
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · アニメ·コミックス
70 Chs

Desperate Struggle 5

Matsuri's eyes slowly opened to a familiar room. The harsh red light that illuminated from the clock registered five in the morning. 

The boy pushed against his pillow as he sat up from his bed. Still wearing his casual clothing from yesterday. He took notice of his cheeks that were stained dry from his tears. He was crying in his sleep.

The boy remembered his dream vividly. Anyone would not miss out on that horrid dream. Yoshimiya walked alone, being called many names by the parade of faceless and figureless students that surrounded her. He tried to reach out for her...but he was being tortured by his own fears.

The boys and the USC members were all looking down at him. Calling him out for being a coward. And he just let it happen...

"Their right….." He breathed out. "I did run...I'm nothing but a pathetic coward…..I...I don't know what to do….." He just sat on the end of his bed, holding his knee close to him.

He just silently cried to himself.

"What do I do...*hic* what do I do…..Yoshimiya….."


Wednesday May 4th (3 Days until Operation Breakout)


Meiko was once again outside, observing the prisoners. Luckily nothing much for her to do since it was their recess time. Meaning they didn't have any work to do, so they just mind to themselves for the remaining minutes until it is their time for them to work. 

She remained outside for just a tad minute or so until Matsuri and Etsuko came from their lunch. 

For the moment she is just standing by and watching the boys during their recess time. Andre, Jo, and Shingo were off playing around. The three have been rather the same as always, doing their work or often just lazing off. Meanwhile, the other two prisoners, Gakuto and Kiyoshi were rather strange. 

Ever since the shed was destroyed, the two were tasked to put it together. And Matsuri and Etsuko have been tasked to watch over the two for the remaining days until it is fixed. Granted she could care less about the boys, but the two have been acting strange lately. Especially the other day when Etsuko came in. 

She remembered that she took Matsuri over after he requested to train with her, leaving Etsuko to guard the boys. And when they came back, the boys were acting rather strange. She couldn't quite put it straight, but something about their behavior felt off. 

And now those two prisoners; Gakuto was sitting with his back against the wall. Curled into a fetal position. Hugging his knees. Meanwhile, Kiyoshi was by a tree, looking up at the sky with a deep thought.

"Possibly thinking about something perverted no less….." She thought to herself.

"Yoohoo~! Madam Vice President!" 

Her thoughts are interrupted when she hears a familiar peppy voice. She turns to see an excited Etsuko with the usual happy face. And treading behind her was a rather...tired Matsuri. 


Etsuko skipped a step as she stopped on her one foot. Flinging her body back before she retreated back into position. Standing straight, looking at the Vice president. 

"Sorry if we're late!" She said with a salute. 

"It's fine. The boys are on their recess. For the moment you are free to go about your business until we go back to work."

"Yes ma'am!" 

Matsuri didn't say much but he also nodded as well. However, Meiko just raised an eyebrow at the boy. She took notice of how the boy's eyes were rather a little red, there were some hints of bags under his eyes. 

"Hold it," She stopped the two. Her eyes were on the boy. "Hitoyoshi, why do you appear like that?" She said with her hands on her hips.

"Huh? O-Oh," He said as he took notice of his face. His hand touched his cheeks, feeling the stain wet tears from his eyes. "Um…..I um…..didn't get enough sleep, that's all."

Meiko sighed to herself before she gained a determined look with a blush. "Hitoyoshi! You follow me. Etsuko, you watch the prisoners for a while. It's their recess but just make sure they behave themselves."

"Yes madam Vice President!" 

Meiko merely nodded before her eyes looked back at Matsuri. She raised her hand and gestured to the boy to follow her. She turned around and went inside the prison building. 

Matsuri was a little frightened by her rather strange invitation. He glanced at Etsuko who shared a confused look too. But she just shrugged and waved him goodbye with her usual friendly wave. Matsuri sighed to himself as he followed Meiko.

The three boys took notice of the two members; Matsuri and Meiko walking inside the building. All the while Etsuko began skipping her way towards Kiyoshi and Gakuto. 

"They're at it again." Jo whispered to the boys. 

