
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · アニメ·コミックス
70 Chs

Whispering Among the School5

"Yeah, I'm dead serious." Shingo said.

"To think that Kiyoshi and Gakuto had a physical relationship."

"What a surprise. *Cough*" Jo said with a cough.

"HUH!?" Kiyoshi was beyond confused and horrified. Just what the hell were the boys talking about!? Him and Gakuto having a physical relationship.

"I always thought it was weird how they got along so well lately. And like I expected, while in the showers, I saw Gakuto going for Kiyoshi's jewel." Shingo still remembers that event as it stayed vividly in his thoughts. The image of Gakuto bending down, his head right near Kiyoshi's jewel area.

"Wait!? WHAT THE HELL SHINGO!? WHO WAS GOING AT WHAT AND WHEN!?" Kiyoshi panicked in his thoughts as he continued listening to their conversation, safe below them.

"I couldn't believe it too, but once I took another peek to see if I was just imagining it, the next thing I saw….."

"W-Wait! There's more!?" Andre exclaimed in shock.

"*Cough* Don't tell me. *Cough*" 

"Yeah," Shingo paled at the thought. "Just like you think, Kiyoshi was drilling right into Gakuto's ass. Gakuto was saying it hurt, but Kiyoshi had no mercy."

"So Kiyoshi was the seme."

"And Gakuto was the uke." 

"DON'T SCREW AROUND! I'M STILL A FULL FLEDGE VIRGIN YOU ASSHOLE!" Kiyoshi screamed in thought. His enraged eyes looked above him, more specially at Shingo since he was the one who was spreading the rumor.

"Well, even if they 'stick together', in a double meaning. They're still my friends. I mean, don't you guys agree." 

"Of course." Andre agreed.

"SO THAT'S WHY HE CHOSE TO BE IN A DIFFERENT GROUP! ALL BECAUSE OF THAT MISUNDERSTANDING! I mean, I'm relieved that he doesn't know about our plan….but still I'm-"

"Hey….." Jo speaks up in a rather serious tone. "Since we're relaying secrets here, I think I should let you guys know this."

"Huh?" Both Shingo and Andre's ears perked at him. Including Kiyoshi, even though he feared it has something to do with him and Gakuto misunderstanding the relationship.

"The other day. I overheard the Vice President and Hana conversation. It was about Matsuri." He said with a cough at the end. 

"Really? What about him?" Shingo asked, curious about what was going on.


"I heard what he did at his old school. And I believe that Matsuri isn't as innocent as we think he is."

"Wait, Jo. What are you saying?" Andre asked as he was now getting more eager to hear what Matsuri did.

"He may have *cough* took pictures of the female student council president naked at his old school."


No words were spoken. Just utter silence between the four boys (with Kiyoshi included). They just looked at Jo with a shocked and utterly horrified look on their faces. Kiyoshi donned a similar look on his face as well. 


"W-Wait, no way. There's no way that Matsuri did that. I-I mean come on, remember his dumb moral when he refused to go peeping at the girls." Shingo tried to deny it.

"He could've just been faking it." Jo retorted. "I mean, it is possible *cough* for someone to possess a split personality."

"A-Are you sure you heard that right?" Andre said with a nervous glance.

"I did. And it doesn't stop there….."

"There's more!?" Kiyoshi thought in panic. 

"Apparently, the photo got leaked across the school. Rumor spreaded around about the council president. It affected her standing so much, she….."

"W-Wait, don't tell me….s-she…." Shingo already fears the worst case scenario.

"Yes. *Cough* She took her own life. "

The boys wore horrified looks on their faces. Cold sweat rolled off of their skins. Shingo's eyes were wide as plates as he just looked at Jo with eyes of disbelief, but the fact that he heard it from the council members rang true. Andre was on the similar boat as he just trembled in fear, a student taking her own life because of the horrible crime that Matsuri did!?

The one who was hurt the most was Kiyoshi. His body just froze in place, cold sweat rolling down against his skin. His eyes shot dead straight ahead. Was it the truth? Did Matsuri really do that? That couldn't be true! He seemed like a nice guy when they met! Was this true!?

"Y-You're kidding right?" Shingo spoke with a shaky voice. "M-Matsuri didn't do that did he?"

Jo took a moment to think as he brought his hand to his chin. "Well, take it with a grain of salt *cough* but I have heard this from two of the council members."

"But if he did! Then why the hell isn't he in prison like us!?"

"*Cough* They're trying to catch him in the act."

"He must be really good at hiding it then…..but I'm a little concerned…." Andre said with a tremble. "You don't think he picked this school just because he plans on doing the same here right?"

