Eddie Carter is a young boy living in Cokeworths, England. He knew he had been reincarnated from another time. He retained knowledge from that time but not memories. He Didn't Know, however, that he was also in another world filled with wizards and magic until Owl tapped on his window and gave him a letter. Eddie is conflicted because he knows the world's plot but is unsure what to do with the knowledge. But he will strive to make the best of his situation and let the music of his magic guide him and maybe have some fun along the way.
The Hogwarts Express chug along the long tracks back to London. My plan was about the same as last year: spending a day shopping in London before going back to Spinner's End. Because I knew I would be studying occlumency, I picked up some books from the room of requirements, a copy of Protection Charm Your Mind: A Practical Guide to Counter Legilimensy and Guide to Advanced Occlumency.
So I sat in the train compartment with my friends Grant, Tim, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, and Luna. They chatted about what they would be doing over the two-week break. I just read the first book with headphones and classical music playing. Thanks to the music, I was absorbing the knowledge like a sponge. Occlumency wasn't really a magic practice; I mean, I was pretty sure a muggle could practice occlumency.
It was more like a state of mind to hide your emotions and organise your thoughts. Charm your mind did, however, have spells to help empty your thoughts and such, but they had major drawbacks, like the fact you couldn't think at all while under the spell, which opened you up to more dangerous spells.
The better way that only the magically gifted could use was to create a shield either of magic or false thoughts. The magic shield acted as a barrier to stop the legilimency spell from taking the hold. However, this had a drawback of the caster knowing his legilimency spell had failed.
The more cunning could make a shield of magic and false memories, which would fool the legilimens into believing they had succeeded in entering the other's mind. This could allow the occlumens to trap the legilimens as well, and while they're studying the false memory, they do not notice that the occlumens can still act.
In Mike's letter about occlumency training, he said he was willing to sign a magical contract not to reveal anything he found in my mind because the easiest way to train occlumency was to be attacked by legilimency.
We also talked about the trace; I was surprised to find that occlumency was not picked up by the trace. There is something about it being internal magic, not external that the trace couldn't detect. He also said that Animagi, using their transformation, was also not picked up by the trace.
"So, Eddie, plans for Christmas," asked Hannah Abbot, who was sitting across from me.
"Training" I lifted the book in my hand.
"what's legilimency?" she asked.
"It is a method of reading one's mind with magic; that book covers spells and occlumency to protect one", Susan's Bones explained, "My aunt made me read it before coming to school."
"Why?" asked Tim
"My Aunt is the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement," Susan said, "she thought it would best for me to protect my mind from magical intrusion."
"A lot of ancient families train their children in it as well; Daphne Greengrass also practices it." I continued explaining, "That's why she seems cold and unapproachable."
"Really, I thought she was just a .." Tim was about to say something, then looked around at the three girls and thought better of it.
"so why are you learning it?" Susan asked.
"The Burroughs family, my mother's family, has requested I learn it," I said.
"The Burroughs family, the rich American family?" asked Susan, a bit shocked.
I nodded "Yeah", I shifted my attention back to my book.
"Who are the Burroughs?" asked Hannah to Susan in a whisper.
"They're an ancient American family that helped found America very rich. Richer than the Malfoys," Susan whispered. "My aunt has been complaining about them; apparently, a lot of their bodyguards, ex-aurors and hit wizards, have immigrated recently" She stared at me.
"I only know about Mike O'Keith." I said, "he was sent to train and protect me." not looking up from my book.
"my aunt said a dozen wizards and witches have come over," Susan said.
"Look, I don't know about them. But thank you for telling me." I said.
"Eddie, what do you mean to protect you?" asked Grant concerned.
"Oh, nothing, just my grandmother thinks my parents didn't die by accident" I didn't look at him; I was staring at a word in the book to hide my face. "She thought it would be best if I was protected."
"Oh," said Grant quietly. I had just ruined the mood in the compartment.
"anything off the trolly, dears?" asked the trolley witch.
"get anything you guys want, and I'll cover it", I smiled and said to my friends. "I'll have two chocolate frogs, ma'am", I said to the trolley witch. With that, the compartment turned lively again.
The leaky cauldron was lively for the Christmas holidays, with plenty of witches and wizards staying to do some Christmas shopping. I stored my trunk and my two bird cages with Tom.
I decided to bring not only Henley home for the holidays but also Rodney; he had become a close friend, and I wanted to get him to safety. I planned to leave him with the malhooks. He would be happy living in their garden. Maybe I should get him a couple of hens as well.
I headed into the bustling Diagon Alley. Some snow had fallen on London the night before, and there was still some build-up in the gutters of the alley. I was dressed in a warm jumper and jeans; my wand holster was still strapped to my belt with the guard closed. Also attached to the holster was my coin pouch. seeing people in robes and an assortment of hats, from the classic pointed-brimmed hat to the occasional fez, was always a bit funny to me . However, I noticed one thing: I couldn't see their wands or coin pouches hidden within the robe.
"maybe I should get a coat' I thought, so I headed to some of the clothing stores; madame malkins was the best for robes, but there were other stores. There was even a leather smith where I found riding coats, but they were a bit too cowboy for me.
I found a men's tailor called the Finner Threads, which had things from suits to dress robes and trench coats. I talked to the shop assistant and bought myself a black trench coat made of a soft material. It came down to mid-thigh and had many hidden pockets and a fitted wand holster inside.
They also paired me with a nice emerald green scarf made of the softest wool. I promised to come back for some other clothes. And I took a business card to make sure I remembered the shop. Everything in there was stylish and more modern than most stores.
I continued my shopping looking much sharper and with a smile on my face.