
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · アニメ·コミックス
70 Chs

Underground Student Council Part4


The next morning, Matsuri had completely given up with the boys. His back was against the building of the prison again. Looking at the scene with an angry pout. 

Here he was feeling guilty about abandoning the boys, not able to help them, so many thoughts he had in his mind for a good while, only to turn out that they actually like this sort of stuff. He even took note of Kiyoshi whom he thought was at least different. 

Looking at Meiko sitting on top of Kiyoshi's chest with the end of her whip digging into his nose, with blood oozing out. With a blush on his cheek, he was more looking at Kiyoshi's view of getting a glance at the vice president's private area. 

"You think you're going to be finished with your work by tomorrow at this rate?" Meiko barked. 

"Damn it, I won't bow to your violence!" Kiyoshi proclaimed. But the glance was splitting between the vice president's private area and her face. 

It only got worse when the other chimed in….

"My queen! I mean, Madam Vice President! His failure is truly your failure! Please publish me, as well!"

"No me!"

"Fuck me, please!"


Matsuri was now feeling more sympathy for Meiko than the boys honestly. Bold statement yes. But what else is there to say to a scene like this in Matsuri perspective.

He held a disgusted look with a blush. Still not getting used to Meiko's showing off her skin that much. "I think I was right to choose the second option."

…. Student Council Office….

Back in the office, Mari was looking out the window in the courtyard with Hana standing beside her. Mari held a look of disgust, while Hana just looked on with a blank stare. 

"Looks like the vice president's lesson backfired. Their only being fueled by her abuse." 

"Kind of figured." Hana said with a shrug. Her eyes flutter over to the only boy member of the council. "Looks like we're not the only ones thinking the same thing." She said to her friend. 

Mari's eyes fluttered over to the boy who held a disgusted look on his face. But still held a blush on his cheeks. For a moment of thought, she felt a little sympathy towards the boy, but still held her outlook on the boy the same.

"Looks like I'll have to send you then, Hana." She turns to Hana who makes an ominous smile.

…. School Courtyard….

"THANK YOU FOR THE HARD WORK IN ESTABLISHING THE BARRICADE!" Meiko barked out as she faced the five prisoners who were standing up straight.

Matsuri was right next to Meiko, his eyes were once again casted down to the floor. Still not meeting their gaze. 

"Now then, shall we go ahead to today's next work place, before that," She said as her eyes looked the other way. Matsuri's eyes followed her and immediately was once again trembling in fear. A certain blonde girl was skipping her way towards them. "Let me introduce you to Underground Student Council secretary Midorikawa Hana! From today onwards, she will be monitoring you bastards with me." 

Hana twirled her body around, the wind fluttered lifting her skirt a bit. She made a cute salute with her smile. "Nice to meet you~! I was told by the president to come here and help!" She said with a cheerful tone. 

The boys looked at her with some interest. Four of them have blushes on their cheeks aside from Shingo who looked a little disappointed. 

Matsuri on the hand was trembling with fear. He had some encounters with Hana, she looks nice and sociable, but deep down, there was something about her that did not settle right with him. His eyes did not dare to meet hers, but that would soon be unavoidable as she walked up to him. All he saw was her foot. Sweat started to slide down against his cheek.

"Oh, is the new member not gonna bother facing me~?" Hana said with her innocent tone still maintained.

Matsuri didn't dare, but he had to. He didn't want to make her mad. He looked up and met her face to face. She was close….too close. Her smile made him uneasy.

"Hello again, Matsuri." 

"Um….h-hello…..H-Miss secretary."

"Oh please, none of that now," Hana said as she stretched her hand out to him. "Hana is just fine."

"Um ... .o-okay…." Matsuri stuttered as he nervously stretched his hand out and shook her. "Nice to be working with you again…..H-Hana."


"Now then everyone! Let's find a four leaf clover," She said in a cheerful tone. "Gather a lot okay! When you guys return, we'll press them into a bookmark and sell them to the shop. We're going to donate the proceeds to the unfortunate children so do your best~!" She said as she clasped her hand together. The boys proceed to find the four leaf clovers. 

Matsuri just timidly watched Hana from behind, standing alongside Meiko. While he wasn't still brought up by Hana's act, he was rather impressed by how she managed to act nice around them. But he chose not to press on that. 

