
Hogwarts Legacy

The story is about a guy named Draco Malfoy who has just entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It would seem that he is the same as everyone else, only he is subject to a great power, namely “Ancient Magic”. Let's watch as he gains control of his power, overcoming many difficulties and finding loyal friends and followers in the process...

Ratnik · 書籍·文学
27 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


Great Britain, Wiltshire.


A wide driveway, lined with hedges, led to a beautiful four-story building with small pointed towers arranged symmetrically. It was a well-known estate among wizards, belonging to the ancient Malfoy family.


At the entrance to the manor stood a tall wrought iron gate, decorated in the Gothic style. The pathway on the approaches and on the estate itself was made of small granite bricks, framed on the sides by yellow sandstone. Dense yew hedges were planted along the sides, hiding the fountain behind it. A white peacock walked proudly along the hedges.


There were only five people living on this estate. Abraxas Malfoy, who was the head of the family. Lucius Malfoy, Abraxas' son. His wife Narcissa Malfoy that in her maidenhood belonged to another ancient family, the Black family, as well as their children. Eldest son Draco Malfoy and youngest daughter Flora Malfoy.




- Draco, get up, there's a letter for you! - I heard my sister's ringing voice through my sleep, and then I grudgingly opened my eyes.


- Flora, that's what you start early in the morning, let me sleep, eh? - I begged her, for if she got something into her head, I couldn't get rid of her.


- But you got a letter! Mama said to give it to you as soon as possible! - She showed me a yellowish parchment envelope in her hand.


- Who is it again? That stupid-headed Vincent Crabbe or your clingy friend Daphne Greengrass?


- No, not them, it's a letter from Hogwarts! - She finally turned the envelope over to me, and I noticed the crest and seal of the famous wizarding school for young wizards.


- Why didn't you say so in the first place! - I yanked the letter out of her hands. I was so excited that my drowsiness disappeared. After all, I had been waiting for this moment for an incredibly long time. I would finally get into Hogwarts and be able to master magic and numerous spells.




Well, not that I didn't know a few simple spells, but you can't do much magic with your ancestors' wand, because they don't listen to other people at all. And you can only get your own wand when you're enrolled at Hogwarts.


Quickly tearing the seal off the envelope, I pulled out a couple folded sheets of paper and a ticket for the Hogwarts Express.




The ticket was made of heavy yellow paper with gold embossing. I didn't look at it much and, putting it back in the envelope, started unfolding the folded sheets. Unfolding the first one, I began to read the text aloud. It was clear from the look on my little sister's face that she was wildly curious about what it said....




Principal: Albus Dumbledore


(Knight of the Order of Merlin I degree, Grand Wizard, Supreme Wizard, President of the International Confederation of Wizards)


Dear Mr. Malfoy!


We are pleased to inform you that you have been granted a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Please see the attached list of required books and items.


Classes begin on September 1. We expect your owl no later than July 31st.


- Ha ha, finally!" I exclaimed, and then ran to my mom.


- Mom, I got into Hogwarts! - I handed her the letter when I got to the living room, but she wouldn't even look at it.


- Good for you, son, go wash up and sit down to breakfast. In the meantime, I'll send an owl to Hogwarts that we got their letter. And then we'll go to Slanted Lane to buy supplies.


- Draco, are you going to Hogwarts now? - Flora's sad voice suddenly sounded behind me.


- Yes, Flora, I'm going to Hogwarts soon.


- What about me? What am I going to do alone without you? I'll be bored! - tears welled up in her eyes.


- Don't cry. It'll happen sooner or later. You have friends, you can play with them. I'm sure you'll get used to my absence. - Patting her on the head, I went to the bathroom to wash my face....






Once I was done with breakfast, my mom and I finally headed to Slanted Lane. I had already had to go there a few times with my father to get money from the bank or to buy some necessary things. So I, already being familiar with this kind of traveling, calmly went to the fireplace and, throwing the flying powder under me, called out: "Slanting Alley." Immediately I was engulfed in green flames, and the next instant I was out of the special fireplace that had been set up in the alley for such travels.


Immediately after me, my mother emerged from it as well.


- Come on Draco, pull out the list of study supplies and read it out. We need to decide exactly where to start shopping. - She spoke up, not wanting to waste any more time.


I didn't want to waste time either and quickly pulled out the letter and read the text:


Freshman students required:


Three simple work robes (black).


One simple pointed hat (black) for every day.


One pair of protective gloves (dragon skin or similar material).


One winter cloak (black, silver clasps).


Please remember that the clothing must be labeled with the student's first and last name.


Each student is expected to have the following books:


"The Cursive Book of Conspiracies and Spells" (first year). Miranda Hussockle


"History of Magic." Bathilda Bagshot


"Theory of Magic". Adalbert Woffling


"A transfiguration manual for beginners". Emeric Switch


"A Thousand Magical Plants and Mushrooms". Phyllida Spore


"Magical potions and potions". Gig Mysziakoff


"Fantastic beasts: habitats". Newt Salamander


"Dark forces: a manual of self-defense". Quentin Trimble


1 magic wand,


1 cauldron (pewter, standard size #2),


1 set of glass or crystal vials,


1 telescope,


1 copper scale.


Students may also bring an owl or cat or toad.





- Hmm, I see. Draco, honey, the first thing you're going to have to do is buy uniforms. Go to that store and order your uniform. I'll buy you everything else and by the time you're done, I'll be waiting for you downstairs. - Narcissa left my company, and I went in the direction of the store with the sign "Madame Malkin. Clothes for all occasions."


On my way there, I looked around. There were students of all ages everywhere. Some, like me, had just entered Hogwarts, so they were buying school supplies. And some were buying textbooks for the new school year.


And those who had nothing to do at all were crowding around the broom display case, where the new Nimbus 1500 broom was on display.


Entering the store, I immediately noticed Madame Malkin. She appeared to be a stocky smiling sorceress dressed in pinkish purple robes.....