
Hisoka's Deadly Twin (Phantom Troupe x reader)

Hisoka had a sister named Haruko Morrow. She was stronger than everyone else in the world of nen. Will this be an advantage or danger to Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio? Read the story to find out. The main romance is between the Phantom Troupe but there is still some romance between other characters. The Phantom Troupe members except Franklin, Nobunaga, Kortopi, Belenolov, and Hisoka are the romance targets. If you want anything in the storyline like a change in plot or Yuri, fluff, angst, lemon and so on between Haruko and any characters, please put it in a comment and I will put it in consideration. Slight BDSM A good amount of Yuri Enjoy, comment and share.

Black_Cutie · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs


Haruko was currently 20 years old with an 8 years age gap from Hisoka. She is well informed about the Hunter exam and is ready to become a Hunter. She remembered the Hunter exam is coming up and she went of to find the location. From what she knew, It took place in Zaban City. She ventured out a bit and before she knew it, She was on a boat with people claiming to be attending the hunter exam. She examined them but only could use nen. ' Pathetic '. She thought. She sat down in a small corner and watched a group of men talk to a spiky dark green haired boy that caught her interest.

Haruko's POV

I sat down and listened to the conversation. I barely caught anyone's attention and I was wearing a grey hoodie with a crop top underneath and grey sweatpants. I suddenly felt tired and was about to lay down a scent flew into my nose and my eyes widened. I jumped up and ran to look for the captain. When I saw him, I ran to him.

"There's a huge storm coming" Both me and the spiky dark green haired boy said in sync.

The captain was surprised and looked at the spiky dark green haired boy like he knew him. I looked at the boy and realized. ' That's Gon Freecs, Ging's kid '. While I was alone, I met Ging and stayed him for a year. Ging told me had a kid and Gon reminded me of Ging's arrogant, proud, kind nature. Ging made me promise to look after him if I could. I'm going keep my promise Ging. A little bit later, the storm started and the boat was shaking sideways. I walked down to the cabin to avoid getting wet. I sat down in a corner and examined my surroundings. Most of the people in the cabin were sick and pale except Gon, an old man with glasses, a suit and a briefcase and a yellow haired boy with a sort of traditional attire that looked familiar to me for some reason . I decided to try to create a nen ability. When I turned 20, I discovered I could make nen abilities but I didn't try it yet. I closed my eyes and imagined a green aura forming a shield on the boat and healing everyone.

" Specialist Nen ability: Healing Shield " I whispered and I got a slight headache indicating it worked. The ability could cure all illnesses and diseases. It needed nen to activate but could stay as a shield without nen. I noticed the captain peep his head in and smile to himself. I walked up to the captain.

"Captain, you wouldn't mind if I healed everyone here, would you?" I said loud enough to get everyone's attention. I heard surprised noises from Gon and the other two still standing.

"And how do you plan on doing it?" The captain asked.

"One way or another. Do you know about nen?"

I asked.

"A nen user. This should be interesting." The captain said.

"I take it you do know about nen. But what do I get if I can cure them all?" I asked.

"I've never seen a healing nen ability before. If you manage to successfully cure them, I will give you 500,000 jenny. But we both know it won't work." the captain said cockily.

"Don't get too cocky. Just wait and watch." I said. I went to the middle of the cabin and bit my hand. Blood dripped from it and almost immediately, a green circle drew itself on the ground. I squatted down and put my bleeding finger on the ground. The aura expanded throughout the ship.

"Specialist Nen ability: Healing Shield" I said loud enough for everyone one to hear. Soon enough, the people laying seasick and unconscious opened their eyes and sat up looking better than before. I chuckled.

" Pay up, captain. " I said stretching my hand out. The captain stood there, mouth agape and later closed his mouth and unwilling placed a bag of 500,000 jenny in my hand. I went back to my corner and sat down. I took of my backpack and kept my money while removing my notebook. I wrote down the name of my new nen ability. I used the notebook to jot down my progress ever since Hisoka left me. I had only written a few things like:

1) The hand of Creation: Creating nen abilities

2) Discerning Eye: Checking other peoples nen abilities

3)Skill Changer: Editing my and other people's nen abilities

4)The Thief of Skills: Stealing and Collecting other people's nen abilities.

5)Skill Transfer: Sharing my nen abilities with other people.

6) Specialist Nen ability: Healing Shield: For healing every disease and ailment.

I put my notebook in backpack and rested my back. I realized people were still staring at me but I chose to ignore it. The captain called me, Gon and the other two still standing to talk to us.

"First tell me your names." The captain said.

"I'm Gon." Gon immediately said enthusiastically.

"I'm Kurapika." The blonde said in a somewhat serious voice.

"It's Leorio." The old man with glasses said

"What about you?" The captain asked me. Everyone turned to face me.

"I'm Haruko Morrow. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance." I said trying to be polite.

" Morrow? Do you mean Morrow as in Hisoka Morrow?" The captain said with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Huh. How do you know my brother?" I asked confused. How did he know Hisoka onii-san? Why was the captain scared of Hisoka?

