
History Repeats Itself...

The strongest mage in history, feared by everyone in the world including Gods was killed by a combined effort of the Gods as well as the Humans as well as the Demons... Well... That wasn't the end of it... Because the One responsible for the origin of the universe decided to reincarnate him into the body of another human... Will he be able to keep up this fake persona and live a peaceful life? The answer is “No”... One might have heard it already... But... History repeats itself...

Z_AuthorFrank · ファンタジー
11 Chs


The closest thing I've ever had to a parent is the doctor who gave birth to me... Wait... That sounds wrong... Somehow... Anyways... The Doctor is my teacher as well... I somehow still don't know his name though... I just call him weird names... Well... He taught me everything about magic... Even though I already knew about all of it... He was just there to... I don't know... Did he ever do anything? I don't think he did... Or wait... He did feed me... For the last 13 years... The things he cooked were really spicy... He was a mage who was born in Indinia and travelled to Chiaina to become a medical healer... But... He was too stupid to realise that one needed the affinity towards light magic to be able to heal... He had to become a gynecologist because of that... But... He couldn't get a job there... So... He had to travel to Korenia in search of a job only to save a person Japania who recommended to a hospital back here in Indinia... He travelled to all these places... JUST TO BE SENT BACK HERE!! Anyways... I should continue with my story... So... Even though this guy traveller to all these hotspots in Asania, our continent, he never saw a human who had an affinity for the demonic element... And... He was pretty shocked to see me have a black aura... He didn't know what the black aura meant... I searched through history books... And... I found out that even though it has been 200 years since I died, I am still the 6th person in all of history to have the affinity to all elements... And thus... No one has ever heard about a black aura... Since... I had a device which hid my aura... Anyways... This teacher of mine enrolled me into a normal academy... But... My parents intervened during my highschool years... And insisted that I study at a magical institution... The doctor was like "He has a small amount of mana... He will not be able to survive in a magical institution... The knowledge I gave him just turned the can into a bomb... He will destroy himself if he gets into a fight..." but my parents forcefully enrolled me there... What the doctor said was true... Even though I have all the affinities, I can't fight for long... I am just a bomb... I am really weak compared to my last life... It has been 200 years...I don't know how much stronger the humans have gotten in the meantime... I heard some of them are already 200 years old... The 12 strongest in the world... I'm worried about them... I wonder how strong they are...