"Is something the matter, Hitoyoshi?" Meiko asked the timid boy. 

Matsuri flinched when she spoke next to him. His eyes met hers. "Um….n-nothing Vice President….um…..I-I was just impressed by Hana's act."


"Um… .well…." Matsuri pressed his fingers against each other, shrinking his head between his shoulders. 

"Stop fidgeting already!" She barked.

"Yes ma'am!" He stops immediately. "It's just that….I was expecting her to be a little more….um….aggressive."

"Hmph. You obviously have not seen Hana at work." Meiko said with a smirk.


"Just sit back and watch, Hitoyoshi." Meiko continued to look at the scene alongside Matsuri.

While Hana was singing to herself with a clover clasped in her hands, the boys were busy looking for a four leaf clover. However, their eyes were split between looking at Hana and their work.

"Miss Hana sure is nice. She's the conscience of the Underground Student Council." Kiyoshi said with a blush. 

"A lucky clover," Gakuto agreed with his friend. He then proceeded to bite his thumbs. "Damn Hitoyoshi, he gets to be with Hana and the Vice President!"

"You sure, it doesn't look like he's enjoying it." Kiyoshi said with an unsure look.

"Ah, Kiyoshi-dono, he's obviously putting on an act. He's acting like he doesn't want to be part of the U.S.C, but in reality, it's his aim."

"Uh….you sure about that," Shingo spoke out with a bored tone. "Let's face it, the kid has no balls."

"Hey, come on man. That's a little too harsh, ya think?" Kiyoshi said.

"And besides, is she really interesting," He said as his eyes drifted over to Hana in a lazy way. "I have no interest in kids like her. The real babes over there are much better." He pointed over his shoulders, his eyes widened in interest.

Their eyes landed on a group of girls who were stretching in their P.E outfits. Their outfits however were rather erotic. Their P.E outfits consist of a small red top that covers their bust area, leaving their stomach open, revealing their belly buttons. They wore small bloomers that hugged against their bare skin, but due to the size one could easily see their private area. 

"OOH-! Land ho! Over there is indeed better!" Gakuto exclaimed with a deep blush. Steam coming out of his nose. 

"Right? Way better than this no sex appeal kid." Shingo said.

"Everyone…." Hana was suddenly by them. She leaned forward looking at the boys with a curious gaze. "What are you doing? Are you gathering clovers?" 

The boys immediately went back to work, hoping she did not see them looking at the other girls. Matsuri noticed how quickly they reacted to her presence. His eyes drifted over to what they were looking at and immediately shifted his gaze away with a blush. 

"Of course they will look at them." He thought to himself. 

"Ah, yes, yes," Shingo said with a nonchalant tone. "We're doing it properly."

"Ah?" Hana's tone suddenly changed. 

Matsuri flinched from her change of atmosphere, as if a dark aura started to emitte around her. The boy watches in fear as she raises her foot high into the air. 

"NOT EVEN ONE YOU BIG LOSER!" She yelled. And with great force, she struck down onto Shingo's head. Completely carved Shingo skull. The boy's eyes became crossed, drool came out of his mouth and blood spurted from his head. 

Matsuri was completely lost for words. Just what was he looking at right now? Was this the same girl he knew from before? Where did this come from? So many questions were now swirling through the boy's head. His eyes and mouth were comically widened while he was trembling. 

"I forgot to tell you," Meiko spoke out to the boys in a casual tone. "Hana is one of the best 4 in the Inter High Karate."

"Yo~!" Hana returned back to her cheerful tone as she saluted to the boys.

"YO!" They quickly bowed their heads in fear.

Matsuri could just stare at Hana in fear. "Note to self….never, EVER. Piss her off."


"The boys got into….the prison I mean?" One of the girls said in the room. 

The girls in the classroom were all sitting, facing each other with a small square box like chess board between them. They were all playing Go. Within the room Chiyo was playing a match against her friend Mayumi. Around them, the girls were all gossiping about the boys that were in the prison.

"So that really does exist."

"Hey- They broke the rule that was printed by the Underground Student Council…."

"Girls can also enter it right? The prison I mean?"

"That's why the girls are too afraid to talk with the guys?"

The girl's gossip continued. Mayumi reached for a piece and landed on a spot on the board. 

