
Hogwarts: the magic of music

Eddie Carter is a young boy living in Cokeworths, England. He knew he had been reincarnated from another time. He retained knowledge from that time but not memories. He Didn't Know, however, that he was also in another world filled with wizards and magic until Owl tapped on his window and gave him a letter. Eddie is conflicted because he knows the world's plot but is unsure what to do with the knowledge. But he will strive to make the best of his situation and let the music of his magic guide him and maybe have some fun along the way.

Monty_Linden · 書籍·文学
96 Chs

Back to the Shack

Later that day, just before the study group, we miniaturized the piano and drums and led Tina to the seventh floor. Stopping in front of the tapestry of the dancing trolls. 

"Tina, you have to promise not to tell anybody about this" I looked at her

"Okay?" she said cautiously.

Pacing back and forth in front of the blank wall, I opened the room of requirements.

Tim and Grant smiled and opened the door to our music room. "it's good to be back," Tim said, setting down his drum kit and undoing the miniaturization. 

"This is it, isn't it?" Tina asked, looking at me with excitement. "the room of requirements." 

Of course, as a Ravenclaw, she knew about the room. "Yup," I said, making a popping sound with P.

"How did you find it?" she asked me.

"accident when I was looking for the music room," I said. "This room appeared, and after doing so much research, I knew what it was." 

*pop* the piano expanded in size, sitting again on the empty dais where we stole it from. "and then during the first year, we practised here till after the gig in the entrance courtyard," Grant explained.

"why did you use it again?" asked Tina.

"Well.. because moving the piano is a pain", I said "Maybe you should buy a keyboard", I said to Grant.

"blasphemy!" yelled Grant, hugging the piano. "he didn't mean that" he made shushing noises to the piano.

I shook my head at his antics. Grant, for all the proper way he presented himself, could still act like an idiot sometimes. "okay, let's learn a new song", I said, opening my satchel and pulling out my notebook of songs I had written from my knowledge. Finding one that I thought Tina would like, I used the doubling charm <Geminio >. Handing copies of them out without having to rip my notebook was easy. 

"not another love song", Tim sighed, reading the title.

"It's a heavy metal song" I handed the baseline and lyrics to Tina.

"Eddie, I might have to do some edits", Tina said, reading the lyrics.

"huh?' I said, "Oh, you mean the swear word it's just one. It should be fine." 

"no, I'm talking about near the end. Now it's got you by the balls. Really?" she quirked an eyebrow at me. 

"oh come on, it's one line, plus I'm sure this song would make all the boys' hearts go boom boom boom", I sniggered. She threw the sheet music at me.

"Nope, I'm not doing another love song. Pick something anit love or something else," she said.

"Fine!" I flipped through my book. "That's a really good song, though." I stopped on a song. "this one has a lot of curse words, but it is very anti-love, maybe." I passed the book to Tina.

"I'm not singing this", Tina said after a few lines.

"no, I would," I said.

"Are you okay, Eddie? This song is very angry," Tina said, "like what the hell. I hope you know I pack a chainsaw. I'll skin your ass raw" She looked up at me with confusion and concern. Tim started laughing his head off.

"It's just a song, Tina, don't need to read into, though yes, it's an angry song", I stated.

"Well, can you please pick one that's not angry," she said in a huff.

"you know what, fine. You guys look through the book and find something then." I threw up my hands. 

The three of them gathered around and started going through my songbook. "this one," Tina said, pointing at a song. Grant and Tim tilted their heads.

"Which song?" I looked over their shoulder. My eyes widened at what she was pointing at. I forgot I put that song in there. I put in because I knew the sheet music; it was in my knowledge. "really? this song."

"yeah, sure", Tim said.

 "it seems okay." Grant shrugged. "At least it's not a love song." 

"yay," Tina said and jumped. "I'm singing." 

"Sure." I said and started to play the intro to the song "It sounds a little like this."

"Great, let's practice" Tina put on her bass, and the others got in position, and we started working on the song. 

 I thought to myself as I played the song, 'She says not to pick an angry song, then choose one filled with teenage anger and angst.' I sighed. 'Women be weird; at least she sings it better than Simple Plan.' 


As time passed quickly, people started to wonder where we disappeared after the study group, and a rumour started to spread that we were going to the chamber of secrets. But with no new attacks, it was quickly quashed. Finally, the easter holidays were upon us. Snape came around to the second year of Slytherin and handed us our elective choice sheets. I was sitting in the Slytherin common room, enjoying some juice and reading a book, when Snape found me. 

"do you have a pen on you, sir?" I asked when he handed me mine. Snape pulled out the fountain pen I got him Christmas and handed it to me. I quickly wrote my name marked off ancient runes and care for magical creatures and handed it back.

Snape looked over it. "That was quick; you second-years usually agonize over the choice."

"Tina Cross had explained all the classes to my bandmates and me; I had already made up my mind", I told Professor Snape, handing back the pen as well. he nodded and walked away.

"two weeks of no classes", I sighed and leaned back in the wingback chair I was sitting in. I saw Draco and his followers.

"Eddie", Daphne, who was sitting in another chair around the fire " Can you play a song for me?" 

"huh? Okay, sure," I said, "Do you have a song in mind?" 

"no, just, I asked you last year, and you started but never did", she said in a small voice.

I blinked, thinking back to a smiling slytherin girl who asked me to play a song and then snapped and took my guitar away. 'That was Daphne? Huh,' I pulled out my acoustic guitar and made sure it was in tune.

"playing some more lame music", Draco said. I looked at him and his face and got an idea.

"yeah, I think you would like this one, Draco", I said. I looked at Daphne. "This is called Take Me Away," I said, "it's a bit of a sad song." 

•Take me AwaY by Tom Felton•

♫Mind's racing I keep pacing

But backwards I go

Tail chasing Been wasting

Away, don't I know?♫

Singing softly in the corner of the Slytherin common room. Daphne had a small smile on her face.

♫Maybe now it's all just a bad dream

And I will wake up some day

Laying flowers down; it's a sad scene

I don't know what to say♫

The fireplace started to shimmer with music.

♫So take me away

To a place I've never been

I'm dark as the night

Blue as the day's ever been♫

I flicked my eyes to it to get Daphne to look. Figures dance slowly in the fire. 

♫So here's hoping The blue ocean

Will wash my footprints away

I'm sat back in Mad traffic, and

I'm wasting my days♫

♫Maybe now it's all just a bad dream

And I will wake up some day

I'm laying flowers down; it's a sad scene

I don't know what to say♫

The fire show was a hypnotizing display, the soft music giving a sense of calm in the room.

♫So take me away

To a place I've never been

I'm dark as the night

I'm blue as the day's ever been

So take me away

Show me something I've not seen

You can't regret the endings if you never even let them begin

Never even let them begin♫

♫Maybe now it's all just a bad dream

And I will wake up some day

I'm laying flowers down; it's a sad scene

And I don't know what to say

And I don't know what to say♫

♫So take me away

To a place I've never been

I'm dark as the night

Blue as the day's ever been

So take me away

Show me something I've not seen

You can't regret the endings if you never even let them begin

Never even let them begin♫

I played a song to a soft ending. "thank you, Eddie", Dahpne smiled at me.

"Any time" i smiled at her.