"Do you think Matsuri is gonna try to pull something?" Andre said with a thought.

"Possibly...so what type of photos do you think he's gonna take?" Shingo whispered with a blush. "Think we might get to see some nipples."

Jo coughed. "Why stop there. We may get to see the whole cake. We finally get to see *cough* the Vice President's marvelous bare breast."

"Um…..h-hey," Andre attracted the boy's attention. "I thought we were being weary about Matsuri?"

Shingo and Jo snapped out of their thoughts as they shook their heads. "I-I mean y-yeah! B-But there's nothing wrong with rewarding ourselves in the end." He said as he crossed his arms, pointing his nose in the other direction. 

"I still think it's too early to think that Matsuri is that type of person." Jo said as he was in a thinking position. "But with him and the Vice President interactions…..and from what I heard…..it feels too real." He said with a cough.

"And if he's not…." Andre said, still trying to be optimistic about this situation. 

"Hmm...then it could be…..that Matsuri has a thing for the Vice President."


A dead silence between the three boys. Not knowing what to say. If Matsuri isn't that type of pervert who would take photos of the girls, then would it mean…..the two are in love!? Is it possible!? Was it true!? But how!?

A lewd image appeared in all of their thoughts! Thinking the same thing at the sametime! Matsuri and Meiko in several arousing and sexy poses. Matsuri had his hand wrapped around her hourglass frame. Her bare melon size breast pushed up against his bare tone chest. The two shared a lasting gaze before kissing each other.

"NO WAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!??????" They all thought in sync.

"C-Come no way that's possible!" Shingo said with his arm crossed. "I mean think about it. Matsuri's a wimp and the Vice President is like a bombasious babe. I'm pretty sure she'll go for someone who isn't a girly kid like Matsuri."

"For example, like?" Jo asked, curious about Shingo's statement.

"It has to be a man who is strong. With beef up muscles and with a hot-blood attitude."

"Why hot-blood?" 

"....I don't know. It just came to my mind, I guess."


Their conversation stopped. Blood frozen in place. Cold sweat rolling off of their skins. Their head slowly turns to the three students occupying the tree across from them. 

From across they see a wide range of expressions. Etsuko wore a similar expression as the boys. Her pupils shrunk to pea size as her mouth hung wide open with a blush. Gakuto wore a more confused and shocked look on her face as he looked into the eyes of Kiyoshi. The boy had his hands on the glasses wearing boy for a while as he looked at him with eyes of determination. 

"D-Did he just-"

"He did!"

"He proclaimed his female role!"

-Vice President Warden Office-

Matsuri was sitting on the opposite end of the large gray metal table that sat in the middle of the room. 

The warden office was rather small, but a reasonable square size room. Wasn't anything fancy, but contained things that you would expect from a warden office. A fridge, cabinets, a computer desk at the otherside of the wall. 

If anything, Matsuri was really nervous. He couldn't stop trembling in his seat, trying his best to calm himself down. 

"W-Why did Meiko want to see me…..c-could she have found out?" He gulped. 

"Do you drink root beer?"

"Huh?" Matsuri snapped back to reality. He is looking at Meiko's as she looks at him with a rare soft look. "I-I'm sorry?"

"I asked if you drink root beer?"

"O-Oh. Um…..y-yeah I do."

Meiko simply opens the fridge door. She bends over to grab the root beer from the bottom shelf. But in the process of doing so, Matsuri's face flared up as he took notice of Meiko behind. 

With her skirt being rather short, it left her ass being somewhat exposed halfway through. His eyes caught how her thin purple thong hugged against her crotch, between her ass cheeks. If one looked deep enough, you take notice of how her underwear garment was uneven, being a little lopsided.

Before he could view it any longer, Meiko hand reached over skirt and desperately tried to pull her short skirt to barely cover her ass. 

"H-Hitoyoshi….." Matsuri flinched at the sound of Meiko's rather stuttered voice. "C-Could not….." She glared at the boy with a blush.

"Eep! S-Sorry!" He turns the other way, his face completely red. 

"I'm starting to feel like the boys' quirks are starting to get to me!?" He thought to himself.

