
His Royal Highness Retaliation

Running away from a life of magic and mystery, Gehenna, the spawn of the most powerful witch has a target on her back. With the secrets of her past she hides within the palace, concealing her identity with the name Ezra and the noble title of the help. But when her concealed identity is unraveled by the heir to throne her twisted fate lies in his hands. Will he kill her? Or is he just twisted enough to create a powerful alliance with a witch without power?

Rainingcats_dogs · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Death is a Choice

"SHE IS A MONSTER!" Emilia screams with her whole breath as my ears pop. "How could you think to marry such a witch?" She ask me with tears in her eyes. I hated hat look on her face, the look that told me I have done everything wrong.

"I have no choice!" I answer in a growl as she throws herself in a fit on the couch.

"You always have a choice" she tells me, "And you are choosing death!" She exaggerates as I laugh at her naive soul.

"I know about her culture, her people" I says as she nods her head.

"Just because you think you know what somebody believes in does not mean they are valuable or loyal!" She lectures me as I sigh with frustration to her dim wit brain.

"With her people she must be loyal to whoever she marries, fight by their side, sacrifice her life. For her to go against this would be nothing but dishonour for a Princess to discard her values" I explain as I pour me another glass of scotch. "Quite scandalous!" I remark as Emilia giggles.

"But, promise me something brother" Emilia ask of me as I turn around to face her. "Promise me that you will stay safe within this marriage" she please as I nod my head, agreeable with the promise. "I will leave now" she announces as she exits.

As I sit down in my chair and reminisce about the memories that happened in this room. I won't hesitate to say this, but I was glad my father was dead. The pain and heartache he caused will never be healed, but his grave makes a warmth within this castle! Whenever Gehenna said something about my father I wished to agree with her with my whole heart. The memories of all the black eyes and bruises he inflicted with his bare hands to my young skin creeped back into my brain.

But my mind wondered to what pain he could have inflicted to her.

Moving the shade from my window as I glanced to her room. I put her room directly across my office, so I could monitor her every move. And I slept in the room next to her. But as I watched her I was sure I saw a glimpse of humanity in her eyes. And I hated that! Seeing that part of her as she stood next to a man on her balcony! It angered me more than anyone could ever know.

As I marched out of my office and to her room, lingering outside her room as I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" She ask, hearing her fragile voice break the silence.

"It's William" I answer her as she scoffs, I can hear it through the door as she opens her door.

"What could it possibly be at this hour?" She ask me as I glide past her and into her room as confusion makes it's mark on her face.

"I SAW A MAN IN YOUR ROOM!" I yell as she gasps.

"His name is Clairborne" she says as I throw open the balcony doors.

"I DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOOUT WHAT HIS NAME IS!" I declare as she takes a deep breath. "Where is he?" I ask her as she calmly turns to me.

"He is already gone" she admits as I sit myself on her bed.

"Who is he?" I ask, letting my curiosity get the better of me.

"He is a friend of mine" she says as she hands me a cup of something hot. "He is my familiar" she says to my dismay.

"What is this?" I ask her as she smiles.

"Tea" she tells me as she grabs it from my hand. Taking a sip. "See!" She emphasizes, "No poison" she proves as I nod my head, putting the tea to my side. "I want to talk about the marriage" she starts as I stand up.

"It's already decided, you wouldn't want to mess with your friends life would-" I say.

"I UNDERSTAND!" She yells as I stop in my tracks. Looking at her in amazement. "But if you want to use my religion against me use it all." She begs as she takes a tree branch from under her bed. "It's a fun game in my culture, it probably won't be fun in this case but still. It was a gift" she bargains as I sigh.

"What does it symbolize?" I ask her.

"It's a branch from the Afburg trees in the south. After the groom and bride say their vows they both pull a branch. The rest fall. Those that don't are how many children the union will spawn!" She explains as I am hesitant. "I know that their most likely won't be any but it is a part of who I am." She says through a smile.

"Fine" I agree coldly as she nods her head. "What did my father ever do to you?" I can't help but bring myself to ask as she suddenly stops.

"You have no right to know!" She says defensively.

"I am your soon to be husband! I command to know" I command as she smirks.

"Maybe after I take that vow, but I won't tell you a second before!" She admits her circumstances.

"We are to be wed tomorrow!" I tell her as she gasps, the shock in her eyes.

"Says who?!" She questions me.

"SAYS ME!" I declare as she backs away from me, not in fear, but in disgust.

"So get that answer of yours ready!" I suggest as distain stains her face.

"I marry on my terms!" She reasons as I laughs at her. The naive person she is!

"YOU MARRY IN MY TERMS AND MY TERMS ONLY!" I yell, making it clear who was the boss here.

"You are a prick!" She insults as I smile at her hatred of my choices.

"One that's soon to be your husband!" I admit as I walk out of the room as she slams the door behind me.