
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · アニメ·コミックス
70 Chs

Underground Student Council Part5

The five boys were left whimpering and sobbing from the pain they just received from the violent secretary. 

"I like the vice president better." Andre sobbed.

"I know what you mean," Gakuto nodded in agreement. "We at least get to see her panties."

"Damn that Hitoyoshi!" Shingo gritted his teeth. "I bet he's mocking us right now. Bastard, get to enjoy the luxury life while we have to endure pain from Hana!"

"Forget about that," Kiyoshi waves off Shingo rant. "We have to find some more four leaf-clovers before Hana beats us to it. I'm gonna go look over there." Kiyoshi walked away from the group as he went the other way.


Matsuri walked a far enough distance from the two female members. He had some time to reflect on his thoughts of the events that happened to him for the past three days. He was enrolled in an all-girl school, the sixth male to enter along with the other boys. He was hoping he could make some friends here, but so far he has not had the best luck. 

The boys are nothing but a bunch of sick perverts, the girls at the school are not even approaching him due to the pamphlet that the U.S.C have spreaded. Speaking of U.S.C, the girls are not the friendliest bunch either. None of them like males, especially Mari, the ring leader of the group. 

Out of all of them, Hana scared him the most. The way she just inflicted pain on the boys was just something he could not describe. And it feared him that if he made a wrong move, she would do the same to him, if not worse. 

Mari and Meiko had issues of their own as well. But he wondered why Mari hates males to begin with. Where did it stem off from? 

"Mom said that everyone always has their reasons….I'm pretty sure they'll come around."

The boy's thoughts go back to Meiko, the vice president. She was rough and somewhat rude, but she was very attractive. He had to admit it. He hated himself shamefully for looking at her like that. But he couldn't help it. The way she towered over him in her high inch boots. The way she holds her ground against the boys. It was her determined attitude that he liked about. 

He remembered back to that day when he tried to stand up for the boys when her violence went too far, while she stopped, there was something about the way she gave him the lesson.

"Take note of this Hitoyoshi, standing up for others was bold of you. But if you can't back up those words of yours with action….then you are submitted to defeat."

He stopped in his tracks, he raised his hand to the back of his head. His eyes looked up to the blue sky. He remembered those words that the grey haired girl gave him. A blush formed on his cheeks. 

"Back up your words with actions, huh?" He whispered to himself.

He was pulled away from his thoughts when he noticed a familiar dark blue hair boy, all by himself. Matsuri wore a curious gaze at the boy, wondering what the boy was holding in his hands. The brown-haired boy sneaked up to the boy, hiding behind one of the trees. He poked his head out from behind, slow enough so he wouldn't disturbed him or be seen. 

Kiyoshi's body turned enough to reveal what Kiyoshi was holding in his hands. It was a baby crow. Matsuri became interested. 

"A baby crow?"

Kiyoshi walked over to the tree that had the nest with the rest of the baby crows. The boy climbed the tree with just one hand, carrying the bird in his other hand. After he finally made it up, he slowly crawled over to the nest and settled the baby bird with the rest of its family. 

"There you go." Kiyoshi said with a sigh of relief.

"I knew it," A familiar voice spoke out. The two boys noticed the girl by the open window. The familiar brown tan girl with an innocent looking face. Chiyo. "No ones who likes sumo is not a bad guy."

"Chiyo," Kiyoshi thought to himself, terrified. "I have to apologize to her, about the peeping. But she may hate me if I tell her the truth. But…."

Matsuri looked at the scene, noticed how Kiyoshi was trembling in fear. "Kiyoshi?"


"It wasn't you right?" The girl spoke out before he could. "You didn't peep in the girls bathroom did you?"

"Peeping…." Matsuri just realized what she meant. The boy's peeping operation. "That's right, they did go peeping."

Kiyoshi just remained motionless with a conflicted look on his face. After a good second or so, he gave his answer.

"No….I didn't peep on the girls." He mumbled with his gaze looking the other way. 

"Thank goodness." Chiyo said, clasping her hand with a smile.

Matsuri however, was not convinced by his words. "Why do I have the feeling she's gonna find out eventually….."


"We're dead."

The four boys looked at the one four leaf clover that they had found. Just one. Shingo had tears in his eyes. Andre wore a worried look on his face with a similar worried expression like Jo. 

"After all we've searched, we found just one. That Hana girl is gonna kill us for sure." Shingo said with tears in his eyes.