Meiko on her end, had a small blush on her cheeks. Her breathing became heavy. Finding her hand pushing down her skirt from behind. Her thighs squeezing her hand. 

"What the hell am I doing!?" She thought to herself. "I'm used to the boys looking at me but whenever it's Hitoyoshi...why do I get embarrassed….." She frustratingly thought to herself. 

She shook her head as she moved quickly to grab the cups and poured the drinks into the cups. Once she is done, Meiko walks over to the table. Taking notice that the boy still was facing the other way.

Meiko grabbed his attention when she set the cup on the table. The boy just looked at the cup with a rather…..confused look. He didn't understand why Meiko was showing such hospitality. In his mind, he thinks this is a trap set up by the USC, to get him to let his guard down. So they can expose him or anything to throw him in prison with the boys.

"Relax Hitoyoshi," Meiko's soft voice reassured him. "I just wanna talk. There is no trap set up here." She said as she sat down with her legs propped up on the table. 

Matsuri couldn't help but blink at Meiko's strange behavior. There was something so off about it…..but yet he didn't say anything. In fact, he would rather not let this go to waste. He grabbed the cup and took a sip of the root beer. 

Meiko exhaled a little. Now knowing that she got him to calm down a little. Taking a sip from her cup before she spoke up.

"So then, Hitoyoshi. How are you doing?"

"Um…..f-fine I guess….." Matsuri was really unsure of this scenario. It almost felt a little similar to that rather…..stimulating dream he had the other day. He shook his head as he looked back at Meiko. "E-Everything's good." 

"I see. The boys will be free by next week. Your time here at USC will soon be relieved."

"O-Oh...I guess I forgot about that….." He said as he looked at his own cup. "So much had happened since the beginning of the semester...I must have forgotten about it."

"Yes. Things must have gone rather fast for you." Meiko said as she removed her hand from the cup and settled on the table. "If it wasn't for the boy's little stunt that day, you and the boys would have enjoyed a nice, quiet school year. But with the boys in prison things must have turned your life upside down."

"N-No kidding." He said his eyes flutter the other way. Still feeling nervous, but a little more at ease. 

"Does it get lonely for you?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, his eyes once more focusing on the Vice President. 

"I mean….does it get lonely being the only male who isn't in prison. I mean, by far you have proven that you're different from the boys. You are well behaved, mannered and have not made any actions against the students or the staff of the school."

Matsuri blinked a few times. A small blush formed on his cheeks. But quickly faded when he remembered about him keeping a secret about the boy's breakout plan. 

He shoved those thoughts aside as he focused on Meiko's question. "It's not all bad I suppose….I mean at least for the most part. Nothing against the girls or anything but...I always…..find it difficult to make friends. With People in general."

Meiko stopped taking a sip from her cup as she listened to Matsuri. "What do you mean?"

"....I'm not confident...I'm not confident at all when it comes to making friends. I always keep thinking that I'm gonna screw up or just make them hate me. That's the reason why I usually just keep to myself. If I keep quiet and stay in the corner everything would be fine...of course that didn't work." He said with a rather somber tone.

Meiko just continued to look at him. Her eyes completely fixated on the boy on the other end. Completely engaged in his tale. 

Matsuri stopped himself before he told her anything else about his past. "But to answer your question…..it's not so bad here. I mean...I made friends with Etsuko, Chiyo, and Mayumi. And...I was…..hoping to be friends with you guys."

Meiko's eyes widened in shock and confusion. Become friends with the USC? The same people who were trying to throw Matsuri in prison and try to expose him to his past life. Really?

The gray-hair Vice President shook her head and faced the other way with huff. "D-Don't be ridiculous!" She said in her tough voice again. "A boy becoming friends with the likes of us! Please, that's only a false dream! A-And besides, the President wouldn't allow it!" 

"Um….r-right…..sorry." He said as he shrunk his head between his shoulders. A second later, a thought came to him. "Um…..m-mind if I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"Um...y-you said to me about how confidence doesn't come from being born, it's something that you earn. I've been thinking for a while now…..how do you know that?" 