"No doubt. That asshole possibly thinking about doing the same thing to these girls. And I can already bet you he already has his target." Shingo said with a serious look. The boys nodded in agreement.

"H-He does? Who!?"

"The Vice President." They all said in sync. 

"Huh!? Really!?"

"No doubt. I thought it was weird how Matsuri was getting close to her. He's trying to swoon her in so he can strike. Then once he is done with her, the rest of the council are next. Then the whole female students at this school."

"D-Don't you think we're jumping the gun here too fast?" Andre still had his doubts, but was still hesitant.

"M-Maybe, but what else is there to go on." Shingo said.

"Like I said, take it with a grain of salt," Jo said with a cough. Trying to calm down his two panicked steak friends. "I don't know if Matsuri is that type of person. But for now we should possibly just watch him."

"Still though, to think he's that type of person." Shingo said with a grave tone. 

Kiyoshi just froze in place. His mind is still racking, wondering what has just transpired. Was it all true? Did Matsuri really do those horrible things at his old school? Even though Jo did hear it from the council members, there were still some doubts in it. If he did commit those crimes, why is he not in jail with them? There's no way.

"No. He could've done it. There's no way...right?" He was fighting with himself. His two thoughts clash with each other. "I want to hear it from Matsuri himself before I jump to conclusions." He thought to himself.

Before he could walk any further, his body flinched at a familiar booming voice.

"WHAT YOU BASTARD SLACKING OFF FOR! GET BACK TO WORK!" She demanded in her usual tone. 

"Shit! The vice president!" 

The three boys screamed in terror as they scurried to their work position away from the enraged vice president. The grey-hair amazon huffed an air as she gave them an annoyed look.

"Ugh. As soon as I take my eyes off of you guys you slack off." She said with an annoyed tone.

Right below her, completely unnoticed, Kiyoshi's eyes peeked through the small hole. His eyes caught sight of something completely unbelievable and would make any man jealous of his position. He was right underneath the vice president, giving him a gorgeous view of her groin area. 

He could see her prize downstairs from his position. Her gorgeous plump ass cheeks were being squeezed against her thin purple thong. Standing tall with her muscular thighs, which were covered with her high socks. All the way down to her boots. 

The gray-haired president sighs to herself as she readied herself. She spread her legs apart. Giving Kiyoshi a more perfect view. 

"I should continue here." Meiko said as she clapped her hand together. Preparing to do her hindu squats. 

Kiyoshi gasped to himself. "Wait! Really!? She's doing her hindu squats here!"

Before he could think even further. Meiko, with all her strength, moves her body down and up, down and up. In a repeated pattern. 

Below her, Kiyoshi's eyes caught sight of her ass coming closer in view. Beads of sweat flew off of her skin and below her. Bullets of them spread onto Kiyoshi's face. His eyes were glued to her ass and groin coming closer and pushing away. Closer and away from him as she continued her squats. He could hear her breathing with each squats. 

"This is AWESOME! Her ass and groin come closer whenever she squats! Closer and going away! CLOSER AND GOING AWAY!" He screamed in his thoughts as his blood began to pump faster as he was getting stimulated from this experience. 

Then a rush of thought occurred in his mind. He remembered what he was supposed to be doing. "Gak! What am I doing!? I can't stay here and be engrossed in this. No matter how awesome it is! I need to keep moving before I get in trouble!" He thought to himself as he continued to crawl his way through the passageway. 

As Meiko pushes herself up, her heels suddenly slide against the wood. The heels suddenly slip through the small opening, piercing right through the small opening. And right below her, her heels stabbed right through Kiyoshi's ass. 

The boy did everything he could to keep himself from screaming out in pain. He bit down at his arm as hard as he could with tears leaking out of his eyes. Screaming on his arm with a muffled painful scream sound. 

Meiko forcefully pulled her heel from the hole with a bit of blood dripping from the tip. She bends down and looks at the condition. 

"Hmm…..did I step on a rat….." She said as she picked at it. "Well, I guess that's enough training for now."


Dusk was falling before them, the crows in the sky cried in the twilight sky. The boys formed a line in front of the council members. Meiko standing tall as usual with Matsuri and Etsuko on opposite ends.

The boys stood in formation, standing tall facing the vice president. Shingo, Jo, and Andre were looking back and forward at Matsuri and the vice president. Cold sweat is still leaking against their skins. 

Matsuri took notice of their behavior and honestly it made him nervous. 

"Now that I think about it. Kiyoshi was giving me a similar expression…..why are they acting like that in front of me?"

Gakuto whispered near Kiyoshi's ears. "You look unwell, did something happen?"

"A Lot of things happen…." He whispered to his friends.

