


Normally I embrace bad decisions. Mainly because it means I'm out of my comfort zone however now as I stand next to Zach as we wait to meet his parents again I wish I just stayed home.

After a mindblowing night together we both woke up to his mom inviting us to a special dinner they were having at the house.

Zach took my hand pulling it and kissing it.

When we walked in we saw that this wasn't some quiet dinner oh no there was loads of people here.

/" why do I have a bad idea about this/" I whispered to zach as we walked inside. Zach smiled but you could see that it wasnt reaching his eyes.

Zach had explained to me in the car that he was ignoring his mom and this would be the first time since that day.

Cause that made me feel so much more better.

/" oh son, you're here/" Zach s father came into the hallway after spotting us.

/" nice to see you again Imogen/" he extended his hand out to me.