
His Three Mates

* A harem with gxg and bxg and HEA guaranteed* Violet and Charlotte have never gotten along, but being born on the same day with two moms who are best friends practically guaranteed that they shared everything, but they didn’t expect to also be sharing a mate with a third girl named Luna. Along with Luna also comes some dark secrets that could put all three girls and their Alpha mate into some trouble. With Violet and Charlotte constantly feuding and in competition with each other drama is surely to be found at every corner. It’s hard sharing an Alpha mate with your enemy and a girl you barley know. Life only gets harder when they find out three Goddesses have been playing a dangerous game with their lives and this isn’t the first life they have experienced together. Throw in some mischievous fae and a behind the scenes evil council these four have a lot in store for them. Hold on to your seats because this book has a smoking hot Alpha, gorgeous and strong female leads, enemies to lovers and friends to lovers tropes ALONG with also being a reborn story. Each girl will take you on their personal journey so you can experience their point of view through every twist and turn.

Mya_Field · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 6


   "Are you fucking kidding me right now Lettie?" Screeches out Dani as she looks at my six suit cases wide eyed.

  "Nope. I'm going to be gone for three months and rooming with that bitch. We get no say in this. You would think it's enough that I share a birthday with her, but now we are sharing a mate, a house, and a position." I growl as I throw another outfit into my last suit case.

"This is seriously so insane, who would of thought something like this would happen." Attie says as she helps me by folding up my pretty pink dress.

"I swear I'm cursed." I groan as I lightly brush a golden strand out of my eye.

"It's gonna be okay. You can just become his favorite mate. Boys love a mate who is hard to get, but also sexy as fuck and a tease. Make sure to pack this bikini and you will have him wrapped around your finger in no time." Chimes in Val as she holds up my emerald and gold string bikini her eyes sparkling with mischief. It's the bikini I specifically bought for when I found my mate.

"But Violet already has him wrapped around her finger. How do I compete with that? He's been following her around since they were kids!"

"Okay? He probably just needs to get her out his system and I bet she will be the easiest to lay given their connection. So what if he sleeps with her first? He will be more fixated on you seeing you won't be the one giving in to him. It will drive him insane with want for you!" Val once again chimes in making me slowly nod my head in agreement with her.

"Ok you are right! Let's pack that along with my skimpiest night gowns. I want to drive him insane."

  We continue to converse as they help me pick out some of my best outfits and shoes. Thankfully I did my clothes last so I didn't have to worry about my makeup products and toiletries being forgotten. Before I know it I'm saying my good byes promising to face time them and give them any juicy details of what goes down. Soon I'm being dropped off at the airport by my parents. I hug them tightly even though I'm furious with their decision I'm still going to miss them. I've never been away from my parents more then a couple days.

  When I get to the waiting terminal I see Luna, Violet, and Talon are already there talking to each other. Something Talon says triggers a laughter from both the girls as they throw their head back in fits of giggles.

   The closer I get the more his sent of cinnamon and spice hits me along with a mix of pumpkin chai and chocolate. I already know the smell of chocolate is Lunas distinct smell and pumpkin chai is Violets. You would think those smells mixing together would be overpowering, but instead it smells like a bakery in the fall, warm, welcoming, and inviting, even almost comforting. Almost. Maybe I would be more comforted if the person I was sharing my mate with was anyone else other then Violet.

"Hey." Talon says to me offering me a boyish grin that makes me smile softly in return. When it comes to looks I'm lucky to get him as a mate. He's not only nicely built with a solid six pack and strong arms, but he also has a sharp jaw, narrow nose, and kissable lips. His black messy hair is effortlessly sexy and looks so soft I want to run my hands through it endlessly. His most striking feature are his azure eyes surrounded by dark lashes. He is the sexist guy I've ever seen in my life and by the way multiple people keep looking his way staring while almost drooling on themselves I would say I'm not the only one who thinks this.

"Hi Tal, did you miss me?" I ask a sexy smile on my face as I look at him through my lashes which seems to fluster him.

"Um, uh yeah. I mean I miss you all when you aren't around the mate bond is no joke." He responds as he slightly shrugs his shoulders as he averts his eyes from me causing my eyes to narrow at him. It seems he is still having a hard time adjusting and is probably afraid of saying something that will anger Violet. Go figure.

Before anyone else can speak up first class is called to board the plane so we all make our way to the short line where we hand the lady our ticket which she quickly scans before letting us through. As we sit in our seats I notice Talon going for the seat that would be next to Violet despite that being Lunas specific seat number so I pull on the back of his shirt with a pout on my lips and sorrow in my eyes.

"Do you hate me so much that you don't want to sit next to me?" I ask truly hurt at the fact he was going to stick me with Luna just to have alone time with Violet.

"No. I'm sorry if I caused you to feel that way, it's just I've known Violet so long it's just natural for me to levitate towards her."

"But we are all your mates, we all deserve time with you. How will me or Luna get that if you are constantly attached to Violet?" At my words I notice Violet turn around in her seat as a glare is sent towards me probably angry that I'm trying to get a slice of attention from our mate.

"No you are right. It's not intentional. I'm going to sit with you." He plops himself in the seat next to me while giving me a wide smile. I notice Violet's glare still on me, but as Luna sits in the seat next to her she turns around focusing on Luna now.

"I really am going to make an effort to split my time with you three evenly. It's just this situation is odd to say the least. Poly relationships with wolves haven't happened for centuries and the reason we were are all connected is vague and worrisome."

"I know it's weird and if I had a choice I would have you all to myself, but sadly that's not the way it's going to be so instead I have to make due with what I'm given. How about we play twenty questions to get to know each other better. You can ask me anything." I say smiling at him sweetly.

"Alright sure, that's a good idea. You can feel free to ask me anything as well. I'll start off simple, what's your favorite color?"

"Emerald green. How about yours?"

"Gold and black." He says softly before gently touching a strand of my softly curled hair.

"What's your favorite meal?"

"Hmmm... that has to be lasagna."

"Thats cute, your nose wrinkles when you think." He says slightly bopping me on my nose with his pointer finger making my mouth agape for a slight second before catching my composure.

"What's your favorite food?" I ask in return ready to cook my way into his heart.

"Chicken Marsala. Why do you dislike Violet?" He suddenly asks me taking me aback. I lean back away from him not ready to answer a question like that especially about her.

"When I said ask me anything I was talking about solely myself, you know things that don't involve other people. Of course you had to find a way to bring the attention on to her." I say with an eye roll and a turn of my head. Here I thought he was being flirty and sweet when in reality he's just trying to find out information he can take back to Violet.

"No I really didn't mean for it to come across that way, I really am just curious." He says gently putting his hands on my shoulder before I shrug it off.

"I don't feel like talking to you right now." Is my only response as I put my head against the window and fall asleep due to emotional exhaustion.