"That concludes today's work hour! But there's one thing I want to inquire about." Meiko said as she set her fist upon her hips. Her eyes on Kiyoshi. "Kiyoshi! Step forward!" She demanded.

Kiyoshi flinched, with Gakuto and Shingo perking at his name being called. Not wanting to make her mad, he stepped forward.

"You were away for a long time in the toilet, were you slacking off." She said as she squinted her eyes.

Kiyoshi flinched. Sweat leaked against his skin as he trembled. "W-Well I was um…."

"K-Kiyoshi-dono has a weak stomach." Gakuto said with his hand raised. 

"Really? But it never took you this long before?"

Kiyoshi began to panic. He had to come up with something or else their escape plan would be ruined. But what excuse could he make?

Matsuri and Etsuko were on similar boats. If Kiyoshi were to crack now, then all their effort would go to waste. 

"S-Should we help?" Etsuko asked Matsuri. 

"I don't know…..I'm not sure what to come up with in this situation. If he didn't take so long then she would've been suspicious from the start."

"I know but still….."

"Um….actually. It was a lie about his weak stomach." Shingo said with a raised hand.

All five of them looked at Shingo with mixed reactions across their faces. More specifically, Kiyoshi and Gakuto had worried looks on their faces. 

"Shingo? What are you doing!?" Kiyoshi thought to himself.

"Hmm…..what do you mean?" Meiko asked with narrowed eyes.

Shingo walks over to Kiyoshi who is trembling right now. Just what was Shingo doing. The blonde-haired boy sets his hands on Kiyoshi's shoulders and twists his body around. As soon as he revealed Kiyoshi back, the group grimaced at his butt. Which was covered in a lot of blood. 

"Actually, he has hemorrhoids. And a serious case too." He said.

"Holy shit!" Matsuri thought to himself as he just grimaced at the sight of the blood. Next to him Etsuko was covering her mouth before a gasp escaped her mouth.

"What the hell!? Where did this blood come from! OH SHIT! Now I remember! It was from when the Vice Prez stabbed me with her heels!" 

"I-I see. That explains everything. Get well soon." She said to him with a soft tone.


"[He wasn't just a seme after all.]"

"[He's an uke too, huh.]"

"[There's no need to actually go that far.]"

The boys whispered to themselves. Still believing that Kiyoshi and Gakuto have some sort of relationship with each other.

-Outside of SchoolGround-

In the forest field area, The Chairman had a shovel in his hand as he was patting the wet cement in the wagon. Next to the wagon was a small hole that he dug up.

The man had sweat rolled against his skin as he was patting the cement in the wagon. The twilight sky beat down against him. 

"This time, I'll bury it with cement. So I never again can dig it up." He said with a serious tone and ragged breath. 

Inside the small hole, his case was titled "Beloved Hips". His collection of hips and asses were inside the case. 

The chairman looked straight at the case with solemn eyes. The man's lips quivered a bit as he gripped the handle of the wagon. He stared at the case for a good moment or so before he could say his final good-bye to his beloved collection.

"With this...is really good…..bye!" He said as he lifted the wagon and poured the cement inside the hole. He watches on as the cement fluid fills the hole, completely consuming the case. 

Small tears leaked out of the chairman's eyes as he continued looking at the case. It pains him to say his good-bye to his beloved collection, but this is something he has to do. To change for his school, his students…..and his daughters.

Once the hole has been filled. He put down the wagon and just silently cried. It only took a moment or so before he wiped his eyes with his sleeves.

"Do not cry Usa…..this is for your own good. To become a better….man!" He said as he regained his composure. 

As he looked onward, his eyes caught something. Curiosity got the best of him as he walked over towards the wall that surrounds the school. His eyes looked down near the base floor of the wall. His eyes caught a hole in the wall.

"What is…..this!?"

-Inside the School-

Matsuri yawned to himself as he began walking towards the boys dorm. He had a moment of thought to himself as he looked onward, with his mind somewhere else. If you were to ask him he was completely exhausted for the most part. 

With only 5 days until operation breakout comes into play, he couldn't help but to be a little concerned about the whole scenario. He literally was stuck between a rock and a hard place. 

"What do I do now…..do I continue helping the boys with their operation...or do I tell the president..." The more he thinks about it, the more he feels ashamed of himself. 

He feels even more ashamed since Etsuko (a completely innocent bystander) is getting roped into this mess. Sure she volunteered to help out, but he really did not want her in this mess. Matsuri held his stomach to himself, completely not feeling well. 

Just as he turned the corner, he bumped right into someone by accident. The boy's body trips right onto the girl's body. Matsuri let out a yelp as he used his hand to stop himself from falling right on top of her. But the position he was in was still awkward. His eyes look into the female student's emerald green eyes.

