
Hogwarts: I am Harry's eldest cousin

Becoming Harry's eldest cousin, designated as Muggle by the original author. Brother Xun has a good saying: "Merlin closes a door for you, and he will open a window for you." After getting a strange mage training system... Merlin opened the skylight above Dudley's head... Well, maybe Merlin had lifted the roof of Dudley house. Dudley Dursley: "Listen to me, it’s not what you think, I'm a spellcaster!" Under the moon, Dudley twisted his waist in a strange pose, and a BGM sounded behind him: "Okay, I have a showdown." I admit that wizards have limits, so I will no longer be a wizard! Potter! "System, if you keep doing this, I will learn seventy-two changes and become a Super Saiyan." Note: Brother Xun is an author of books for primary schools Author: Lord Berefeld *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong’s to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change.

dragonoid001 · 書籍·文学
66 Chs

Chapter 41: Unfortunately Offending a Malfoy

A cold-faced Slytherin rose from the other end of the long table, addressing the first-year newcomers with an unquestionable command. Dudley learned from other young wizards' introductions that this person was the current prefect of Slytherin.

In Hogwarts, the heads of the four houses selected an outstanding student from their respective houses starting from the fifth year, appointing them as prefects until graduation. Prefects were responsible for guiding new students, managing daily affairs within their year, and, of course, deducting points from their own house, similar to a combination of counselors and class monitors.

And this person was the prefect for the fifth year.

When the prefect of their own house gave an order, the first-year wizards naturally dared not disobey. Even Draco Malfoy, who always boasted about his father, followed quietly behind.

During the procession, a little incident occurred. A Slytherin wizard, passing by Dudley, deliberately bumped his shoulder with some pitiful force. However, his feeble attempt had no impact on Dudley, and due to the mutual force, the Slytherin wizard himself stumbled to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Dudley lifted him up and patted the dust off him. "Pay attention when walking."

After speaking, Dudley, without looking back, followed the rest of the group. It was his first time at Hogwarts, and more importantly, his first time in Slytherin. He needed to memorize the route; getting lost would be embarrassing.

"Fawley, you really embarrassed yourself."

"Why show mercy? He offended a Malfoy."

Once Dudley walked away, other Slytherin wizards immediately gathered, chattering away quietly. Originally, they intended to let the newcomer experience a bit of their authority, considering he was the strongest besides Dudley within the first three years.

However, their attempt failed, and they ended up on the ground themselves.

They unanimously believed that Fawley had shown mercy.

Fawley didn't say a word; he just silently watched the spot where Dudley had left, rubbing his still-aching shoulder.

Only he knew that he hadn't held back at all. He had used all his strength just now; otherwise, he wouldn't be in pain.

"It feels like I hit a steel plate."

"If only this physique could play Quidditch."

Shaking his head, Fawley dispelled the thought from his mind.

Unfortunately, he had offended a Malfoy.

The Malfoy family held considerable influence in the wizarding world, belonging to the elite of the upper-class wizarding society. Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, not only had a say in the Ministry of Magic, could join the ranks of ministry officials at any time, but was also one of the directors of Hogwarts. Most importantly, he was very wealthy—extremely wealthy.

At one point, he was even considered the wealthiest Malfoy.

Offending him was equivalent to offending the aristocracy. In Slytherin, for a common wizard to offend someone of high status was akin to offending everyone.

As the Sorting Hat had said, Slytherin's culture had completely decayed.

Slytherin's common room was located beneath Hogwarts Castle, in the dungeons. To be honest, the location was quite terrible.

Cold and damp were the hallmarks of this place. The humidity in the dungeon was heavy, and long-term residence in such an environment could have a significant impact on physical development. It could lead to poor skin condition, not to mention the increased likelihood of eczema and, in more severe cases, rheumatoid arthritis.

For Dudley, who had a perfect score in all subjects, medicine was also within his scope, although he only touched the surface to illuminate the skill level.

Of course, all these perspectives were from a scientific point of view. This was Hogwarts, where magic, not science, ruled. Perhaps Madam Pomfrey, the Hogwarts matron, would solve these problems for the young wizards.

According to the description from the prefect, passing through the spiral corridor would lead them to the Slytherin common room.

Dudley silently noted the entire surroundings. Since the Sorting, he hadn't had a chance to speak with Harry or Hermione. He regretted not arranging a time with them before the Sorting.

If there was time, he could ask Hedwig to deliver letters to them.

The relationships between the four Hogwarts houses were worse than he had imagined.

Especially between Gryffindor and Slytherin, the two houses were practically mortal enemies. Although there wasn't much fundamental conflict between students, the atmosphere of the houses turned them into adversaries.

Were Gryffindor and Slytherin mortal enemies?

Dudley was unclear when this saying started, as all the books he had read recorded it this way, including the famous "A History of Hogwarts."

Everyone only remembered that Gryffindor and Slytherin had differing ideologies and went their separate ways, without mentioning that Gryffindor and Slytherin were once the closest of friends, inseparable in life and death.

"Password!" The stone wall emitted a mechanically emotionless voice.

The Slytherin prefect responded with the same indifferent tone, "Glory."

The stone wall slowly opened, revealing the spacious common room inside.

"Remember the password. If you forget, don't enter again." The prefect instructed the young wizards in a cold tone, then walked in ahead of them.

The young wizards followed the prefect's footsteps into the common room.

The temperature was about two degrees lower than the Great Hall.

That was Dudley's immediate impression, and then he saw the continuously burning fireplace in the center.

Without a fire, it was at least ten degrees colder than the Great Hall.

Afterward, Dudley began to survey the surroundings. The overall style of the Slytherin common room was full of mysterious Gothic architectural features, predominantly in dim green tones, giving off a mysterious and unpredictable feeling.

But this kind of lighting wasn't very eye-friendly. If he wanted to read, he probably needed to find another place.

The huge arched French windows on all four walls revealed a chilly atmosphere. Occasionally, through the windows, one could see fish swimming outside. Since it was the Black Lake, the windows in Slytherin couldn't be opened, and the windows were subjected to a permanent fixing charm.

In fact, Slytherin's common room was converted from the dungeons, so it was also called the Slytherin Dungeon. Because it was in the dungeon, it always gave people a somewhat eerie and silent feeling.

Actually, the common rooms of all four houses were converted. Hufflepuff's was converted from the servants' dining area, near the kitchen. Ravenclaw's was said to be transformed from the astronomy tower, and Gryffindor's common room was allegedly an old storage room.

"Boys stay on this side, girls on that side."

The prefect gave simple instructions, pointing out the location of the dormitories for the first-year wizards before hastily leaving.

As if not wanting to stay here for a moment longer.

By the way, the older Slytherin students didn't follow the prefect back. Only wizards in the third year and below were so obedient.

As soon as the prefect left the common room, Dudley felt dozens of unfriendly eyes on him.

They clearly had some ill intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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