Meiko's eyes widened in shock and fear. Little beads of sweat began to roll off her skin. Her eyes scanned the room, looking at anything that wasn't Matsuri…..until it landed on her cup. She looked deep into it, her eyes locked onto the reflection of the liquid in the cup. She looked long into it, seeing her own reflection. 

After a few moments, she let out a deep breath. "T-There was a student that I and the President became friends with back in elementary," Matsuri was invested. "Her name was Shirayuki. She was picked on by the class for her height. Being taller than most of the students. They called her names, picked on her for her height. It was awful."

"That was until she met me and the President." She said as she still looked into her cup. Her eyes remained unmoved. "The President and I…..taught her how to be proud of her body…..never be ashamed of it. No matter what others say…..there is one most important rule to building confidence in yourself, Hitoyoshi. And that is to protect your pride."


"Yes." She said as she looked at him. "Hitoyoshi. I believe your issue is that you let others damage your masculinity. You don't defend your pride. If you continue to let people push you around, belittling you…..you will forever be submissive to them because you're not standing up for yourself."

Matsuri's eyes look onward before falling to his cup. Looking at the reflection of himself inside the cup. With the way the liquid was moving, he could see his form almost distorted but remained the same.

"Um…..am I....am I too late to change?"

"Of course not," Meiko spoke up again. "With you, there is still much room for improving yourself. As a better person."

"Y-You….think so….."

A blush crept upon Meiko's cheeks, but remained focused. "Y-Yes. There is still time for you to improve…..Hitoyoshi. A-And…..if you ever need a-any help...I c-can help you."

Matsuri's eyes widened. A glow in his eyes shined. It was as if he had forgotten the nightmare that plagued his thoughts and mind. "My pride as a man huh....I-I never thought about that."

"Better?" Meiko asked as she handed a wet towel to the boy. 

The boy took the towel and wiped his face with it. Once he was done, he looked up at Meiko with a more relaxed face. 

"Y-Yeah…..a little, but I'm good. T-Thank you." 

Meiko just nodded, her face looking the other way. Unknowest to the boy, she had a small smile upon her lips with a blush. 

"So…..um….what happened to Shirayuki?"

"Ah. She went to a different school…..but I'm sure she's fine." She said as she took a sip of her drink. 

Matsuri's eyes looked down at his cup with a small smile. "I think…..me and her would've been great friends." 

Meiko suddenly choked on her drink. Spittle of liquid spilled out of her cup. She quickly sets the cup aside and coughed. Matsuri looked at her with a concerned look. After a few hacking, she looks at Matsuri with a deep crimson blush. 


"I-I um…..nothing! I just said how we will be friends. You know….g-given are similar situations and all. B-But why are you so surprised?"

"Bwaah~!" Meiko quickly covered her mouth after a small scream escaped her mouth. She faced the other way. Her cheeks were flushed red. Her eyes slowly looked over at Matsuri who looked at her with a curious gaze. 

Meiko's lips trembled a bit, she began to sweat. "A-Ah…..w-we should get back with the boys!" She said as she hurried to reach for the root beer bottle. 

But as her hand reached for the bottle, she grabbed hold of it, Meiko failed to realize that the cap was not on. The bottle slipped from her grasp as the liquid from within spilled and splashed against her face. Most of her upper torso got soaked in root beer! 

"UGH! DAMN IT ALL!" She cursed as she took off her jacket. Her large buxom bounced in place. Her shirt appeared see through. "DAMN IT! I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!"

"U-UM….DO YOU WANT ME TO H-HELP!" Matsuri asked as he got up from his table.

Meiko's eyes shot at the boy with a fierce blush. "N-NO! DON'T LOOK THIS WAY!"

Out of nowhere her body reacted quickly as she covered her breast. Her cheeks heats up, her heart thumping fast at a rapid pace. Her breathing quickened as she looked at Matsuri who just looked at her with a surprised and curious gaze with a blush.

"W-Why are you looking at me like that!?" She said as she pushed her hand down on her skirt, her hand being squeezed between her thighs. Her other hand is covering her breast.

Matsuri recovered from his stun pose. "I-I was wondering if you n-needed h-help….."