"Oh! Um…s-sorry! I wasn't paying a-attention!" He said as he quickly got up and offered his hand to the girl.

The girl did so as she grabbed his hand, Matsuri flinched a little with her grip being tighter than he antinpacted.

Matsuri got a good look at the girl and like every other girl in this school, she wore the same uniform, only without the stocking and socks. Revealing her long bare curvy legs. She had a small waist that accommodated her wide hips. She had a modest C-cup showing through her uniform. She had orange scarlet hair, worn in long drill curls, tied into two pony-tails with red ribbons. Most noticeable was her long curly eyelashes that sure made her standout from the crowd. 

"Goodness, aren't you sweet." She said with an eerie smile that graced her glossy lips.

"W-What?" He said with a small blush. 

"Well, not too surprising, since you're the odd one out of the group." 

"Um….what do you mean?" He asked the strange alluring girl with a caution tone.

The girl raised a brow as she just looked at him with her arm crossed under her bust. Her eyes read of someone just mocked her. "Oh come now, I mean you are the only boy who's not in prison like the other boys."

Matsuri just blinked for a moment. It then crossed him. "O-Oh! R-Right…..sorry I'm huh…..not really myself right now." 

The girl simply smiled at the boy. "I heard that you have to work under the underground student council until the boys are released from prison." She said with an innocent tone. Although, for a split second, Matsuri could've sworn that he heard a hint of venom in there when she mentioned the USC.

"Um…..y-yeah..." The boy scratched the back of his head with a nervous sweat. "Um…..it's huh…..interesting to say the least."

"Hmph. I bet." She said with a smile. She leaned closer to his face, earning a flinch from the boy. "But I must say, you seem to be out of it lately."

"S-Sorry…..a lot has happened recently." He said, still not feeling well. 

The girl makes a worried look on her face, bringing her fingers to her lips. "My goodness, are you sick?"

"Um..." Matsuri's eyes just looked the other way, his mind couldn't help but to worry about the boys and his standing with the council. He just shook his head and decided to have a small conversation with the girl in front of him. "Sorry. Nothing for you to worry about….um…."

The girl's eyes blinked in rapid fashion. Her eyes widen as plates. She clasped her mouth partly with her hands before a gasp escaped her lips. Her eyes batted the other way in a shameful manner. Darting back and forth to the floor and Matsuri. After a moment, she then stretched her hand out towards the boy.

"Oh where are my manners, my name is Kate Takenomiya." She gave him a cute smile.

Matsuri just blushed at the girl as he offered his hand and shook hers. "Um….n-nice to meet you. My name is-"

"Oh no need. I already know who you are," She said as she leaned in a bit too close to Matsuri, something that he wasn't exactly too fond of. "Your name is Matsuri Hitoyoshi, right?"

"Um….y-yes. How did you-oh! I guess I already know the answer." He said as he looked the other way with a bashful look. 

Kate just giggled at his reaction. "Oh no need to feel ashamed. Anyways," She said as she set her hand on her hips. "As much as I would love to chat with you. I have other things to do."

"Huh? Chat with me...you mean you're not afraid of me?"

Kate tilted her head with a grin. "Afraid of you? Goodness no. Why would I be afraid of a boy who is sweet." She said as she smiled at him once more. 

"Um….r-right. Sorry I'm just a little surprised, honestly. Usually the girls would be afraid of me."

"Well, with the boys in prison and the USC grip on the school. It's no wonder why it's so hard for you to make friends here."

Matsuri would agree with her. But he did manage to make friends with at least one or two girls in this school. There was Etsuko, who was the first female friend he managed to talk to and became acquainted with. Then Chiyo, who was too pure for her own good. Mayumi is still hesitant around him, but manages to calm down knowing that he will not do anything to him. He wants to say he's on good terms with the council members, like Meiko and Mari. But he still believes that they don't trust him yet. Aside from Meiko suddenly looking after him. 

"Um….anyways, I shouldn't be taking up more of your time Kate-san. I better be going." He said as he bowed.

"Oh no worries. Hopefully on less time consuming matters, we'll get to talk more." 

"Right. Anyways, bye." He said as he runs around her and rushes off to his dormitory. 

As soon as he left, the smile that graced upon Kate lips, left all sort of friendliness and was replaced with a more shrewd and colder one. Her eyes narrowed at the boy, a gleam in her eye as if she was calculating a scheme.

"My words, such a naive little boy you are, this will be almost too easy." She said with a scheming smile. She continues her way down the hall. An ominous aura surrounds her once innocent form. 

"You may be of some use for my plan....Matsuri Hitoyoshi."