
Hokage: I Can Analyze Everything

Time travel became the little boy of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Hiko said, Alexander! Fortunately, the system of analyzing everything has been awakened! From then on, embarked on an invincible road! "Ding dong, congratulations to the Host, the successful analysis of Sharingan, and one hundred and thirty-two promotion methods of Sharingan!" "Ding dong, congratulations to the host, you have successfully analyzed the dust escape, and you can use it anytime!" "Ding Dong, congratulations to Host, successfully analyzed the Tailed Beast Chakra, and obtained the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode!"

DXRACER · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs

Chapter 12

Uchiha Yexian, that is, the family test that day, a spiritual guy who is two or three years older than Uchiha Hiko.He is the grandson of the Second Elder.Otherwise, what is the comparison of family tests? What is measured?Obviously, all the disciples of the family were ashes that day!Lightning Style Kunai cuts black iron Kunai, Lightning Style Hanabi scares others to forget how to seal...Today, the guy showed his extraordinary talent again.But when it comes to Uchiha's Chakra operation method, the second elder is confident.It is precisely because of the Chakra operation method of the Uchiha family that he has cultivated Fire Style to the top level! And under his influence, his grandson Uchiha Yazuru also surpassed his peers in terms of Fire Style!Therefore, he felt that at least in this respect, Uchiha Hiko's spirit could be dampened!"Yan, the most basic chakra refining technique for ninjas, I don't think I need to say more!?"Hearing this, Uchiha Hiko nodded, "Yes!""Well, among the scrolls left by our ancestors, apart from those just now, the Chakra operation method is also very precious! You should know that some family members have special Constitutions, which can naturally obtain a large amount of Chakra.Our great ancestors improved the The inherited Chakra running technique reduces the consumption of general ninjutsu and increases the amount of Chakra of our family!""..."Here, Uchiha Hiko should be shouting Ancestral Niubi?He thinks it is unnecessary to cultivate extreme familyism, because he is an egoist, and he will eat whatever is good for him.Seeing Uchiha Hiko "listen carefully", the second elder became even more excited, "You probably didn't understand all the content on the scroll, most of it is actually explaining how our family can get more Chakra.""Yes, the scroll is obscure, I'm stupid." Uchiha Hiko agreed.modesty."It doesn't matter, the old man is here to help you out today! As we all know, Chakra is formed by the fusion of physical energy absorbed in human cells and spiritual energy from cultivation.In the beginning, ninjas used the same way to refine Chakra, and the family has optimized it through generations. , got a better refining and operating method!"Saying that, the Second Elder stepped forward and took out a sketch from his pocket.Continued: "Run Chakra through the meridians, stimulate the above fixed points, and circulate like this, you can stimulate more body energy."Uchiha Hiko looked at Jian Tu and couldn't help sneering in his heart.He remembered this picture, and it was also in the old man's scroll.However, this is exactly the 'disadvantage' that has been purified after the system analysis!According to the system description, stimulating these fixed acupoints in the long run can indeed increase the body's energy production, but there is still a high probability of terminal illness!A healthy human body is a sophisticated system, each organization system has a clear division of labor, often enslaving one organization to work for another, sooner or later something will happen!Therefore, the system directly purifies this evil!"Master Elder." Uchiha Hiko stared at Jiantu and smiled, "I'm afraid this is inappropriate?"Hearing this, the second elder's face changed, "What's wrong? Are you questioning the treasures accumulated by your ancestors?""My lord, it doesn't mean that what has been handed down is all good things, right? Have you ever heard that bad customs harm people? Similarly, this method was proposed by the Patriarch of the twentieth Generation, but among the Patriarchs of the Seventh Generation after that, there were The five criticized it, although they did not explicitly deny it, but the ideas they put forward are completely contrary to it!"For that scroll, "unintelligible" belongs to "unintelligible".But the words are always recognizable, and the meaning can be read out naturally when the concept is put forward. It is only the connotation of the concept that you don't understand!As soon as these words came out, there was a dead silence in the hall.Those who have practiced have a deep understanding of whether that method has any harm.It's just that I was lucky enough to avoid terminal illness.Among them, Uchiha Kagami, who has studied under Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, has a certain right to speak.Although Uchiha is unhappy with Senju, he has to admit the fact that Senju Tobirama is really not easy!In addition to studying their own body, blood, and ninjutsu, they even did a lot of research on the bodies of the Uchiha clan.If you work in the research industry for a long time, you will accumulate an occupational disease.Uchiha Kagami is his disciple, and he is a very good disciple. He naturally had in-depth exchanges with Uchiha Kagami.At the beginning, he said that Uchiha Kagami had some problems with his body and he should stop certain behaviors immediately.So, he stopped using that Chakra operation, and after two years it was back to normal!But this also caused his strength to remain stagnant in the past two years..."My lord, what Yan said makes sense to me!" Uchiha Kagami was the first to stand on Uchiha Hiko's side.As the most powerful person in the Uchiha clan today, although he is young, his words are not light!"mirror?""Yes, my lord elder, not all the treasures handed down by the ancients are treasures, just like what we leave to future generations, not all of them are correct."Uchiha Kagami's tone is very peaceful, so peaceful that it can relieve the resentment in everyone's heart.At this time, the dull-looking patriarch spoke."So, Yan, do you think it is the problem of the proposer, or the mistakes of the five opponents?"Hearing that the patriarch asked him such a serious topic, Uchiha Hiko immediately stood up, bowed his head and replied: "I am still young, and my qualifications are shallow, so I dare not talk about my ancestors!"Only the Great Elder at the side stroked his beard, his old eyes seemed to see through his own child!In the mind of the Great Elder, such a thought suddenly came into being: this boy Yan, I am afraid that he has already penetrated the scroll!There are too many smart people in this world, but it is rare to be able to understand the hodgepodge scroll at such a young age!Even he, the guardian of the scroll, has not fully understood the scroll in his hand so far!He looked at the patriarch, with a smile on his old-fashioned face, and said, "Patriarch, it is indeed inappropriate for this child to talk about his ancestors. Who does he think is right and who is wrong? He knows what the hell! I think it's better... ..."Before the Great Elder finished speaking, the patriarch said, "Hehe, I'm also confused, forget it, since Yan thinks that there are loopholes and drawbacks in the Chakra operation method, then, what do you think?"Upon hearing the question, Uchiha Hiko replied: "Since there is a conflict in the concept of ancestors, and we don't know who is right and who is wrong, then we should discard both.""give up?""Abandoning the achievements of our ancestors?! Seeing that you are a child, I will not pursue this kind of words, but next time I talk about it, I will...""Giving it up is tantamount to denying everything!"