
His Unknown Heir

Billionaire Secret Heir Prologue Extract from the story "You hid him from me for seven years! Seven good years Jackie. I never got to hold my son when he was still a baby, you deprived me of that right"Elroy's broken voice cried. "Ivor is not your son!" She yelled. "Stop lying Jackie! This here, this shows that Ivor is my son. I had a DNA test done" he yelled throwing the pice of folded paper on her body. Jackie picked the paper and read through it." How dare you? You ran a test on my son without my permission!"Jacqueline ranted with a bit of guilt running down her spine. "Why did you hide him from me? For seven years." "He is not your son Mr Romero" "Jackie please stop this and tell me, is he my son?" Jackie kept quiet for seconds not willing to give him an answer to his question. " Tell me Jackie is he my son?" He growled with anger boiling inside his body. "Yes! Yes Ivor is your son. The son you got from using me" she cried out. Few years before this Jackie gets a job as Elroy's secretary. Elroy who has lustful eyes for her ask's her for sex but she refused. Weeks and months pass by with his request pending but Jackie refused because she isn't a bitch he could just fuck. But when a tragedy strike Jackie runs to Elroy for help but he makes a condition. A condition that makes her loose her dignity, her virginity. It makes her leave her home. It turns her into something cold hearted. It turns her into a mom. Few years after her child's birth she storms the city in a new look, as a billionaire. And she ends up trying to hide her son with all the connection she has.

Chike_Fruitful · 都市
5 Chs

Jacqueline David

Walking in a very fast pace with a full size cake in her hands, Jackie pushed the door opened as she walked through it. In no time she locked the door and headed out.

This was her normal routine. Bake, deliver and be bored at home. Though she was making money which was able to provide for her and her younger sister this was definitely not what Jackie had in mind as her normal job after studying Architecturing for five good years.

Moving forward to where her car was neatly packed she opened the passanger sit and placed the cake which she held in her hand inside. Knowing fully that she was already late for her delivery she sat quickly and drove off.

Jacqueline is a twenty three years old lady, full of life and ambition. Her black full her that is most times in a bond or a net due to how much she works in the kitchen. her round face which was naturally plum gave much view to her tiny lips.

Jackie is blessed with a set of black sparkling eyes that did more of the captivating. It was indeed her eyes that made her male customer make orders since they where very sure that she's always going to be the one delivering the cakes to them.

With her eyes on the road she drove carefully yet fast enough to get to her customers on time. Tardiness was never really her thing.

The moment she got to the house she was supposed to make the first delivery she stop her car and hopped out. Jackie's car wasn't really a good or flashy car, it was the old one her father drove before he passed away five years ago. Getting to the door step she placed a light knock on the door as she waited for the owner to respond.

"Hey David's treat!" She said the moment the door was thrown open.

"Hey Jacqueline!" The young man who had ordered the cake from her called out with a grin on his face .

"Oh Hi!'.... She must definitely forget the name he told her the other day.


"Oh yah. Hi Carlos" She said with her normal bright face.

"How are you?" Carlos asked.

"I am great! Here you go your moist chocolate cake" she declared as she handed it over to him.

Carlos stood starring at Jacqueline who's hair was messy and dark, he stared at those bow shaped lips which was turn apart in perfect smiles.

Jacqueline most definitely doesn't see anything special about herself she's just a lady with a tiny structure and a fully time messy hair but it was more to it for Carlos

Carlos is one of Jacqueline's customer infact his the best, he always looks foward to see Jacqueline's face. " Umh Jacqueline... How about dinner today! You declined me the other day please don't say no!"

This wasn't the first time he was asking her out for dinner, she'd always turn his offer down with a lame excuses and it was already becoming too much.. maybe it's time she'd tell him to stop having any feelings for her cause he's definitely going to get his heart broken. She sighed then turned to him " Umh sure that would be great"

Carlos didn't expect it he was waiting for her normal reply but she said yes.

"Thank you I'll come pick you up this evening by six"


On the other hand Isabella David, Jackie younger sister who's battling with her new found feelings for a loner.

Telling him she'd fallen for him wasn't the issue but the issue was how she fell for him.

Ethan is a loner, always on his own and quiet he hardly talks in class but suddenly they where paired for a project. And he gets to know Isabella.

Ethan sat all alone on his personal Chair, his gold hair was covered with the cream colored hoodie he was wearing. His eyes where almost closed as he listened carefully to the music connected to his air pod .

"Ethan!" Isabella called.

Still in his bent position, he gave a hum to his name and took his brown eyes up to her as he smiled a little bit no one would ever know he could smile. How could they when he never talked to anyone. "Hi Isabella!" He drawled.

"Where's my chips! I hope you didn't forget it at home"

He smirked "and what if I did"

"You dare not Mr Man!" She snapped.

"Oh jeez! Here you go Miss Isabella" for some reason unknown to him he was a talkative when he stood with her, for some reason, he smiled and forgot about his depressed life.

He was getting better from him illness,his depression.

Isabella took the chips from him and opened it.

"Can you come to Classic height tommorow evening?" He asked.

"Why? I don't think l can my sister plans on throwing a tiny party for me"

"Party for what?" He asked.

"Wait don't tell me you forgot its my birthday tomorrow?"

"Your birthday oh.. I think I forgot that "

"You forgot! How could you forget" she yelled angrily.

"Woah calm down beautiful!"

"Hey Ethan, Hey Isa!" Vanessa waved as she sat down beside Isabella.

"Why do you look so... So gloomy"

"All thanks to our up coming exams, I had so much notes to put down" Vanessa said tiredly.

"Your just so lazy Vanessa!"

Vanessa frowned at Isabella then turned to her " your adding to my already many worries"

"Am sorry!" She muttered before turning to face Ethan. " So would you be there at my birthday?"

"I don't think I'll be able to make it Isabella please excuse me!" He muttered slowly before taking a stand.

Stephanie watched as Isabella and Ethan exchanged cool words and smiles, and it was very annoying. She was supposed to be the one he would give a smile, at least that was what she thought.

She squeezed the can of juice in her hand as her blood boiled. She never imagined that the loner would be able to talk, she never really believed that just a little project would make them become good friends.

Isabella, Ethan, Vanessa and Stephanie all attend the same college. It was off great opportunity for Isabella to attend such expensive college.

Normally Jackie would never be able to pay Isabella's fees because it was too expensive but since she was giving a scholarship she now studied freely.

Later that evening , Jackie stood looking all pretty for her date with Carlos, she was putting on a black short gown, her usual rough hair, now shined as it poured broadly on her back.

Her dried lips were in a light shade of red and it did great matching her full red cheek.

"Sis your date is here!" Isabella screamed all the way from the living room.

Carlos stood looking all handsome he'd fallen his blonde hair backwards, his skin looked so soft, Carlos bit his velvet lips in anticipation. Woah was he freaking out.

Isabella noticed how he tangled his hand together and whispered to him " Hey there's no need to freak out or feel nervous my sister is just the best, just shot your shoots.

"Umh Thanks"...

Carlos turned to the clicking of heels, as his eyes met with Jackie's dark eyes. He never knew she was this pretty maybe its because her hair always looked messy and she never wears such outfit for delivery. Her curves stood clear among all he noticed. Her hips were huge and poky. As usual Jackie See's nothing special in her looks she only see herself as someone dressed in an outdated black dress.

"Umh shall we?"

Jackie nodded as, she flashed him a half smile.