
Hitoyoshi And The Prison School

Matsuri Hityoshi, an awkward, shy teenage boy who just started life at the new school, Hachimitsu Academy, an all-girls school. Luckily he will be the sixth boy there. Attempting to mark this as his new life, his life turn upside down when the five boys decide to go peeping on the girls. Hitoyoshi's life turns into an unexpected ride Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the manga/anime series of Prison School except for my original characters. All rights to Prison School belong to the original creator.

MTL · アニメ·コミックス
70 Chs

Consequences and Reflection1

-Ryokukoku Stadium- Inside

Kiyoshi was living the dream at this point. Him along with the boys being granted 3 hour free time from their harsh labor and work. But that means he can now enjoy his date with Chiyo. The girl of his dreams. 

The boy had many thoughts going through his head, he just couldn't believe that he was here and not by any minor consequences that would ultimately result in him and the boys getting their sentences extended due to the breakout. But luckily he would not have to break out since they were now free for 3 hours. And it was all thanks to one particular boy who made it possible for them to enjoy their short lived freedom. 

"Man….can't believe that I'm here right now…..the girl of my dreams, sitting right next to me." He thought to himself as he shyly glanced over at the girl to his side. Chiyo was too busy watching the two overweight men wrestling on the center ring. Completely engaged in the match. "I should really thank Matsuri for this. If it wasn't for his negotiation with the President, then I wouldn't be without breaking out." 

"This is soo exciting," Chiyo said, her eyes still glued to the match. "One of them might be the next Yokozuna." 

"Y-Yeah….It's impressive….." Kiyoshi said trying to sound enthusiastic like Chiyo, but couldn't exactly bring himself to be overly excited. 

"To be bluntly honest. I could really care less about sumo…." He thought to himself once more as his eyes glanced over at the girl next to him. "But seeing Chiyo-chan getting excited about the sumo match is the best!" 

"Which reminds me," She suddenly said as she looked at the boy who flinched. "Have you eaten yet?"

"Eh!? Oh! Um…I…." Kiyoshi became a stuttered mess, not sure what to say. 

"Well, I just stuffed myself with a lunch box….."

"Cause I made a lunchbox…."

"I have yet to eat lunch! I'm so hungry!" Kiyoshi said with a completely different face change and tone. He lied about him being hungry but could not bring himself to deny Chiyo generosity and hospitality. Something he longed for a while now ever since their imprisonment. 

"I'm glad," Chiyo said as she brought out a lunch box that contained nothing but rice balls. "I made a lot of them, so don't hold back."

"Eh!? Just rice balls!?" The boy thought in his mind. If he was honest, he wanted something a little more than just rice balls. But again, he chose not to say anything against Chiyo. "No….these are made by Chiyo-chan. I feel like I can eat any amount of it!" 

"Uwa~. Looks good. Can I help myself?" He said with a bright and cheerful smile. 

"Of course! I also have tea."

Kiyoshi grabbed a piece of rice ball. Holding it in his hand looking at it with a curious gaze. But still kept his smile bright for Chiyo. "I'm digging in. I wonder what the filling is." 

Kiyoshi took a bite off the top. His mind was curious of what filling she made with the rice. He chewed down on the riceball, savoring the food in his mouth. However, he stopped. His cheeks still puffed with the food in his mouth. He looked down at the riceball and looked inside the food. From looking inside, he spotted nothing but salt in it. Salt.

"Mm….just made with salt. Riceballs are the best when kept simple after all!" He lied but still tried to swallow the riceball. 

"R-Really?" Chiyo said hesitantly in his mouth. "It's not bad is it?"

"N-No! It's delicious! It's the best I have ever eaten!" He said with an over enthusiastic voice. 

Chiyo was taken back a little by Kiyoshi's rather odd behavior, but appreciated the gesture. "I'm glad. Because I made all of them with salt." She said as she took a bite out of her riceball.

Despite being glad that Kiyoshi liked the riceball, the boy however looked rather pale as cold sweat dripped against his skin. His mouth continued on autopilot as he continued eating the riceball, not wanting to upset Chiyo. 

"Just salt!?"

Unaware of their surroundings, an unknown figure stalked among the crowd to the side of the ring, continuing to take silent pictures of the two couples. The figure looked at the phone, the picture of the two students who were enjoying themselves. But the figure's eyes were more or so on the boy who had a pale look on his face with the riceball in his mouth. 

An evil smirk graced on her lips. An unknown threat was ready to make Kiyoshi life a living hell.


The four boys were sitting around on a table while drinking their shakes. Gakuto was too busy idling his three kingdom figurine. Tears of joy threaten to break through his eyelids. 

"Oh Kanu-sama. Your presence graces me with your elegance." He praised the figurine with a bright smile on his face. 

