
Hogwarts: Sign-In Mangekyo Sharingan [ Harry Potter]

Braun found himself thrust into the magical world of Harry Potter, facing a perilous encounter with werewolves from the outset. Miraculously, just as danger loomed, a sign-in system materialized, offering unexpected rewards. "Ding! You've signed in at the wolf's lair and unlocked the [Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan]!" "Ding! You've signed in at the Leaky Cauldron and acquired [Dark Fruit]!" "Ding! You've signed in at Hogwarts..." As the wizards beheld the blood-red eyes in the shadows, fear gripped them all. Dumbledore: "No one is more fitting to be Minister of Magic than Braun!" Voldemort: "He's the Dark Lord, even darker than myself!" Hermione: "Just as I suspected of someone I hold in high regard! Braun, you possess unparalleled power in the world!" Leaves some power stones MY CRYPTO ADDRESS: 0x6B156E6043D3e0EFDA868A37bAA8f8be3c101477

4thSecret · 書籍·文学
38 Chs

Meeting Harry And Ron

"Fret not; he's a fully grown crow. He can learn to open the cage on his own," Braun advised Tom, who remained silent but appeared visibly irked, understanding Braun's message.

A few days ago, Braun referred to himself as "Little Sweet Baby." However, now, with the presence of young female wizard cubs, he seemed to have abandoned that title. Tom, unwilling to endure the situation, took it upon himself to figure out how to open the cage. He used his clever little mind, confident that such an ordinary task wouldn't trouble the intelligent Lord Tom.

"Hello, is there anyone else here?" While Tom struggled with the iron cage, the compartment door was pushed open by the two boys.

The boys were roughly the same age as Braun, though with unusual hair colors— one red and one black. However, in the magical world with its diverse bloodlines, hair color was not a significant consideration.

"Oh! It's you!" Ron looked at Braun in surprise. His relationship with Braun wasn't particularly close, and they had only met three times in total, including this occasion. It was more like being able to talk a bit.

"Just have a seat. There's plenty of room for more," Braun said generously, aware that the compartment could seat more than just the two of them. They might as well invite Harry and Ron inside.

This was the first time Braun had come into contact with the protagonist group all at once, and he felt a little excited about it. Of course, it was just the kind of excitement that comes from meeting the characters in the story, not the kind that would make him kneel and fawn.

"I'm Ron Weasley. This is Harry Potter."

"Oh my God!" Before Ron could finish his introduction, Hermione exclaimed. She pointed at Harry excitedly, looking both thrilled and curious at the scar on his forehead. "You're Harry Potter? The boy who defeated Voldemort!"

Hermione couldn't help but shout in surprise, her cute little face flushed with excitement. On the contrary, Ron stared at Hermione with a frightened look in his eyes.

"Hermione, we don't usually call him Voldemort, but You-Know-Who," Braun explained to Hermione helplessly, knowing that the word Voldemort had rattled Ron. To be honest, even he would feel uneasy when someone mentioned this name. It wasn't about fear but a conditioned reflex formed by the original body during the family's teaching sessions.

"Why?" Hermione looked very puzzled. Harry's expression mirrored hers.

"Because of a curse; any wizard who pronounces his name will attract his attention, and then he will send his servant to eliminate the person who uttered his name. I'm not even sure if that's entirely true, but most wizards think so. It's a precautionary measure," Braun shrugged, sharing the information he found in his family's study.

After listening to Braun's explanation, Hermione apologized to Ron very embarrassedly, and they started talking enthusiastically again.

"By the way, Harry, did you see what You-Know-Who looks like?" The small, dark-haired boy shook his head.

"All I can remember is the green light and the muffled scream. As for the rest, I'm sorry, I can't remember everything," Harry said. Hermione was a little disheartened, seeing that she hadn't obtained any valuable information. But Harry persisted, "Hermione, is one of your parents a wizard?"

He asked this because he felt that Hermione didn't seem like a pure Muggle student; she appeared to know something about everything. Unlike myself. I know nothing.

"Of course not!" Hermione shook her head. She seemed curious about why Harry was asking that.

"My parents are ordinary people; they are both dentists. They were horrified when they received my Hogwarts acceptance letter. They thought it was a prank. Thanks to Professor McGonagall, who was sent by the school to explain it in person," Hermione explained aloud.

"I know you from reading some books I bought in Diagon Alley. But you can also ask Braun if you are curious about wizards! His parents seem to be wizards," Hermione pointed to Braun, who was sitting beside her, smiling.

"Hello, I'm Braun Rowle." Braun shook Harry's hand.

Then Harry couldn't wait any longer. "Braun, is your family a wizarding family?"

He desperately wanted to learn something about the wizarding world right now.

"Yes, but it's just a small family. If you're curious, you can ask Ron next to you; the Weasley family is big. Not only in England, but also in France, America, and even distant Egypt," Braun said jokingly. To be honest, he still didn't fully believe what his grandmother had said, but he found some supporting information in the family records when he researched the family's history.

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