"What about that one boy? The sixth one."

"Huh? That was a boy? He looks like a girl." 

"No way. He's a boy. But I wonder why he is not with the guys?"

"I bet you he's waiting for his moment to get to the president and soon us."

Chiyo reached for the piece, her expression remained unread as the gossip around them continued 

"It would be better if they all would just be expelled." 

Chiyo slammed the piece onto the board. "Those who like sumo are not bad guys…."

"Huh? You say something Chiyo?" Mayumi asked her friend.

"Hmm….no….it's nothing."


Matsuri was sitting with the two members of the U.S.C around the white table. Next to them was a large brown table that the boys brought out. On the table was a bunch of four leaf clovers. The boy was impressed by how many they had found, but wasn't convinced that it would make Hana satisfied, he could be wrong.

The boy's eyes were shifting in the other direction due to Meiko sitting next to him. The vice president sat with one leg over the other, lifting her short skirt in the process, revealing too much thigh and leg. Matsuri quickly bit his lip and quickly looked the other way with a blush. 

"Damn it! Stop looking! Stop looking!"

"Hey," The boy flinched and faced Hana who had a stern look on her face. "Why are you looking the other way?" Hana said. 

"Huh? Um….well….I-I was….I just feel a little…..um….." Matsuri was lost for words, trying to not convince that he was looking at Meiko….again.

Hana eyebrows narrowed at the boy. "You got a problem with us?"

"Wha!? N-No! It's n-nothing to deal with you guys! I-I mean at least-"


"N-No! I mean! I just feel a little out of place here! That's all!" He exclaimed, hoping this lie would work.

Meiko was through with drinking her tea and faced the boy. "Oh, would you like it better if you were with the boys instead?"

"Well, honestly no. They wouldn't be any better either." Matsuri admitted pouting, facing the other way with a disappointed look. He was still rather cross with the boys, making him worried about their safety, only to turn out that they actually are enjoying it….to an extent at least. 

Meiko eyebrow raised, giving the boy a curious gaze. "Now that I think about it, I remember that you visited the scumbags in the prison, did something happen?" She said with a suspicious glare. Hana caught what she was talking about and looked at the boy too, waiting for his answer.

Matsuri continued to look the other way, clearly mad about the previous event. "Nothing. Just mad that I was worried for nothing." He mumbled. 

"WE'RE DONE!" They were pulled from their conversations as they turned to see that the boys have brought a whole batch of four leaves clovers. 

Hana immediately went back to her happy face expression, clasping her hand together. "Oh, you boys sure have collected a lot of them! Good work!" She said.

While looking among the clovers, her eyes caught something among the offerings. Matsuri started to grow nervous, sensing a killing intent rising from the blonde girl. 

"Huh," She picks up one leaf clover, but something about it was not right. "Why are there three-leaf clovers in here….INCLUDING IN YOUR OFFERING UNDERLINGS!"

Matsuri's eyes widened in terror as he watched the blonde girl lose her cool as she split the table in half, scattering the four leaves clovers in the air. On the side of his eye, Meiko was casually sipping her tea as Hana went to work. 

Hana zipped around like lightning as she smashed an open palm across Gakuto's cheeks before twisting around and smashing her elbows into Shingo's nose releasing a jet of nose bleed. Her left leg raised into the air and slammed into Jo's stomach sending the boy flying back before she backhanded Kiyoshi in the temple. She finished her attack by leaping into the air and kicked Andre in the face sending the obese boy flipping into the air and plummuts to the ground with a thud.

Hana stood over the injured boys with blood spilling from her closed fist. "Now go find some more before I get violent." She said, returning to her usual happy tone. The boys quickly got up and scrambled in different directions. 

Matsuri was left trembling in fear, the way she inflicted pain onto them with such ease, not giving a care to their health or not. He looked at her as if she's possessed.

"I-I-I s-s-should really n-not make this g-g-girl mad! I just k-know I'm g-gonna regret it!"

"Um….V-Vice President…." Matsuri said in a whisper. "Um….c-can I go for a walk, please?"

"Hmph. Do what you want," Matsuri bowed and got up. But before he could, Meiko grabbed his sleeves. "Just don't go off too far." She warned him. Earning a gulp from the boy.

"Y-Yes Vice President."