
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · アニメ·コミックス
70 Chs

Underground Student Council Part1

Footsteps could be heard down the dark corridor hallway. The sound bounced off against the walls of the school hallway. The strange shadow figure continues its way down the hallway, with an ominous shrouded dark mist following behind it. Sounds of bird cries could be heard behind the figure.

Inside the dark room, Matsuri's back was against the edge of the bed. His blanket wrapped around his body frame in means of protecting him. His eyes closed tight shut, his heavy breathing could be heard from his covered mouth.

His body trembled within his confined space. Trying to calm himself from the horrid event he witnessed just a moment ago.

Matsuri's shaking comes to a halt when he hears someone knocking on his unfamiliar door. The sound echoed around the room. The pupils in his eyes became small and trembled in place, he knew who was outside of his door. Waiting for him to answer, the dark mist slipped through the door beneath, slowly creeping into his room. If one was quiet enough, one could hear the cries of crows from the otherside. 

Another round of knocks pounded against the door. The sound bounced off against the walls, causing him to shut his ear tight. 

Continuous round of knock banged against the door. The door shook under the force. The echo around his room became louder, leaving the poor boy in torment. His breathing slowly started to fasten. Tears under his shut eyelids filled and leaked out. 

The darkness that was slipping through the door frame underneath started to surround the room. The cries of crows swirled around him. 

The door violently shook against the force of fist. The crows' cries grew louder as more of the dark mist slipped in, Matsuri shrunk his body inside of his blanket to hide from the monster that wanted him. 

By the last few knocks, the door bursts open, dark mist poured inside the room. Standing in front of the boy was a shrouded figure with giant wings on its back. Its eyes glowed against the dark, the shadow like crows flew around the figure as it just stared at the boy with its terrifying eyes. 

It slowly leaned forward and lunged at the terrified boy. 

All that could be heard was a scream in the night. 


Matsuri's eyes shot wide open with a sharp gasp. He shot his body upward, his breathing was rapid. Sweat poured from his face and body. His terrified blue eyes searched the room. He scanned the shut doors, to the walls and out the window. 

He noticed that he was sleeping on the floor, his blanket wrapped around his form, spread on the floor. 

"W-Was I sleeping on the floor? And was that…" He vividly remembered the horrid nightmare. Just what was that? He brought his sweating hand to his face, trying to recollect himself. "I-It was just a dream...just a dream...a…" He trailed off.

His thoughts were interrupted when a knock came from the unfamiliar door. Earning a flinch from the poor boy, he backed against the bed frame. He was shaking from his place. His eyes stared at the door with fear. 

Another round of knock came from the door. It took a second or so for Matsuri to relax as he stood from his spot and headed over to the door. His hand was still shaking as he reached for the doorknob. Once he finally made contact, he slowly opened the door, his heart racing. Memories of the nightmare he had flashed through his mind. 

As he opened the door, his fear, while not completely gone, was tamed a little. But it didn't exactly help who was waiting behind the door to begin with. The familiar short blonde hair girl from the guidebook and the event that transpired from last night, it was her…

"Hana…" The name flowed through his mouth by accident.

Hana wore an innocent surprised look on her face. "Oh, you know who I am?" She said with an innocent and bubbly voice.

"Oh! U-Um...s-sorry I uh...well…." Matsuri was trying to find the right word to avoid the confusion.

"Well, it's fine," She stopped him in his tracks. "It's no surprise, considering that Madam President did lend you the guidebook of the Underground Student Council." She said with a smile.

"Madam President...M-Mari Kurihara…"

"Bingo!" She said, bringing a finger to his face. Earning a flinch from the boy. "You really did read that book, did you. That should make things easy for Mari. Now then, Matsuri Hitoyoshi right?"


"May I borrow you for a bit." She asked with a head tilt.


"It's just for a bit." Hana smiled as she clapped her hands together. Tilting her head in a cute way.

"Um...w-what do you need?" He asked, but deep down he had a dark feeling he knew where she was gonna take him.

Hana smiled as she leaned towards him. "Why don't you get ready and see for yourself." She said with an ominous tone.

The boy gulped in fear.

Walking down the hall with the students out and about, they spotted both Hana and Matsuri walking down the path to what the boy would describe as his doom. 

The girls' behavior around him was rather different this time around, as they all wore disappointed and disgusted looks on their faces. All of them were whispering in each other's ears as they all gave Matsuri the stink eyes. 