"J-JUST HAND ME THAT TOWEL!" She yelled with a stutter.

Matsuri quickly rushes over to the counter and snatches the towel. He hands it over to Meiko, she quickly snatches it from the boy.


"YES MA'AM!" He said as he rushed out the door and continued down the hall.

Meiko breathed heavily. Her hand is still trying to cover herself. When the boy was gone, she loosened up her grip. Even though her breathing remained the same. She pushed her hand further between her buxom, she could feel her heart pumping against her chest. 

"W...Why did he have to say that…." Meiko said, her voice breaking in an uncharacteristic tone. "Becoming f-friends.....w-w-with him...just…..what's wrong with me?" She said with a fierce blush. 

-Hallway of Hachimitsu Academy-

A small number of students were walking down the hall, exchanging some conversation here and there. Returning to their classes or either going to different classes for this time.

Mari resumed her pace down the hall with her usual glare. The girl's mind was preoccupied at the moment. With the boys' release next week, she was rather anxious at the moment. 

"Knowing those trash. They are bound to cause trouble again." 

But then her thoughts went towards the sixth boy. Matsuri has so far been proven to be…..a tough case to crack. For the past few days she has been trying to prove that the boy was like the other inmates in the prison. But so far, while he does share some quirks, he has yet to show any sign of ill intention.

Mari eyes casted down towards her feet as she stopped moving for a while. She just couldn't put her thoughts into it. But the boy really has proven to be a challenge. 

"I've tried to interrogate him about Yoshimiya…..he's still a suspect but his reaction says otherwise. Then I tried to lure him into a trap with the mall trip…..he was…..looking out for me." She said with a small smile. She quickly shook her head. "Then his family...even if they don't know about Yoshimiya or even the full story...the only one who knows this is Hitoyoshi…..I have to get him to confess somehow."

She thought hard on it…..there had to be a way to get the answer from him. She needed to know the full story. To understand what really happened. 

Then a memory occurred to her…..

-Hana's Room- [Flashback]

"Are you certain?" Mari asked the blonde girl. Her hand brought up to her chin.

"Well, I'm not 100% sure. But the hints are really there." Hana said with a serious gaze. "He's been looking at Meiko every now and then. It's like he's attracted to her."

Mari sat still in her chair. No doubt that Meiko did have an attractive figure and all. So it's pretty difficult to not look at her. While she knows that she can handle herself against the boys, but just the mere thought of Matsuri looking at Meiko. It made her…..uneasy.

Yes, Matsuri may have not confessed that he was the one who took those photos, but he was still a suspect. And he will still be on her list until she solves the mystery.

"I mean, I know he didn't fully confess, but the case is still left in the air."

"Y-You're right. But he's still a suspect. And if he was lying about his friendship with Yoshimiya…..just the idea of that…..that trash taking advantage of Meiko makes me….. unease."

Hana flinched a little from her tone. She took notice of how she was gripping her arms, as if she was protecting herself. Her expression appeared rather unpleasant, her eyes twitched alongside her lips.

"P-President…..don't worry. I'm sure we'll solve the case soon. Before he gets his hand on Meiko." 

Mari trembled a little. She was right. Even with little time left before the boys are released, they still had more opportunity to solve the Yoshimiya case. 

"Y-You're right...we still have time…..to save the school."

-In the Hallways of Hachimitsu Academy- [Present]

Her previous conversation with Hana did shed some interesting light. And honestly she would say she wasn't surprised.

"He had his eyes on Meiko when we met the second time...." She thought to herself. A deep thinking pose.

She remembered her previous meeting with him not too long ago, before the date of his sister's birthday. She has asked him about his thoughts on Meiko. His reaction showed that he may have had some attraction to Meiko. Of course, in her thoughts, it was mainly for her body. And nothing else. 

Then it hit her. A new idea dawned on her. She knows just how to get Matsuri to confess. But she will need to consider her plan carefully. If she needed this plan to work, she would need to think this through. 

She walked down the hall with a quickened pace. A smirk graced upon her lips. 

"If Matsuri will not tell us about it directly...we will lure him into telling us."