
Hogwarts: I am Harry's eldest cousin

Becoming Harry's eldest cousin, designated as Muggle by the original author. Brother Xun has a good saying: "Merlin closes a door for you, and he will open a window for you." After getting a strange mage training system... Merlin opened the skylight above Dudley's head... Well, maybe Merlin had lifted the roof of Dudley house. Dudley Dursley: "Listen to me, it’s not what you think, I'm a spellcaster!" Under the moon, Dudley twisted his waist in a strange pose, and a BGM sounded behind him: "Okay, I have a showdown." I admit that wizards have limits, so I will no longer be a wizard! Potter! "System, if you keep doing this, I will learn seventy-two changes and become a Super Saiyan." Note: Brother Xun is an author of books for primary schools Author: Lord Berefeld *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong’s to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change.

dragonoid001 · 書籍·文学
66 Chs

Chapter 56: Recite the five major oaths of Ultra

"1. Don't go to school on an empty stomach."

"2. I will air my laundry when the weather is good."

"3. I will watch out for cars when crossing the street."

"4. I will not rely on others."

"5. I will play and run around barefoot."

These five sentences, five Oaths, were shouted from Malfoy's mouth as he ran, repeating them over and over again.

At first, these five sentences may sound childish, but in reality, they hide deeper meanings.

"Don't go to school on an empty stomach" signifies that one should be well-prepared before undertaking any task. If not adequately prepared, it may lead to failure, and all previous efforts will be in vain.

" I will air my laundry when the weather is good " suggests seizing opportunities and not missing chances to showcase your talents.

" I will watch out for cars when crossing the street " implies being attentive to details in tasks, not overlooking any potential pitfalls, and being cautious and thorough, focusing on details for success.

"Don't rely on the strength of others" signifies that you should do things independently, relying on your own strength. The satisfaction after completing a task with your own efforts is incomparable to having others help you.

"Don't play barefoot on the ground" emphasizes having a strategy, protecting yourself, and being prepared for any situation, be on guard against others, you must be cautious and prioritize safety in all endeavors.

These five sentences also go by another name—the Five Oaths of Ultra.

In reality, as Malfoy ran, he was merely reflexively shouting these slogans. His mind had become blurred and unable to focus since the second lap. Beads of sweat, as large as beans, rolled down his forehead. His face was flushed, his throat felt like it was releasing smoke, his body burned as if in a furnace, and his feet were uncomfortably heavy, like they were filled with lead.

By the end of the second lap, Malfoy felt that every step he took and every breath he drew became exceptionally difficult. His body seemed to have reached its limit and was about to explode.

However, every time he felt his body reach its limit, a Spoon would precisely fall from the sky, striking him on the head with great precision. Pain was Malfoy's initial reaction, but within the pain, there was a comfortable and warm sensation, almost like sunshine, which miraculously kept him going.

On a casual glance back one time, Malfoy seemed to see a glimmer of light on Dursley's hand.


Malfoy didn't know what it was. At this moment, his only focus was on completing the training.

After finishing the third lap, Dursley intercepted him when Malfoy intended to continue running.

"Today's quota has been fulfilled, though later than I expected."

From 7:00 to 10:00, it took a full three hours to complete, even with Dursley's supervision. Without him, it would likely have taken three times longer.

Malfoy's consciousness returned to reality, gradually waking up.

"Completed? Me?"

With widened eyes, his slightly flushed and pale face displayed an expression of incredulity.

"Congratulations on sticking with it. Very well done. Your perseverance exceeded my expectations."

Dursley praised generously.

Hearing Dursley's words, Malfoy confirmed that he had indeed completed the task. At that moment, he felt a warm sensation throughout his body, a feeling of elevation.

"I did it! On my own!"

As the only son of the Malfoy family, he had been pampered at home. Parents, elders, and their friends had cared for him. His peers looked up to him.

"You are born noble, a pure-blood wizard superior to others." This was the teaching of his father, Lucius.

Growing up in such an environment, Malfoy naturally developed a spoiled and arrogant personality, behaving like a coddled child.

However, Malfoy had never set any goals for himself or made any efforts to achieve them. Most of the time, he only needed to speak, and his family would fulfill his wishes.

Therefore, Malfoy had never experienced this feeling of breaking through oneself, conquering oneself.

Only those who enjoyed exercising and surpassing themselves understood.

Although tired, it wasn't bad.

This was the charm of exercising muscles.

"This potion can alleviate your muscle fatigue. Drink it."

Dursley took out a potion from his pocket and handed it to Malfoy.

Feeling great, Malfoy, at this moment, had developed a reflexive obedience to Dursley. Without thinking, he tilted his head back and drank the potion.

After drinking the potion, the soreness in his limbs significantly eased, and he felt a warm, comfortable sensation inside. It was indescribable but incredibly pleasant.


Malfoy was so comfortable that he almost exclaimed. Suddenly, he felt that exercising with Dursley was quite enjoyable.

At this point, Malfoy's feelings towards Dursley were not merely about admiring strength; there was also a touch of Stockholm syndrome at play.

"Go and rest. Tomorrow, come a bit earlier. Change the time to 6:00, and make sure not to be late. By the way, there might be an additional person tomorrow, but he won't be exercising."

Dursley mentioned the person was Harry. Last night, Harry had asked Hedwig to deliver a letter to Dursley, explaining that he had some business to attend to and would sleep in, so he wouldn't come to watch Dursley's exercise today.

Except for a few situations, he was usually punctual every day.

Dursley had invited him to exercise together before, but he had declined. However, he still enjoyed watching Dursley exercise.

Does watching others exercise seem more interesting than doing it oneself?

Dursley didn't understand.

Waving his hand, indicating that Malfoy could leave, Malfoy assured that he would arrive on time tomorrow. He felt full of enthusiasm and hobbled towards the Slytherin common room.

Dursley, with meaningful eyes, glanced at Malfoy's back.

Although Malfoy appeared to be the thorn in Slytherin, causing trouble and provoking him multiple times, in reality, he was the easiest to handle among all Slytherins.

This was why Dursley chose him.

After the morning exercise, Dursley did not rest. After taking a shower and grabbing a notebook, he left again.

In the puzzled gaze of Madam Pince, the librarian, and several young wizards, Dursley walked to a corner and sat down beside a girl with a shaggy hair.

After all, with Dursley's physique, he didn't look like someone who loved studying.

"Why are you so late today?" Hermione asked seemingly casually.

Dursley pulled out a book on spell analysis and began flipping through it. "I spent some time exercising with a little kid."

"A girl?"

"A boy."

"Tomorrow, I'll come too."

"Why the change today?"

Dursley looked at Hermione with some surprise. He had previously suggested that she exercises with him, just like Harry, but both had refused. However, unlike Harry, Hermione's reason was that she didn't want to develop exaggerated muscles like Dursley.

For this reason, Dursley had given Hermione a special lesson in physiology.

Under normal circumstances, girls' muscle development efficiency was not as good as boys due to physiological differences. Without deliberately focusing on muscle training, Hermione could not develop exaggerated muscles like Dursley.

Frankly speaking, Dursley liked athletic girls, with curvy figures and tight bodies...

"What are you looking at? You can't?" Hermione threatened Dursley with a grin.

However, her conspicuous pair of bunny teeth did not convey any sense of threat, but rather a cuteness.

"Cough, be quiet!"

Madam Pince's voice sounded, and she had been paying attention to Dursley, considering his large build.

(End of chapter)

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