" Well, he is one of the candidates for the hunter exam this year. Just the aura he gives off is scary enough." The captain explained shivering in fear.

"That's my brother alright." I said, a little bit proud.

"Why do you want to become Hunters?" the captain asked.

"Hey! If you're not an examiner, you can't boss us around!" Leorio said.

"Just answer the question!" The captain said.

"My dad is a Hunter. I left Whale Island because I want to know why my dad desired so much to become a Hunter." Gon said with determination.

"Hey, kid!" Leorio said.

"Huh?" Gon said.

"You're not supposed to answer his question!"

Leorio said.

"Why can't I tell him why I'm here?" Gon said.

"Not a team player, huh? I don't wish to reveal why I'm here." Leorio said pushing Gon's head back with his index finger.

"I agree with Leorio." Kurapika said.

"What? Hey! Aren't you younger than I am? Show some respect!" Leorio said irritated.

"It's quite simple to avoid peaky question by offering a plausible lie." Kurapika said ignoring Leorio.

"Hey! Are you listening to me?" Leorio asked, more irritated.

"However, It is quite shameful to rely upon deceit. That said, If I were to tell you the truth, I would be exposing my darkest secrets. That is why I cannot provide an answer." Kurapika explained.

"Hey, you... Don't ignore me!" Leorio said still irritated. The captain opened his mouth to speak but before anyone knew what was happening, they heard a kick, a thud and a groan. Leorio was on the ground a few meters away from where he was standing. His left cheek was red, bruised and swollen and he opened his mouth to spit a mouthful of blood. Everyone in the room looked around until their eyes landed on me. There was blood on my shoe and I looked annoyed to say the least. I squatted down and cleaned my shoe and stood up.

" You look mature but you're the opposite. I don't know about the others but I am sick and tired of listening to you whine and argue with someone who isn't even listening to you. Trust me when I say, If you start a fight, I will do something even worse than that kick." I said with a cold steely gaze and annoyance in my voice. I turned to the captain.

"As for the question you asked, My brother left me when I was 8 years old and told me to take the Hunter exam and find him in Yorknew City. Obviously, there's a change of plans since he's taking the Hunter exam this year. But that's the reason: to find my brother and beat the hell out of him." I said, anger and venom lacing my tone. Unknown to me, Everyone was scared of me.

"In other words, you two refuse to answer my question." The captain said.

"Hey, Katsuo" the captain called.

"Aye, captain." Katsuo said.

"Tell the examination board that we have two more dropouts."

Suddenly, Leorio and Kurapika opened their eyes in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Leorio asked in confusion.

"You still haven't figured it out? The Hunter Examination has already begun." the captain said.

Leorio's and Kurapika's eyes widened in surprise. "What?" They said in sync.

"There as many hunter wannabes as there are stars in the sky. Examiners don't have the time or resources to review them all. So they hire people like us, to trim the fat. I've already notified the board that everyone else on this ship had to withdraw. If they couldn't handle a little storm, they'd have no chances in the Hunter Examination's later stages. In other words, you only proceed to the main event if I pass you. So think carefully before you answer my question." The captain explained.

"So he says..." Gon said.

"Should have told us sooner." Leorio said.

"I am the last survivor of the Kurta Clan. Four years ago, My clan was annihilated by a band of criminals. I wish to become a Hunter and hunt down that band, the Phantom Troupe." Kurapika said. You knew you had to tell him the truth because he would find out anyway.

" Sorry, Kurapika. Please promise me that whatever say or do about the Phantom Troupe won't make us enemies and that our conversation won't leave this room." I said with regret and sadness.

"No. I won't hold grudges against you and your secret is safe with me." Kurapika said slightly curious.

"Your personal matters are only between the people in this room and you." the captain said.

Silence. I took a deep breath.

" My brother Hisoka is a member of the Phantom Troupe. He killed member 4 to get in and his main objective is to fight the boss of the Phantom Troupe, Chrollo Lucifer. I know their names and abilities. And knowing Hisoka and thinking about everything, he probably left to introduce me to them one way or another. He would expect me to fall in love and maybe bear a child with one of them. If you want more information Kurapika, After the Hunter exam, Meet me at Yorknew City on September 1st. You'll probably find at Heavens Arena or we can exchange contacts after the Hunter exam. Again Kurapika, I sincerely apologize because I'm related to one of the people that took your happiness away from you." You explained, feeling guilty.

"Haruko, you don't have to apologize because it's not your fault." Kurapika said with a smile and hugged me. I hugged him back and broke down into tears. I later calmed down and Kurapika let me go.

"Thank you, Kurapika." I said, grateful.

Later on, the captain told Kurapika a bit about the Phantom Troupe. Leorio said he wanted to become a Hunter for money. Kurapika and Leorio wanted to fight. They saved Gon who saved Katsuo. I told them to settle their differences and We all became friends. The captain passed us to continue the Hunter exam and took us to the nearest port to the exam site.