
HIStory 3-Trapped, A Collection

The daily life snippets of the boys of HISTORY 3 TV series. The show must go on, even after the original show is completed.

Yukichi69 · テレビ
27 Chs

History 3 Cross-Over Talk 02-Naughty Toys

HISTORY 3-Cross Over Snippet


Naughty Toys

Question: Do you use "toys" for your bedroom exercises?

Shao Fei: Toys? We are all big adult men! Why do we need to play with toys? OH!!! You mean "toys"....oh....ok, I get it. I want to try them on Tang Yi. Damn, maybe I can be the hubby for once! Ok, ok, what I think I'll definitely try it out. Where do I order and buy from?

Tang Yi: *sits elegantly on a grand sofa and silently judges you* By toys, do you mean, sex toys? If you mean the application of sex toys in our sex life, I would say, less. Though sometimes we do explore around with Shao Fei's handcuffs. Me cuffing him of course. He said he wants to try sex toys on me? Interesting. I'll like to see him try. I grew up in a mafia family after all and I have seen my fair share of torture methods and tools. If he ever succeed, I guess I'll have to retaliate. Why don't I ever want to use them myself? I prefer straight forward love making. Less of a hassle.

Zhao Zhi: Toys? YES! I have LOTS of toys! Oh my god. I must show you. Here, meet Mr Teddy, this is Mr Kitty, Mr Puppy and Mr Penguin. Do I play with them with Jack? YES! Jack likes to make them say funny things in their funny animal voices. He is very good with them. How about my bathroom toys? Yes! This is Mr Ducky. Jack bought it for me. See, if you click here, it vibrates. I don't get why it has an oval open mouth though and it doesn't make any noise when I squeeze them. Jack sometimes puts them on my chest and asks if I feel anything. It's ticklish!

Jack: You have no idea how much I want to try everything I have on him. My baby shorty is just too innocent for his own good sometimes and I don't have the heart to scare him with all those advance toys I have so that's why I am trying to show him bit by bit. For starter, I bought a special ducky which could umm...do special things. He thought it's for baths.

Xi Gu: Huh? Naughty toys *blushes* ummm...no thank you. It's scary as it is already is umm....doing...those kind of stuff with Hao Ting...not that I don't enjoy it but he can be...insatiable sometimes especially during his days off. I am already lacking energy dealing with him on those days. Please don't suggest to him anything weird, please, I really don't have the extra energy.

Hao Ting: Naughty toys? What the hell do you mean by that? I am such a big boy and you expect me to play with toys in the bedroom? Go away and don't bother me. I am trying to kill all these zombies and clear this level.

Zhi Gang: Naughty toys as in sex toys? Well...I do enjoy them if you pick the right ones for you or if you played and experimented them with...ummm....experienced people. Do I experiment with Sun Bo? Dear goodness, no. Why would I want to bring trouble to myself? I am barely keeping up with his energy recently and if he learns about them? I don't think I'll get to sleep, like ever. Plus, I am not about to train a beast out of this little monkey because I wouldn't be able to subdue him then.

Sun Bo: Ha ha ha! I know you think me dumb right? You're totally underestimating me by asking me if I know what naughty toys are. OF COURSE I DO! I'm not dumb like Hsia Hao Ting. Plus, I watch enough porn to know all kinds of toys. I just don't need to use them. Why? Hello, when you have a hot sexy wife like my Zhi Gang Ge, why the heck do you need to use sex toys? Wait, what? I get to tie him using ropes, and chains and drop candle wax? Mouth gags, whips, and sexy costumes? Don't you tempt me! I can't stop imagining Zhi Gang Ge as my naughty student! Oh god, should he be my sexy teacher but I can whip him? Hmmm...let me go check online now.


Naughty toys. Fun. 

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