The boy hid his head between his shoulders, becoming uncomfortable with their stares. Looks like the boy's peeping has done more harm than good. 

"Looks like the guys not only damaged their reputation but…they're completely not trusting any men at all. Even me."

"Looks like your friend's peeping operation caused some damage to your reputation." Hana spoke from the front. She still wore a smile on her face. "Sad to be you."

"Well...I-I wouldn't really call them my 'friends'..." He admitted through his stuttered words. Messing with a strand of his hair. 

"Oh...really now...well then...let's see what the president has to say about that." She says with a rather unease in her tone. 

"She looks nice but...why do I feel like she has a murder intent inside of her."

"We're here." Hana said as she stopped at the front of the double doors that stood in front of them. 

To Matsuri's fear, it was confirmed as he read the words that hang side of the double door way; "The Underground Student Council Office" . 


"Madam President! I brought him!" She said, returning to her cheerful tone. 

Matsuri entered the room with caution, it looked rather like a standard office room. Rectangular space, filing cabinets were on the side of the room, and a set of four seating couches were placed around a brown table. And placed at the other side of the room was a brown desk and seated on the chair against the desk was his nightmare; Mari Kurihara. 

"We meet again, Matsuri Hitoyoshi." She said with a smirk. 

"Um...y-yeah." He said with a nervous tone. 

His eyes couldn't help but to scan the person standing beside Mari, his cheek flushed red when he saw her in the flesh. Meiko Shirariki. 

Starting from the bottom her black high-heels boots. Her highstocking strapped against her impressive muscular legs. Leading to a skirt short enough to see her thongs. What truly captured him by surprise was her rather massive impressive buxom that her uniform was wrapped around her form, unbuttoned and pulled over. His eyes traveled up to her face, her small red soft lips, brown eyes with her cat eye glasses and her grey silver hair that was tied into a bun.

When his eyes met her gaze, she gave him a scowl, he immediately shifted his gaze towards his feet. His cheek flushed red. "Idiot! Why the hell you looked at her like that! No doubt that Mari saw that!"

To his worst nightmare, Mari eyes raised a brow with a smirk hidden behind her laced finger. But that is not the reason he was here.

She cleared her throat to get his attention. "Matsuri Hitoyoshi," The boy looked at her, still blushing. "I take it that you read the book I gave you."

"Oh!? Um...yes!"

"Good. Then that makes this easier for the both of us," She said as her eyes narrowed. "But here for a recap. The girl next to me is the vice president; Meiko Shiraki. The girl sitting over there is the Secretary, Hana Midorikawa. And you know me, Mari Kurihara, 20th president and together we make the organization Underground Student Council." 

"The Underground Student Council...and you guys are the reason why the girls in the school are avoiding us."

"Exactly," She said, her eyes narrowed and never gave way. "The boys were caught on the roof naked and were peeping in the girls' bath. They received well deserved punishments from the girls of the school." Her tone sounded disgusted with the boy's actions. Giving Matsuri a hard look. "So, as further punishment for their lecherous act, they will be serving one month of labor in the school prison block."

"So there really is a Prison in this school as well then." He said with a terrified tone. 

"Yes. The task we give them is to be completed efficiently and properly, failure to do so, we will give them swift punishment." She hardened her glare on the boy that made him uncomfortable. 

"Um...I understand that Mari-Madam President," He corrected himself, unsure of his position to speak to her on equal standing. "B-But...don't you think that's-"

"I know what you're going to say," Mari stopped him before he continued. "Is our punishment being too harsh? Let me remind that your little 'entourage' have committed a sexual harassment and in public bath no doubt. Any authorities would be kind against their action." She said with a hint of venom in her voice. 

"She does have a point…" Matsuri does have to admit, the authorities like the teacher, parents, even the police would really shrug this crime off with little harsh punishment. 

"So Hitoyoshi...do you understand the situation at hand?"

"Yes Madam President. But...may I ask a question?" He asked, earning a nod from the girl. Her glare is not leaving. "Um...I-I wasn't part of their peeping operation, s-so why am I here?"

"True," She answered before her voice turned serious. "However, you knew of their operation, did you not," Matsuri flinched when she said that. "Did you even try to persuade them to seize their action? You have failed to speak up against their actions or even stop them from performing such a disgusting act! How do you justify that?!" Her voice ended in a demanding voice. 

The room nearly shook under her voice. Causing Matsuri to flinch under her tone. He wanted to call her out, but her words hit him where it hurt. His memory flashed back to the scene when he was trying to stop them. Then next memory when he found the boys were being tied up in the courtyard and he did not do anything to help. He ran. Deep down...he failed. 

