
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · アニメ·コミックス
70 Chs

Hitoyoshi's Family 5

-Kitchen Area-

Mari walks into the kitchen, she takes note of the family already getting settled for the cake. Ritsu was sitting in the middle between two chairs, with Ayame taking her seat next to her little sister. 

Kenchiro was rummaging in the other room, looking for something. "Akari, where did we keep the lighter again?"

"It should be in the tray near the fireplace." She responded from behind the counter, helping Matsuri with the cake. The two were putting on the final touches with the design. From where she was standing, she could see that they were putting on some strawberries for topping. 

"Oh, Mari, you can take a seat if you like?"

"O-Oh. I can help if you like?"

"Nonsense. You're our guest, please leave this to us."

"OH! Hey Mari! You can come sit next to me and Ayame."

Matsuri flinched a little. He was already dreading the talk they were going to have. Not exactly paying attention to the strawberry in his hand. 

"Matsuri dear, pay attention."

Mari walks over to the offered chair between Ritsu and Ayame as the two eagerly wait for her to sit down. Completely hiding her rather cautious side towards Ayame, she took the seat between the two. Immediately Ritsu was the first to come out with the question. 

"So hey, I know that you're not my brother's girlfriend…..but does he have a specific crush on any of the other girls in the council?"

"Oh? A crush?"

"Yeah, yeah, you know. Someone he's interested in." Ritsu snickered followed by Ayame who couldn't help but made a toothy grin at this.

Matsuri began to tremble in not fear, but embarrassment. He already figured that they were going to tease him like this, but he still was dreading being present to witness it. Especially with Mari here, the very same girl he is trying his damn hardest to not try to anger or make any wrong move. Or he will end up in prison. 

"Well, knowing her, she'll possibly just say no to them. I mean, there's no way she will-" His thoughts stopped when he took notice of Mari...THINKING!? "W-W-Wait! Wait a minute! Why is she thinking!?"

"Well...you could say he does have an interest in one of my friends...I suppose." She said as she briefly shot the boy a glare. Causing him to yelp a little. 

"Oh~! Does he now~?" Ayame said with a mocking tone. Her grin stretched wider. 

"I knew it! Who is it?"

"U-Umm…..h-hey dad! Have you found the lighter!?" Matsuri screamed for his dad in the other room. 

Luckily Kenchiro came in with the lighter in his hand. "Yup. And it still works."

"Okay good! Now could you please h-hurry on over here and light the candles!"

Akari just chuckled to herself at her son's reaction. She knew what he was trying to do and honestly it was just too fun to watch him like this. She missed this.

"Hold on, honey, we still haven't put the candles on yet."

"I thought we did!? Look...9 candles?"

"Oh dear, looks like this will be a while~." She said with a mocking tone. 

Matsuri, in a state of panic, rushes through the kitchen trying to find at least one or even more candlestick. Unaware of Akari sending her daughters a wink as she held the last candle in her hands. The two girls giggled with Kenchiro stretching his head with a nervous chuckle. Just another day for Matsuri. 

"So then….back to our important question. Who's the girl that my little bro has a crush on?" Ayame asked with a cheerful grin. 

Mari took note of the girls teasing their brother, not with ill intention, but just for fun. She couldn't help but smirk at them. "Well, again it's an idea. But he did take a rather...interesting stare at one of my friends."


"Ooooh~. I thought I brought some more," She said as she purposely held the candle in front of her. Tapping her cheeks with it. Matsuri's eyes looked dead as if he was betrayed with the look on his face. "Oh well, guess the girls could talk all day I guess." 

"GIMME THAT!" Matsuri pounces at the candle that his mother held in her hands. Once he finally caught hold of it, he drove the candle into the cake, making it a total of 10 candles. "DAD HURRY UP PLEASE!" Matsuri bursted, his face completely red.

"Who is it! Who is it!" Ritsu said, completely getting into this game of teasing her brother. 

Even Mari couldn't help but to play along just a little longer. "Well, if I recall he was staring at-"

Their conversation was interrupted when Matsuri brought the cake to the table. Completely stopping their conversation. 

"OKAYIBROUGHTTHECAKEFORTHEBIRTHDAYGIRL!!!!!" He said in a rush. He breathed heavily, his face was still crimson red of embarrassment, his eyes trying their best to look the other way. 

"...well. Took you long enough." Mari said with a smirk. 

"Yeah onii-san, you were too slow!" Ritsu said with a mischievous grin.

"Slow-poke." Ayame chimed in. 

Matsuri just groaned at them. Especially Mari, who was completely in on the game to begin with. It kind of struck him odd that she would even dare play along with them at his expense. If he was honest, she was possibly just doing it just to play along with Ritsu, but still, it embarrassed him. 

"Alright then, everyone's ready." Akari announced as they began their song for Ritsu.

5:30pm (Time Cut)

Hours have passed by. It was pretty an eventful one at that for Mari. They have exchanged their presents with the birthday girl. Ritsu spent some time with Mari as the two got to know each a tad bit more. Matsuri for the most part was teased constantly by his two sisters (and to an extent his mom). 

Despite the teasing, he has missed this feeling with his family for a while and is just what was needed. After all the situations that have happened at the school, a well break is what he needed. But his worries were often on the president, wondering if she was going to do something crazy or try to interrogate his family right in front of her. But he got word from Ayame that she had already talked to Mari, so everything was fine…..until they returned to school of course. 

It has been hours now, and the two needed to head back to school. Ayame offered them a ride back.

"Thank you for having me." Mari bowed her head towards Matsuri's parents.