Gakuto however, looked at the clover with his hand rubbing his chin, thinking. "Chums, there may be but one way to escape that girl's violence."



"Huh? Just one. Do you want to get killed?" Hana said with her usual smile. Despite her threat.

"Hana-senpai, were you aware that each of the clover's four leaves has its own meaning?" Gakuto said with a stern look. 




"Good Fortune."

"As well as love." Gakuto said lastly, presenting the four leaf clover. "Meaning, we represents the four leaf clovers. Meaning that when you hit us, its tantamount to stomping on a four-leaf clover-"

"I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU ALL!!!!" Hana yelled as she proceed to jump and kick him square in the face. "HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE A LIKE A FOUR-LEAF CLOVER!!!" 

The boys watched in horror as Gakuto was being beaten to a pulp, a release jet stream of blood sprayed in the air from the glasses-wearing boy. 

"HEY!!! Where's the other guy!?" Hana demanded. 

"H-He may be looking for more four leaf-clovers somewhere else." Shingo said with a stutter. 

"Oh!? You guys should learn from that guy! Now get out there and look for more four leaf clovers!"

"Y-Yes!" The boys scrambled in different directions. 

While the boys went back to work, the grey hair girl took notice of how long the shy boy was taking from his walk.

"I wonder where that bastard went?" She thought to herself.


That said, the boy she had her thoughts on was busy watching the scene between Kiyoshi and Chiyo. While he did not like to overhear people's conversation, it was a nice change of pace from the usual antics that were going on. 

"My grandma used to say that those who like sumo are not all bad people, anyone who helps a baby bird are not bad people."

Kiyoshi grew an uneasy face. He's not a bad guy, but he just lied to the girl of his dreams. His gaze casted down, not looking at her.

"No….I have to tell her….b-but if I do…."

"You can't come to the sumo wrestler match anymore, can you?" She said with a sad smile.

"Sumo wrestler match….did Kiyoshi m-made a promise to her?" Matsuri whispered. "And he still went peeping on the girls either way." He said to himself with a disappointed look on his face. 

"Uh oh! Someone's coming," The boys took notice of whom she was talking about. The brown-haired boy wore a terrified expression when he took notice of the familiar blonde girl. It was Hana. " I gotta go." Chiyo said as she was walking away from Kiyoshi who remained motionless on the ledge. 

Kiyoshi became conflicted, he didn't know what to do. "I have to tell her the truth."

"Come on Kiyoshi, tell her the truth." Matsuri thought to himself with an encouraging fist. 

"Chiyo!" Kiyoshi whispered out to her loud enough to stop her just in time. The girl turns and looks at him with her brown eyes. "I promise….I promise that I will be at the sumo match."

Matsuri just wore a blank look on his face. A sweat poured against his cheek. "Huh?"


Chiyo just made a bright smile on her face at Kiyoshi and continued on her way to her classroom.

Matsuri just made a sigh to himself, he just had to do that. "Kiyoshi…."

His thoughts were interrupted when Hana came walking down the path, next to the tree where Kiyoshi was hiding on the tree branch. The shy boy trembled in fear as he hid behind the tree that was a little closer to the tree that Kiyoshi was on and Hana was under. 

"I-Is she looking for the both of us…." Matsuri whispered low enough so she did not hear him. 

He noticed the weird body language she was giving off. Her hand was next to her chin, with her other hand between private areas. Her eyes scanned the area, looking at her surroundings. The moment she looked over at his direction, the boy quickly hid just in time. His heart was racing. 

"S-She possibly is looking for us…." 

"I can't hold it anymore. I have to go now." Hana said as the next thing she did was unexpected by the both of them. 

Matsuri's face turned crimson red, he clasped his hand over his mouth to block the gasp from escaping his mouth. While Kiyoshi held his hand over his own mouth with a terrified look on his face. Trying his best not to make a peep.

"S-S-S-S-She's..." Matsuri couldn't describe what he's witnessing right now. 

"I drank too much dandelion tea." Hana said with a blush. 

Up on the tree, Kiyoshi was trying his best not to say anything. "If she sees me, I'm dead!"

That luck will soon end, when the baby bird's parents spotted Kiyoshi near the nest and attacked him. Matsuri noticed the crow was attacking him, causing the boy to lose his balance. The dark blue-haired boy fell from the branch and fell right in front of Hana. 

Matsuri started to sweat more, his face completely flushed deep red. He wished he had not seen that. All he could think of for Kiyoshi, he's a dead man.