
His redemption

Everybody knew he had it all. Fame, girls, shit ton of money, beautiful parents, charming brothers and best friend.... but, did he! Damon Stone didn't grow up like any normal child. At the early age of 10, he had to learn how to take care of his 8 and 7 year old brothers because his parents were never home. "We won't be home until next week honey, we love you three so much. Take care, mommy and daddy will be home before you know it" They'd say. But it was all a lie, he realised later that all they said was a load of bull and he loathed them so much for choosing money over their own children. His hatred blinded him so much that he started taking it out on other people. At his school, he was known as the 'Demon' with a heart of Stone and he couldn't care less. He loved it, all the fear, it's like he fed off of it. He loved the way girls would practically shit themselves under his gaze just for them to come begging for a one night stand. The way he would intimidate men both older and younger than him due to his strong built body, he loved it. Until he met her. They say that even the coldest hearts deserve to be let in, will she be his saviour! Or will he teach her all he's ever known. Destruction.

Sabrina_Iris · 都市
22 Chs

The Ball

"Blossom, for the love of God get out of that bathroom. We are late!" I yelled for the millionth time. I paced back and forth in front of the bathroom and I was fuming.

"Let the girl get ready in peace." Alessa waved her hand at me and turned her attention back to whatever shit ass animation she was watching in my bedroom.

"Alessa, I need your help." I heard Bloss' muffled voice come from the bathroom. I groaned and joined the boys in the living room.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked looking at Phray. He sleeked his hair back and fixed his tie up properly.

"Hayes is already in the car with Ace and their patience is running thin."

"Fuck!" I ran a hand through my hair and messed it up in the process. I turned my attention to Jake and he immediately joined us.

"Take Kee, Jupiter and Alessa down to the limo and go. Bloss and I will be right behind you." They agreed and had to forcefully carry Al out with Kee laughing her ass off.

"Bloss, I:-" My cell phone started ringing and I checked the caller I.D. I frowned once I noticed it was from an unknown number. I answered it and raised the phone to my ear.

"Hello, Stone!" A distant yet strange, rough, manly voice with a raspy edge and a strong accent said.

"I suppose you must be getting ready for the party, yes?" He continued with a slow deliberate pace.

"Vladimir! What do I owe this pleasure." I put a hand in my pocket and walked outside the bedroom to the floor to ceiling window over looking the city.

"I have to say, you never disappoint. Even after all these years you still manage to hold yourself at a higher stature yet I, my dear boy, have the upper hand." He chuckled but ended up coughing, making him sound even more pathetic.

"What can I say! Being the person that I am, with the things that I have done and what I have, it is hard to take low lives serious let alone consider them a threat."

"Careful there Stone! You're starting to sound like your old man."

"I guess it is in our blood after all and uh:-" I turned around to check whether or not Bloss was in ears- shot and continued.

"What was that you said again when Derrick killed your worthless brother, Семья Стоунов – это дьяволы." I smirked when I heard his breathing increase.

The stones family are the devil.

"я убью вас, ублюдки." He yelled in to the phone. I will kill you motherfuckers.

"Say hello to Derrick for me." He yelled more profanities before hanging up the phone.

"I am so sorry! This dress is the worst." I heard Bloss groan joining me in the living room. I turned around and nearly chocked on my breath. The black dress huged her curves perfectly like a second skin. Her hair fell freely on her shoulders and the light make up she had on complimated her skin tone and beauty.

"Damon?" She snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Huh?" I replied. She frowned and sat down to put on her heels.

"I was asking if you have any slippers or flat shoes that I can wear after the gala because I am not good in heels." I watched as she fumbled around with the heels nervously. I bent at the same level as her and held her hands.

"You look stunning." She smiled a little and relief washed over her face.

"Thank you!" I placed her hands on her lap and tied her heels for her.

"Who pissed you off?" I looked up to her in confusion and she snorted. She carefully placed her hand in my hair and arranged it.

"You tend to have messy hair when you are annoyed." She stated smiling down at me. I shook my head and chuckled.

"We're a little late for the gala."

"You don't strike me as a man who keeps time. You are more of a dramatic entrance kinda person." I laughed and stood up. I held my hand out to her and she gladly took it.

"You're not wrong about that."

We went downstairs and got into my car. The drive was surprisingly quiet but I occasionally caught Blossom admiring the streets of New York and I made a mental note to myself to take her out before we went back home. One of Vladimir's buildings came in view and I rolled my eyes once I caught hundreds of reporters taking pictures of different people I recognised in the business world and others, mere celebrities. I killed the engine once I reached in front of the red carpet and turned to Bloss.

"Hey! You'll do great. Just hold on to me okay!" I mumbled softly massaging her soft hand. She nodded her head and smiled a little.

I got out of the car and fixed my suit. I walked round the car and opened the door for her. I held on to her hand as she stepped out elegantly. My arm circled her waist protectively once the reporters started flashing their cameras in our faces. My men fortunately arrived and secured a safe passage for Bloss and I as we walked inside.

As expected the place was anything but subtle. The building was huge on the inside with chandeliers hanging on the ceiling, bars on each end of the huge room we we're in and two long stairwells leading to what I assume is the VIP. Below, a stage covered with long red curtains was put in place whilst neon blue lights flashed.

Almost immediately, a waiter, whom I recognised as one of my undercover men, served us both wine and we gladly took it. Blossom smelled the contents and frowned.

"It's white wine." I dead-panned mockingly. She rolled her eyes and took a sip. I scanned the room to see if I could find the guys.

"Well well well! If it isn't the Damon Stone." A middle aged man approached us with a blonde on his arm.

"Hey Martin." I turned my head to the blonde and gave her a nod.

"Elise! How are the kids doing?" I asked politely and pulled Blossom even closer as I watched Martin eye her with a smug look on his pathetic face.

"Same old same old! What are you doing in New York buddy." He chuckled taking a sip of his drink.

"Work." I shrugged and cleared my throat as I pushed Bloss in front.

"This is my date, Blossom wright. Bloss this is Martin and Elise Warner, one of Derrick's close friends." She politely greeted them and stepped back. Just then, I noticed Hayes talking to Ace and I excused myself to go see them.

"Hey guys!" They turned to us and smirked a little upon seeing Blossom.

"Damn!" Ace mumbled taking her hand in his.

"You look beautiful m'lady!" He pecked her hand softly and she giggled in response.

"You too my good sir." She bowed a little and the guys laughed.

"Where are the r:-" I was suddenly interrupted when the lights zoomed in on the stage and the cartens were pulled apart dramatically.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the annual Grande Ball organised by Vladimir's for orphans all around the world." A lady said looking around and the whole room erupted in cheers.

"Now before we begin, let us welcome one of the biggest sponsors not only to the orphans but other charities all around Europe and the world at large. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Mr. Derrick Stone."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sabrina_Iriscreators' thoughts