
His Unknown Heir

Billionaire Secret Heir Prologue Extract from the story "You hid him from me for seven years! Seven good years Jackie. I never got to hold my son when he was still a baby, you deprived me of that right"Elroy's broken voice cried. "Ivor is not your son!" She yelled. "Stop lying Jackie! This here, this shows that Ivor is my son. I had a DNA test done" he yelled throwing the pice of folded paper on her body. Jackie picked the paper and read through it." How dare you? You ran a test on my son without my permission!"Jacqueline ranted with a bit of guilt running down her spine. "Why did you hide him from me? For seven years." "He is not your son Mr Romero" "Jackie please stop this and tell me, is he my son?" Jackie kept quiet for seconds not willing to give him an answer to his question. " Tell me Jackie is he my son?" He growled with anger boiling inside his body. "Yes! Yes Ivor is your son. The son you got from using me" she cried out. Few years before this Jackie gets a job as Elroy's secretary. Elroy who has lustful eyes for her ask's her for sex but she refused. Weeks and months pass by with his request pending but Jackie refused because she isn't a bitch he could just fuck. But when a tragedy strike Jackie runs to Elroy for help but he makes a condition. A condition that makes her loose her dignity, her virginity. It makes her leave her home. It turns her into something cold hearted. It turns her into a mom. Few years after her child's birth she storms the city in a new look, as a billionaire. And she ends up trying to hide her son with all the connection she has.

Chike_Fruitful · 都市
5 Chs

Quit Baking!

Aunt Emmy had to come all the way from the states just to attend Isabella's birthday, Emmy is Mr Davis younger sister this woman has been of great help to the girls since thier parents death, she'd supported them, financially and emotional for five good years.

Even if she was in another state she still had time for them. They girls visits her from time to time.

Emmy was not married and she wasn't planning of getting married any day. She planned on being single for the rest of her life she didn't have the time for love or men her main priority was to take care of her brothers children.

"Jackie! How have you being doing dear?" She asked disengaging from the hug.

"I am fine Aunty! How have you been"

"Oh jeez forget the pleasantries let's party" Aunty Emmy said with a huge smile on her face.

"Vanessa! Abigail! Thank you all so much!" Isabella hugged them.

Hours later, the party was finally over the guest had started retiring to thier various houses.

Aunty Emmy sat on one of the chairs chatting with Jackie when Carlos walked up to them " Hey! Jacqueline! Hi Ma'am" he greeted.

Carlos had been invited to the party by Jackie earlier when they where out for dinner. He'd honored her invite and came for the party.

"Carlos!"Jackie called.

"Umh! I want to head home!" He voiced.

"Oh! Then I'll just show you out!"Jackie muttered standing up from the chair she sat on.

"Aunt! I'll just show him out"

"Take your time dear!"

"Carlos thank you so much for coming ,you made my sisters day so special" Jacqueline thanked him as they walked out to the car park.

"Your welcome dear! And I must say I had lots of fun today!".


"Yah! Lots and lots of fun!"

They'd already gotten to his car so they stood for sometime to talk.

"Thank you once again Carlos. This meant a lot to me"

"Your welcome! Umh I'll take my leave"

"Good bye!" She waved.

On the other hand Isabella was busy following the trial of pink flowers to where ever it leads her. She has seen her name on a pink paper and flowers, she picked it up then saw another one. Guessing it was another surprise from Jackie she followed the trail picking each and every flower from the floor. Finally getting to more flowers. She gasped out.

Rose petals were all over the floor it was just so adorable and pretty it was like a mini dinner party was holding there. It was at the balcony of the hotel where her party was held but surprisingly Jackie wasn't there. She was standing in front of her crush in such a romantic atmosphere, mild music was all she heard, the environment was so cool, her heart raced a thousand times as he stood in front of her. What was he doing? Was she dreaming?

"Urm Ethan! What are you doing up here?"

"I was looking for my key?"

"What key is that? Your car key how did you misplace it?"

"No need to worry! I have found it."

"Oh good so were is it?"she took a deep breath.

"It's here in front of me"

"I don't get you!"she frowned.

"You are the key Isabella! The key to my heart. Suddenly you found my key and unlocked my heart"he said and Isabella eyes widened in shock.

"Wait! I don't get you Ethan!"

"I love you Isabella!"

No she didn't hear well or did she? She heard well she wasn't dreaming. She just heard him say he loves her.

"You love me?" She asked in whispers.

"Yes! Do you?"

"I thought you'll never notice that I have feelings for you!"

I thought me loving you was just a waist of time!"

"No it isn't. I knew when you started harboring feelings for me. I was shy to ask you to be my girlfriend but today I musterd all courage and told you how I felt. Isabella few months ago I didn't like to be around people, I loved covering my face, I thought I was useless, life felt so useless to me but you came into that useless life of mine and turned it into something special. You turned me around Isabella. Since you've known me you have always had my back. And I love you because you chose to love me, I love everything about you Isabella" He said with an enormous smile on his face.

The once shy Ethan now spoke with so much boldness to his Isabella.

"I love you Ethan. I love you so much" she said before pulling him into a hug.

The feeling between them was mutual very very mutual.

The next morning, Isabella got to college very early she couldn't wait to tell her friends about what had happened when they left yesterday night. While Jackie and Emmy handle the orders at home.

The older women was in her fifties still looking pretty in that slender body of hers, indeed there where family members, Jacqueline looked a bit like her aunty she talked like her aunty and had the same slender body.

The woman never got fat because she always had her morning run.

Inside the big and spacious kitchen, Aunty Emmy, helped Jackie. No matter how things were had the woman just lived to give them an assuring smile, she loved to make them know how supportive she was even if she was far from them because of her work.

"So who was that young man that kept starring at you at the party?" Emmy asked.


"The young man you escorted"

"Oh you mean Carlos"

"Yeah. He is a very fine young man you know"


"Oh common Jackie, the man is handsome and he has the source" she said snapping her fingers.

"Aunt! Carlos is just a friend, I just got to know him a day ago!" Jackie said.

"I never said anything about relationships dear. I only said he was a fine young man. But you seem guilty of a crime "


"Oh Jackie I just wish your mom and dad can see how much you've changed"

"Me too Aunty" Jackie flashed her a weak smile


"Hmm" she hummed.

"Aunt am planning on leaving baking. I want to work with my certificate"

"Why! Don't you love baking anymore"

"Oh Aunt I do, I love baking a lot but I also want to know how it feels to work in an office and work as an architect"

"I don't know dear, but all know is please do what ever makes you happy and what ever makes you save"

"Sure Aunt"she smiled.