
Battle 1- Date

(Nikki's POV)

After that little event this morning I ran to my first class and Jason and Peter kept there eyes on me all day. And that's not all people posted that Peter and Jason are having a #War on who will get me and stuff like that. Honestly it's scary.


The last period of the day before my free period and is the class I have both Peter and Jason in.

(Jason's POV)

I was about to go into gym seeing Peter slam me on the wall saying, "Nikki is mine ok" I chuckle shaking my head then glaring at him saying, "your never having her." Then Peter smirks removing his hand saying, "then let's see you gets to ask her out first" I immediately respond saying, "and then who ever ask her out first kiss her first and makes out with her wins her" I see him nod taking out his hand saying, "ok and this will take place this week deal" I shake saying deal. And from there the battle begins I then push him rushing into the gym seeing Nikki running her laps, I was about to go to her but I get tripped seeing Peter run to her first hemp curse him. I then see someone stop in front of me seeing Tyler offering he a hand, I take the hand being lifted seeing Peter and Nikki running together and talking seeing Nikki smile and laugh. I growl hearing Tyler say, "Dude are you really going with this, You against Peter whoever wins gets Nikki." I nod saying, "Yeah why-" he then finishes saying, "Go get her Jason hope you win" I nod looking at the rest of the boys putting a thumbs up along with Tyler. I nod making my way to catch to Peter and Nikki hearing them talking.



[Jasons thoughts]

A- Announcement

P- So Nikki doing anything tomorrow

N- yeah I'm busy sorry

[heh that's my girl]

P- hmm how about Friday

N- work

[yes Cookie say no]

P- so when are you free

N- hmm Saturday

P- Aw man I'm busy Saturday-

A- Peter come to the office your coming home

P- aw man looks like I gotta go

N- Looks like you do so bye


I then smirk and I see Peter leave rolling his eyes at me, I chuckle and I run up to Nikki and I say, "Good job" I see her jump having me giggle. She then looks at me and says, "Oh Jason y-you s-scared me" I smile. I then jog scratching the back my neck and I say, "So do you wanna go out?" She looks at me shocked and says, "Who me!" I nod smiling and I say, "Of course you, I wanna go out on a date" I see her eyes then widen in shock. I laugh and she says, "Why me though there's l-like a whole bunch o-of other girls other t-then me." We then hear the whistle and I stop and I grab her chin lifting her head up and I say, "Your right there are but I want you Cookie, your sweeter then the rest" I see her blush. I smile feeling her smack me playfully, I laugh more hearing her say, "Yes." I then smile before lifting her up and I sadly kiss her cheek temped to kiss her lips. But I stop myself and I put her down seeing her blush more, I laugh and she continues punching me playfully. I smile before we hear the couch say, "Nikki and Jason stop Lolly gagging I'm gym this is not high school musical you know" I see her blush before pulling me to where the class is at. We then split into groups and while I was playing soccer I always stopped to look at my Cookie looking as gorgeous as a rose playing Volleyball. I also smile, happy that she accepted the date with me well battle one done.

OMG GUYS THANK YOU FOR 22K VIEWWWWS!!!! I really appreciate it and I’m sorry I haven’t been on it’s just that I’ve been pretty busy with school but checking this made my week. Thank you for the comments and support so for thank you I am doing a halloween special on whatever you like. So send some ideas because a week before Halloween I will check and make a list and write drafts. I love you guys so much.

here’s a few questions

Which do you ship?

Peter x Nikki


Jason x Nikki

EugeoKiricreators' thoughts