"Y-Your right…." He spoke with his head down. "I did fail...if I'd…" His hand clenched into a fist. "If I just spoke up...they would've never got caught in first place...I just gave up...if I was there I would-no. If I was there I could have done something. Anything. B-But…" Tears were starting to well up in his eyes, but he fought back. "I just ran…"

The girls in the room remained silent. Mari's hardened glare became somewhat soft, Meiko's scowl on the boy faded and softened, Hana wore a wonder and curious gaze. 

"I ran away from them...I'm sorry." Mari raised a brow. "I-I-I'll accept any punishments from you. Y-You can throw me in the prison if you see that is the best way! No! I deserve to be expelled if you see that's the best option! I'm very sorry!" He bowed his head in a swift motion.

The room was silent with the exception of Matsuri's small whimpering noise. The girls just stared at him with a mix of different reactions. Hana looked at him with a curious glance, Meiko stared at him with a little more softened look, Mari held her similar facial expression but was less hard than before. 

She closed her eyes for a moment and pondered on the boy. "Well...I should throw you in prison for your failed action of stopping the boys before they performed their disgusting act."

Matsuri started to tremble in fear, already fearing the worst. "I already know what's coming. I just know it."

"However," Mari stated, stopping the boy from trembling. "You were not part of their peeping operation so I will let you off with the warning...for now." She said with a glare. That made Matsuri gulp. "That matter aside, I still do not trust you roaming about by yourself."

"Guess that does make sense, but does she really not trust male."

"So then Matsuri, given how you weren't part of the peeping operation but you still were aware of their operation and did nothing still makes you guilty," She said with a stern voice, making Matsuri tremble a little. "I will give you two options and I want you to think hard on this, understand?" Mari stated.

"Y-Yes ma'am!"

"You could either one...join the five other scum in the prison for one month…" Matsuri started to sweat and shake. "Or...the second option…"

"S-S-Second option…"

"...for the remainder of time with the other boys spent in incarnation, you will be a temporary member of the U.S.C." 

The room became silent once more. The words that left through her mouth had caught everyone off guard. Hana and Meiko were left with plastered shock on their faces. Matsuri was left with a rather straight face, his pupils small. He was left with a thought process. 

"Huh...um...I-I'm sorry...um...m-madam president...b-but did you just say...a temporary member of the…"

"Yes...I did," Mari sighed. "For the remainder of the time that the other boys spend in incarnation, you will spend your time here, as a temporary member of the U.S.C." 

"M-Madam President!?" Meiko exclaimed as she started to sweat. 

Before she could speak, Mari held her hand out to silence her. Meiko begrudgingly stepped aside and let her finish. "I should warn you though Hitoyoshi...that if you were to choose option 2, that means that you are to do whatever I demand. And if you were to do anything that is inappropriate, then I will throw you in prison with the rest of the scum." She said with a glare.

Matsuri started to ponder for a bit, weighing in on the options. He knew that he felt guilty for not stopping them, but he really wasn't part of their operation...there was no other choice. 

"Um...m-madam president…" Mari raised an eyebrow. "Um...are you sure...t-that you want me as a member...I-I mean I am a male…."

"I am aware, yes. However, I cannot really allow you to wander about...so I'm giving this choice so that I can keep an eye on you." She said with a sharp glare. "So then...what is your choice...Hitoyoshi." 

Matsuri eyes gazes down at his feet, once again pondering again. His hand curled into a fist. "Um...j-just to let you know….I'm not really a violent person...a-and...if there's a punishment I think that is going too far….than I refuse to do it." He said with a shaky voice. 

"Hmm...fair enough. So does that mean you will join us…" She said with a smirk that intimidated Matsuri. He nodded. The president reached out her hand to his. "I look forward to working with you Hitoyoshi." She said with a smile. 

Matsuri hesitated for a bit, but finally shook her hand with a nervous glance. 

"Hana...would you kindly show our newest member the exit. Oh...and also show him where the boys will be spending their time."

"Of course," Hana gleefully said, landing her eyes on the boy. "Please follow me...newest member." She said with a hint of maliciousness in the tone. 

"R-Right." He said with a stutter. He said as he followed Hana towards the door. As they passed through the door and exit the room, leaving Meiko and Mari in the room. 

"I-I hope I made the right choice…" He said with a nervous thought.