

Shah_Newaz_7311 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

The last ten days of hitler 3

In 1933, Hitler became Chancellor. When German President Heidenburg died in 1934, he took over the seat and became the country's F ফhrer or dictator. Parliament no longer had any independence. In 1938, Hitler annexed the independent state of Austria (his hometown) and made it part of the greater Reich. In September of that year, he sought to annex Czechoslovakia's populous-speaking region, and for fear of disturbing the peace, the Chamberlain of England and Daladi of France donated the territory to him in written form. A few months later, Hitler devoured the territory of Czechoslovakia that he had vowed to liberate without telling anyone. Then Chamberlain's ears watered - he's not too full. In 1939, Hitler demanded a corridor and other facilities from the Polish state in an attempt to connect the pre-German animals through steel. England wanted to mediate again, but Hitler invaded Poland. Earlier, he had divided Poland by concluding an agreement with his national enemy Stalin, threatening the Germans and the world. England and France then, under the pressure of agitated public opinion, declared war on Hitler, but Poland lost before it could send any aid to Poland.

One year later, in the summer of 1940, Hitler invaded France and defeated it in a short time. The British troops who arrived in France returned home at any speed with their lives. But all the weapons and equipment had to be dropped off at the port of Dunkirk.