaster Sword!""Ding dong, remind Host, Uchiha Flow·Blaster Sword has started Shikai analysis, time required: 1 day."after one day."Ding dong, remind Host, the analysis of Uchiha Flow·Blaster Sword has been completed, please pay attention to check!"[Uchiha Flow·Blaster Sword: Use the Body Flicker Technique to move to the blind spot of the enemy's perspective at high speed, and then attack the enemy with a super attack! ][Advantages: Simple moves, fierce attacks. ][Disadvantages: The hit rate of attacks is uncertain, especially when facing humans with no visual field blind spots, or humans with super perceptual abilities. ][Analysis-Modification: If you are dealing with sensitive enemies, it is recommended to use attribute ninjutsu to cover your eyes before launching this attack; if you are dealing with non-sensitive enemies, it is recommended to reduce the attack angle! ][Derivation: Uchiha Flow·Blastering Wind Dance——Based on the base of the Blastering Sword, more attack methods are added, which is more suitable for one-on-one group combat. ]"Oh? Is this a large group?"A group attack type of swordsmanship!As we all know, Fire Style Great Fireball Technique is an area ninjutsu, and most of the ninjutsu are area ninjutsu!But those ninjutsu require seals and are slow, which is one of the reasons why I have never seen Great Fireball kill people.But now there is such a Uchiha style · wind flurry dance, it is a group attack technique that does not require seals and lands extremely fast!