
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Phantom Affliction

I stood there, the simple envelope mocking me. It was devious! I knew the danger, a witches message is of the most dangerous! But what can I say? Danger allures me.

As I opened the thin paper, the paper drench in ink, the letter based in white, separated by cheesecloth. And I read her most purest thoughts.

Dearest mother,

I know we have not spoken in two moons, to you it must feel like forever. But I will return in time, I give you my heart if it's not true. I could not be where I do not belong, another dreadful second in that castle and you would have witnessed pure insanity from me. I know you have only my best at heart, but I know about the search. Clairborne told me, do not send anyone, I'm gone. I'm alive, I am not naive nor incompetent! You will not find me, I will find you when I feel my quest is over. My heart aches for you, every time light falls I call for you only to see no one. I love you like the sun loves the moon, counterparts of two different worlds but nonetheless faithful. But much like the sun and the moon, you have to let me go! I promise I will come back, let me be your moon.

Your faithful moon, always in the dark but still here,


Your lovely daughter, Gehenna

It was a goodbye, why? She left the safety of her mother's palace for what? To serve one? The thought taking hostage my mind as I sigh, slamming the letter on the desk.

"Why?" I ask myself the mind wrecking question as I sigh. What was she really doing here? And why now? Either way I was using her naivety to my advantage. "You should have never left you castle" I say to myself as I hold the staff in my hands, reminiscing about the plan and events to unfold soon.

*******Gehenna's Point of View*******

The conversation with Clairborne stayed on my mind as I squeezed out the clothes and water leaked into the tray beneath me. "I miss-" I say as suddenly I'm startled at the sight of Beth.

"What do you miss?" Beth interrogates me as I smile, trying to look less guilty as I can.

"I miss....." I say as I stall to think. "I miss my home" I finally admit, the thought being partially true.

"I know what you mean" Beth says as she holds her locket in her hands.

"I'm sorry Beth" I say sincerely as I sit down on the fountain next to her. "I know how much you miss her" I reminisce as Beth opens the locket to reveal the beautiful fair skinned, blonde haired and blue eyed beauty that Beth called mom and I called a second mother.

"That's why we have to open these" she says as she pulls two envelopes from her side as I gasp.

"What are those Beth?" I ask her as she sighs.

"I don't know, but the guards said these were ours" she tell me as I rip open the royal seal and read the scripture.

"Beth?" I call her name in awe as I read the calligraphy in the letters.

Dearest Ezra,

You have been cordially invited to a royal ball on the 25th of June. A summer eve's ball of elegance and class.

The letters words still tasted sour as I read them.

"We shall not attend that ball Beth!" I order her as her smile fades.

"We shall Ezra!" She commands me with more attitude in her voice than I've ever heard. "I will not miss my one and only chance to go to a ball because you have made the decision to be a arrogant snob!" She protest as I sigh, sitting back down against the fountains concrete bench.

"I'm scared Beth" I finally admit, the truth leaving my lips felt threatening. "The prince talked to me! He confided in me for council" I tell her as she gasp. I knew the threat of the prince confiding in me.

"Do you think he will ask you to be his consort?" Beth as my face turns cold at that simple question.

"Beth" I call her name, gathering my strength back up in the name of fear. "I couldn't be his consort Beth, never!" The words leave my lips in panic and fear.

"No servant nor royal woman has ever resisted the offer of being a consort" she wearily tells me as I snicker, I knew one.

I knew a women that once rejected a very powerful man. She killed him when her threatened. After that she went into hiding, building her own kingdom and never letting her daughter she the sunlight. That women was my mother, if she could do it then I could. I didn't have manic but her gift flowed through my veins, and that I could use.

"I must remain free!" I say, resisting the thought of ever being submissive towards a man.

"Ezra?" I hear Beth call as I look to her. Her eyes filled spelled with daze, her legs wobbling, ready to give in at any minute.

"Beth?" I call to her, as her legs give in and I hold her in my arms, steadying her to the ground. "BETH!" I scream to her as she lies in my arms, unconscious. "HELP!" I scream through the empty courtyard as suddenly I hear someone rush towards me as I place my hand over her heart, it still radiating warmth, but slowing.

"What happened?" I hear a man ask as I turn to him.

"Does it really matter?" I combat his question with. "She's unconscious! Help me carry her to her room!" I order him as he nods.

"Are you sure?" The man questions me. "Maybe I shall send call to the prince?" He ask himself as I scoff at his suggestion. As I open the door and he lays Beth upon the bed.

"What did you say your name was again?" I ask the man as I can hear him gulp from here.

"Benjamin" he answers me as I smirk.

"What is your obsession with the prince?" I ask him, suddenly he turns silent. "Instead of sending call for the healer, or a midwife you suggest the prince?" I question him. "So why are you really here Benjamin?"