"The pleasure was ours as well," Akari returned the bow with a soft smile. "Mari….I'm aware of your little issue with males and all…..but please don't misjudge my son. He's a very good boy." She said with a hopeful smile. 

"I can't guarantee that he's all innocent," Kenchiro added. "But he really does mean no harm to anyone. I can promise you that."

Mari pondered at the words for a moment or so before coming to a close. "I'll keep that in mind. To be honest, I wish we had more time to speak…..but I have other business to attend to."

"We're aware. Thank you for coming." Akari bowed her head once more before looking at her son. "Matsuri….."

"I'll be fine mom. Really don't worry about me."

"I know…..but remember, if things get too much for you…..just give us the word and we'll pull you out."

Matsuri nodded before rushing over and giving his parents a hug. Both his mom and dad wrapped him in their arms. Akari hugged him in her arms, her cheeks rubbing against his cheeks and her hands rubbing his messy hair. With Kenchiro wrapping his whole arm around them both. 

The council president looks at the scene that was in front of her. And would say she was rather touched by the display of affection that Matsuri's parents gave him. It truly did catch her by surprise…..but she also felt rather jealous at it for a brief moment.

-Front entrance of Hachimitsu Academy-

Ayame drove the two students down the streets of Tokyo towards Hachimitsu academy. Matsuri was once again leaning against the window, his chin resting under the palm of his hand. Letting the wind splash against his face. Letting the wind wash away his anxiety. 

Mari took a side glance at the boy, she took note of his expression. Nothing much changed, but she noticed that he was a little more depressed. Like something on his mind. But her mind was on another thing. For example, his past relationship with Yoshimiya. What really happened to her? Who took those pictures? And if Matsuri really was her friend, why did the school leave him out of it?

Those questions came to a close when they approached the school gate of Hachimitsu academy. Mari sighed to herself. Back to work it was for her. 

Matsuri on the other hand was rather more depressed on his end. Only 4 more days until May 7th. The boy gripped the bag with the leftover cake he still carried in his hands. Just the thought of it put him on the edge. He hated lying to the council, but all he had to do was to keep his mouth shut until that day. Hopefully Kiyoshi won't get caught.

"Alright. Last stop." Ayame announced from her seat as she turned around and gave them a grin.

"Thank you for the lift." Mari bowed as she opened the door and walked out of the car. 

Matsuri drew in a big breath and exhaled, running his hand through his hair. Matsuri opens the door and walks out the door. 

"Thanks sis."

Ayame looks at Matsuri with a grin. An idea popped into her head. She opens the door and jumps out of the car. With a little jog, she stops in front of Matsuri, she opens her arms wide in front of him. Encouraging him to hug her.

Matsuri couldn't help but to grow a small smile on his face and gave her a hug. Ayame wrapped her arms around Matsuri's back as she brought him closer to him. 

"You better keep in touch little bro." 

"I will…..and it was great to see you."

The sister cracked a smile at him as she partly departed from his body and ruffled his messy hair. She then let him go and looked at Mari with a small smile. 

"It was a pleasure meeting you too, Ayame Hitoyoshi."

"Yeah…..pleasures all mine," She said as she stretched her hand towards Mari. The president stretched her hand towards hers as she shook it. Before she knew it, Ayame pulled her close enough where her lips were near her ear. "If you or any of those other council members hurt my brother….. I'll never forgive you guys. " She said with a cold tone, her hand gripping Mari's hands.

Mari winced a little from the grip, but she remained strong as she was able to depart from Ayame's body and looked at her with a stern look.

"As long as Matsuri behaves himself…..then I won't do anything." She said to her.

"I'll take that answer, but still." Ayame lets go of her hand and walks back to her car.

Ayame went into her car and started up the engine. Not before giving her brother and Mari one final goodbye wave. On that note, she drove off into the distance, furthering herself away from the school. Leaving the two alone. 

"Um….." Matsuri got Mari's attention. "Here." He said as he handed Mari a box. 

"What's this?"

"It's some extra pieces that I was able to cut from the cake. One for you, Vice President, and Hana." 

Mari raised an eyebrow at the bag. Her eyes look back at Matsuri. "You saved some for us."

"Y-Yeah…..I just thought that I could treat you guys something...unless you don't want it."

".....no. This is good." Mari said as she took the back. She noticed that Matsuri was carrying another box in the bag. "Those wouldn't happen to be for the boys would they?"

"Oh! Um…..w-well...with the boys almost getting out next week…..I thought I could treat them to some cake...these are ones I made just for them and Etsuko as well….." He said as he fidgeted in place with a blush. 

Mari raised an eyebrow at him. This boy was just all kindness all over. Even to the girl who still sees him as a scum and tried many attempts to throw him in prison. He still shows them the kindness that he did throughout the month and before. 

She stretched her hand out towards Matsuri. "I'll have Meiko take those to the boys."


"Don't take this the wrong way, but I still don't exactly trust you. But I would feel a little bit more safe with the Vice President handing them out. And I'll give the cake to Etsuko."

"O-Okay. It's fine. I understand." He said as he handed the bag to Mari. 

"Well then…..goodnight Hitoyoshi."

"Goodnight, Madame President." He bowed as he hurried inside the school before her. Leaving Mari to her own with the cakes. 

Her eyes looked down at the bag that carried the boxes. This boy really did confuse her. He was definitely unlike the other boys who showed signs of ill perverted behavior. Where Matsuri, who possesses some of that trait, still shows kindness in his heart. 

Mari raises her head up in the twilight sky, there were many thoughts going through her head about the boy.

"Was I really wrong about Hitoyoshi...perhaps...just perhaps. But I still have a mystery to solve...that will decide Hitoyoshi fate."