
History of The Lost Slayers

demon slayer belongs to koyoharu gotogue Also, This book is My Best friend's I just post it for her so any credit is for her :) We follow the adventures of demon slayers, Hoshi, Kage, Kuki, shizen,Taiyo, and netsu. A group of demon slayers who pride on defeating the demons that seek to destroy japan

AverageArtist · アニメ·コミックス
80 Chs

The search for his wifes

"What do you think?!" a woman yelled

"SQUEEEEE! WOW!" another woman screamed

They had taken off Hoshi, Inosuke, and Kage's makeup.

"Their faces were painted up weird...but look at them cleaned up! What a steal to get such beautiful girls for so cheap!"

"I'll teach you! I'll train you! You'll be bigger than warabihime at house kyogoku or koinatsu at house tokito!"

Then both women dragged the three

"But aren't inoko and kaori built a little broad?"

"Plump and meaty is good. Aren't these girls great?!"

"They're more meaty than plump…"

Hoshi turned to Kage, who looked like he wanted to die.

"It's gonna be fine," she muttered.







"A-atatakai-" shizen tried singing.

"Those girls sure can play the shamisen!"

"Yeah, they got style."

"Didn't they just start here?"

"Netsu and Zenko have good ears. If they hear something once, they can play the shamisen or koto!"

"But zenko sure is ugly...i'm surprised she got here"

"I heard the man who brought them in was gorgeous."

"Really? I wish i had seen him"

"Even the house mother was blushing"

"I can imagine. Those girls will go far"


"Something is driving those two to get back at the man who abandoned them. That kind of girl is strong."


I'll show that asshole…

I'll be the greatest orian to ever live, even if I am a damn hashira already!

"Kiyomi, we're short handed…will you please carry this?"

"Sure thing! To koinatsu orian's room, right? I'll take it right away" kuki said, in a weird falsetto

How long do I have to keep this up for?

I wanna sleep…

"She's so strong, isn't she?"

"I'll say!"

At the moment, kuki was carrying 6 full luggages, and two bags of clothes.

Is this the place?

Ugh whatever…

"I heard the okami at house kyogoku fell from a window and died. So scary!! Let's be careful, okay?"

"And recently, many girls have gone ashinuke and disappeared. Scary…"

"What is 'ashinuke', might I ask?" Kuki asked.

"You don't know, kiyo?" one of the young girls asked

"What a bundle…" another one of the young girls said, as she stared at the bunches of bags and luggages

"They're presents for koinatsu orian" kuki said as he put the items down.

"Ahinuke means running away without paying your debts. If you get caught, it's horrible."


"but some girls run off with a man they like. Like suma orian did recently."


That's uzui's wife!

"Stop gossiping. No one knows if she really got away." a woman said

"Yes orian," one of the young girls said.

"Come. Thank you for carrying that." the woman said to kuki.

"No problem!"

"Here is a treat for you. Eat it alone in secret" the orian gave kuki a piece of candy.

"Us too!!"

"Orian! Orian!"

"No, you two just had some."

"Umm...did suma orian really run away?" kuki asked

"Why do you ask?"

"Suma orian is...is...my older sister" kuki lied.

"Oh...did you get sold into the entertainment district, along with her?"

"Y-yeah. We exchanged letters for a long time. She's not the type to run away."

"Oh...really? I didn't think Suma would run away either. She was a dependable young woman. She never seemed to lose her head over men...but they found her diary and it said she was planning to run off. There's been no word of her getting caught, so I hoped she got away, but…"


That provides good cover for the demon.

When someone disappears, people just think that she ran away!

The diary must be fake!

Meanwhile, at house ogimoto

"Hey ho-" kage started


She covered Inosuke and Kage's mouth, and motioned that she was listening to something.

"Is makio all right? She's holed up in her room and won't come out."

"She said she didn't feel well, but didn't want to see the doctor. The okami will drag her out soon. Still, she has to eat something. I just left her a tray outside of her room."


That's uzui's wife!

Finally, it took em long enough!!

They say she doesn't feel well.

Could that explain her silence?

Should we go see?

"Let's check in on makio…" Hoshi whispered, as she led the way.

"Both of you have loud mouths and you suck at speaking falsetto. Seriously, they'll know you're boys right away! So just keep quiet and let hoshi do all the speaking"

That son of a bit**

Depriving me of my only sanctuary!