"Gakuto really likes his figurine does he?" Andre said with a smile on his face. "Glad we were able to grab it in time though."

"Yeah..." Shingo said with a sigh. Unlike the rest of the boys, Shingo was not exactly looking rather happy for the most part. His hand rested on the side of his cheek with a long look on his face. 

"What's up with you?" Jo asked with a cough. Wondering what is wrong with his friend. 

"Nothing...just kind of pissed honestly."

"What do you mean….." Andre said with a worried look.

"I mean...just why?" The boys except for Gakuto looked at the boy. "Kiyoshi gets a date with a girl while we're left in the dust."

Andre and Jo looked at each other with a confused expression. They knew what he was mad about, but why does it matter to them? They peeped on the girls and that did tanked their reputation at the school. So they really can't do anything about it. 

"H-Hey come on, man. You can't stay mad like that forever."

"But does it piss you guys off as well?" Shingo asked with an irritated groan. "Kiyoshi peeped on the girls like us, so how the hell is he able to get a date while we don't get any. I want to feel a girl's boobs, man!" He motioned his fingers in a wave pattern with blush on his cheeks. 

Jo and Andre took a moment to let Shingo words sink in, they really did understand what the boy's desire was. And they would be lying to themselves if they went out and deny that Shingo pursuit is nothing but a dream. An illusion. But they had to agree with him.

"Now that I think about it," Andre said with a bit of a glum look. "We'll be released from prison next week...." The large boy's eyes downcast towards his cup. "Which means that I won't be able to feel anymore of the Vice President's punishment on me."

"No more exposed close up shots of panties." Jo said. While his face was hard to read due to hiding behind his large hood, one could tell from the tone of his voice. 

"Hey….." Shingo gathers their attention (aside from Gakuto). "Now that I think about it…..our life in prison…..was it hell…..or was it paradise?" 

This caught their attention. Even Gakuto who snapped out of his trance of his figurine and looked at the delinquent boy with a curious glance. Prison being a paradise? Just what did the boy mean by that? 

"Shingo-dono, whatever do you mean?"

"Think about it man," Shingo said with a serious glance. "Sure we got our ass handed to us a couple times (especially from Hana). But think about, when was that the last time we ever got close to a girl's ass, leg, boobs or anything in that regard!" He said with a passionate voice. 

A mental image of Meiko filled their thoughts. The gray-haired vice president stood tall with her muscular and rather plump thighs spreaded. Her dangerously small skirt, small enough for the boys to see her purple tight wearing thongs that hugged her bottom area. Both her front and her ass cheeks. Her hand crossed under her incredible buxom that was dangerously bursting from her uniform. Close enough one could see her nipples. 

The boys could remember all the time they could ever get a glance of her when she was exposing herself to the boys. When she does her exercise, most often her hindu squats, watching her body bounces up and down with her large buxom bouncing along in motion. With her sweat flying off her skin. 

Or when she whips them with her crop and steps on their face, giving them a good view under her skirt. Exposing her thin purple thong that hugged her crotch. And if that was not arousing them, it was her buxom that almost obscured her face. 

A bright blush flushed on their cheeks with a bit of drool leaking from their mouths. If they had to be honest, they really had it lucky when they were in prison. Mostly because they were fortunate enough that Meiko would give them a show that they were looking for. Painful, yes. But was it worth it for all the exposes that she offered them, yes it was.

Gakuto cleared his throat to gain the boy's attention. Snapping them out of their trance. "W-Well, I indeed agree. With our release, I fear we won't get the pleasure to see or get up close to a female like the Vice President."

"Yeah…." Andre agreed with another drool leaking from his mouth with a blush. 

"However, this is the timeline we live in now. If I were to give any advice, then I would inquire that we follow in the footsteps of Matsuri-dono." 

This caught their attention. Follow in the same footsteps of the boy who actually came to their recuse in their time of needs? They have to follow in his footsteps, as in to be a good Samaritan and avoid trouble from the U.S.C and avoid another trouble of getting themselves in prison once more?

Shingo scoffed at this. "You're kidding right? Follow that wimp example?" 

"Come now Shingo-dono. If it wasn't for Matsuri-dono bravery against the President. Then we would have never been able to be out here, not only that, I would have never got my figurine as well."

"I guess...still though. Follow in his footsteps...that's not gonna happen."

"What are you implying here, Shingo-dono?"

"Come on, that guy is a total wimp. I mean think about it, he's in the U.S.C as a temporary member and he is never taking advantage of the situation. All he does is just watch from the side. Sure I see him take a few glances here and there. But that's all he does."

Jo coughed, grabbing their attention. "He seems to be becoming really close to the Vice President though."

