



/"Hey honey look at me, she has the best doctors with her right now you need to calm down/" My mom whispered holding my face in her delicate hands.

My eyes didn't move from the door where the nurses wheeled Gen through. She was awake but barely as she cradled her belly.

/"You saw what I did to her mom, I just ignored her when she needed me/" I said staring at her.

How stupid was I to ignore her when she was heavily pregnant? I even knew that she was making sure that she gave me time to be with my close friends and family.

I should have realised that she would only come to me if she really needed me.

/" It's okay son, she's getting looked at now, you need to be strong for her okay, you cant be feeling guilty right now/" she reasoned with me, I felt nervous as I looked at her, my mum was likely remembering when she was in hospital the day she lost her twins.