Unknowest to the boys, Andre felt a twitch through his body. Whenever the large boy thinks about Matsuri and Meiko together, he just couldn't help but to feel rather envious about their time together when she is not punishing them. He could only think what they were doing behind closed doors. (Even though unbeknownst to his thoughts, they really were not doing those sorts of things). 

"And beside, Shingo-dono. Do not even try to poke any inappropriate words at our savior who risked his skin to save us in our time of needs. I say the least we can do is to be grateful and appreciate his effort."

"I know that, and I appreciate him doing that for us but....I don't know I feel kind of jealous of him at the same time."

"Jealous of his time with the Vice President-dono?"

"I still find it hard to believe that those two are a thing. The Vice President is way out of his league. Heck, I'll be shocked if he gets a girl anyways. Sure, there's that one kid, Etsuko. But I highly doubt those two are a thing." He said with a careless tone as he continued on his drink. 

"I wouldn't rule it out of Matsuri getting a *cough* girl." Jo spoke up, grabbing Shingo's attention. "Remember there is still one mystery that we have yet to uncover about Matsuri."

The three boys became silent. How could they forget? There is still the untold story of Matsuri that is still within their thoughts. The rumor that they don't know the answer too and all vow to themselves that they would have to keep a good watch out on the boy if he really was that type of person to begin with. Shingo still couldn't believe it because it all just felt out of place for someone like Matsuri. Andre still believes that Matsuri is a kind boy, but to hear a rumor such as that feels almost too unreal. Jo still has it with a grain of salt, but will keep his eye on Matsuri for the moment. 

Gakuto grew a curious look as he looked at the boys. "Mystery? About Matsuri-dono? Whatever do you mean?"

"Right...we haven't told you guys yet but...the other day Jo eavesdropped on the council members and was concerned about Matsuri. And we believe that Matsuri isn't the boy we think he is." 

The boy blinked as he continued to listen to what the delinquent boy had to say about their savior who saved them. 

Shingo looked around before he could tell them about the secret. He leaned closer on the table and gestured to Gakuto to come closer. 

"Matsuri took pictures of a girl naked at his old school."


Gakuto just blinked with his mouth open halfway. Looking at the three boys with a confused look. Did he really hear that right, Matsuri? The same boy who saved them, not to mention saved them the trouble of breaking out which could extend their sentences. And have avoided being thrown in prison for not peeping on the girls because of his morals. He took pictures of a girl naked at his previous school?!

Jo took notice of his reaction. "I know, I had the same reaction as you when I overheard the council members' conversation."

"Still though...he seems such a nice guy. It's still hard to believe that Matsuri did that." Andre said with hesitation in his voice. 

"Hold your cavalry there boys! You can't possibly say that Matsuri-dono would do such a thing!" Gakuto said in denial of what he had just heard. 

"As I said before, I only overheard this from the council members. My guesses are that they are just generating rumors so that they can throw him in prison." Jo assumed. 

"But it's still a possibility." Shingo interjected. 

"Surely it is just a jest. You cannot assume such a lie about Matsuri-dono." Gakuto was still in denial about the whole idea. He couldn't believe it. 

"Well, if you're reacting like this, I don't think you're gonna like what else I am about to add," Jo said as he looked at the boy from under his hood. "Apparently it turns out that the photo leaked across the school. *Cough* It took a toll on her reputation and took her life because of it."

A light gasp escaped his lips. Cold sweat dripped against his skin. His heart was pumping against his chest. He was lost for words, the girl took her life due to the leak and ended it all because she couldn't take the pressure. It was truly heartbreaking. 

Gakuto shook his head. "No….I can't believe it."


"Nay. I won't believe it!" He exclaimed rather loud, gathering unwanted attention.

"Shh! Keep it down you idiot!" Shingo hissed at him. He gestured his eyes around them, telling the boys to look at their surroundings. They noticed a group of people that were looking at them with strange looks. Some of them began to whisper towards each other, most possibly about the boys and what they were talking about. 

Gakuto realized his mistake and breathed out, before looking at the blonde-haired teen. "True, even if all those sounds convenient enough, I still refuse to acknowledge that Matsuri-dono possesses such behavior or motive. I believe it is best to keep this to ourselves and hear it from Matsuri-dono. Before we could decide on what to do with him."

"Gakuto is right," Andre nodded in agreement. "We just need to keep an eye on him and when the time comes, we'll hear it from Matsuri."

"I also agree." Jo nodded in agreement.

Not wanting to feel like the bad guy here, Shingo roughly scratched the back of his head with a groan. While it is true that Matsuri never showed any ill intentions, he will still take it with a grain of salt. 

"Alright fine, but I think we should still watch him though." Shingo said with urgency in his tone. He wasn't gonna take any risk. 

"Of course." Gakuto said as he pushed his glasses up from his nose. "Now then…..back to our topic on building our reputation."