
Chapter 3

Theo's POV

As I enter the mansion, everyone is in the living room. My aunts and uncles are here. I walk my way there with my not so serious look; I don't want to look rude or what. Mommy immediately approached me; she welcomed me with a warm hug. I smiled as I hugged her back.

"I miss you, son." She said after the hug. I kissed her cheeks and glanced at my dad, who was standing behind my mom.

"Welcome home, Theo." He said and patted my back after he gave me a quick hug.

Mom and I talked for a bit about when I would start working and where I would stay. I can sense seriousness in dad's voice, but I didn't mind it and focused my attention on my mom, who's talking about business.

"By the way, Yohan called. He will fetch you around 5 p.m. Bring Yunis with you, ok? Bea will be there; take care of your cousins." Mom reminded me. I just nodded as an answer and immediately led the way to the couch, where my cousins and some family were.

"How's the United Kingdom, Theo?" Uncle Rhett asked. He is sitting beside Aunt Shiela, his wife. They are Risen's parents.

"As good as what you have told me, Uncle." I answered in a monotone. He just nodded and turned his gaze back to my parents. They are discussing their plans while my cousins are on the right side, busy playing. I was about to go to them when Mom called my name.

"Theo, can we talk before you leave?" She asked and glanced at Uncle Kleo and Auntie Hera, Yun's parents. I can sense seriousness in mom's voice, despite her soft voice.

When I looked at the elders, I knew that our topic would be about someone. Someone whom we all value the most, someone whom we have treated as our treasure ever since.

"Yeah, sure, mom. I have something to say too," I answered seriously and turned to my cousins, who were now looking at us. They are clueless.

I immediately left in front of my mom and went straight to my cousins. We talked and played some video games for almost an hour. I miss hanging out with them, but I can't. This is the least I can do to make them feel that I am still here. I feel guilty for giving them this treatment, but if I'm not going to do this, I know that I'll spill everything in just a snap, and I don't want it to happen. They'll be mad at me. Not until she's ready.

It will be four o'clock when Aunt Shiela and Aunt Dyan call me. They are looking at me in awe; they are worried. With their look, I knew what the topic would be. I just nodded at them and immediately made my way upstairs. But before I could get inside the office, someone pulled my hand, and when I looked at who it was, it was my sister. She's looking at me, and anger is evident in her eyes.

"It's been years, Theo. Do the right thing—do something! I don't want to see her crying and blaming herself if she ever finds out about this." She said it directly without even letting go of her grip on my wrist. I smirked at her.

"Why don't you spill it yourself, Yang?" I asked coldly with a grin on my face. Her angry look immediately changes; her eyes turn teary. Damn, I just hit her soft spot.

"If only I could, I would have done that a long time ago, Theo. Just like you, I also want to live my life without any lies, but how? If I'll be honest, she might be ruined, and I don't want that to happen! She said it tremblingly. The tears that flowed down her cheeks did not escape my vision.

"That's the point, Yang. We have the same reasons. Sometimes, we have to hide something for someone not to be hurt. I seriously said that and wiped her tears. I can't stand seeing my sister cry.

"But it will hurt more if they know that we have been fooling them for a long time,time, right? I badly want to do it while it is still early... but how?" She asked and cried herself out. I pulled her in for a hug and told her to hush.

"I'll take all the blame if that time comes;comes; it's all my fault after all. Let's go," I said in a low tone and guided her into the room.

When we entered, Daddy was seriously sitting on the couch while Uncle Kleo was standing next to Auntie Hera. Her eyes were a bit red, so I immediately realized that she had just finished crying. She looked at me and gave me a half-smile before pointing the chair beside Iari.

"II guess you already know what we're going to talk about, Theo?" Daddy asked seriously. I let out a heavy sigh and slowly nodded as an answer.

"Are you... planning to tell her about it?" Uncle Kleo asked. I can feel that he is afraid to hear my answer.

"Do I have a choice? If I do it, what will happen next?" I answered and pursed my lips.

"I don't know how to tell her, Kleo." Aunt Hera said and cried. Uncle comforted her immediately.

"Everything's going to be alright, damn it! I'm sorry, Theo and and Iari. This isn't your problem anymore, but the two of you got affected." Uncle Kleo said, still hugging Aunt Hera.

"We are family, Kleo. Your problem is our problem." Dad said, still looking at me.

"This happened because of my selfishness," Aunt Hera said between her sobs.

"It is not your fault, Hera. You just loved, and Kleo did his part too. We will fix this, ok?" Auntie Dyna said calmly They nodded.

"Guilt is eating me;I feel like any minute from now, I'm going to burst." I answered as a matter of fact. They all gasped at what I said.

"What are we going to do then? Fool her? Let her live her life without knowing about her sister?" Iari sarcastically asked and rolled her eyes.

"Watch your words, Yang!" Our grandmother hissed, her eyes widening in seriousness. Iari just sat down and fell silent.

"What if she finds out, Aunt? What will happen? She will not hate you; I'm afraid she will hate Uncle Kleo." I said seriously. Uncle Kleo sighed because of what I said. Auntie Hera's still sobbing.

"I don't know, Theo. I'm sorry for carrying our problem. I badly want to tell my daughter about everything, but I don't want her to think that because of her, Xynith didn't have a chance to meet Kleo." Aunt Hera said through her sobs, "Everyone here in this room knows how soft my daughter is; she can sacrifice for the good of all. And I do not want the day to come that she will blame herself." I just sighed because of what she said.

Fuck this situation of ours! If only we could tell her everything without her getting hurt, we already did. Our situation isn't a joke. Uncle Kleo got his ex-girlfriend pregnant... Dette is Hera's best friend. I found out about this when I overheard them before flying to the UK.

Yunis was just five years old at the time when Aunt Hera pushed Uncle Kleo to go back to his love. We all know that he loves Aunt Hera, but not the way he loved Ms. Bette. Uncle Kleo got her pregnant, but he chose to stay. He chose Yunis, and if she finds out about this, she will literally hate not just us but herself as well.

"Give me a reason why I won't tell her, Ma Hera. I love my cousins, and I'm sure they'll be hurt if they find out about my lies. I said almost a whisper and sat beside Iari. I feel weak; my knees are shaking a bit and any minute from now, I know that I'll get to my limits.

"I don't know, Theo. I'm selfish for doing this, but if I tell Yunis, she will hate herself. I'm stuck between securing the happiness of my daughter or giving Xynith and Dette what they truly deserve. Shesaid she was said she was having a hard time. She's not crying anymore, but her eyes are bloodshot. She's stressed.

Iari and I remained silent while they were discussing their plans. I want to live my life the way I used to, but doing so means hurting Yunis. Lying is a sin, but everyone will be hurt if she knows about this. I sighed and looked at them seriously; I'd made my decision now,, and whatever the result will be, I'll accept it.

"My decision is already final; I will tell Yunis. She will be hurt more if we do not tell her while it is still early! What do you think she think she will feel if she knew she was living happily without knowing that a child was waiting to be given time and attention from her father?" I said trying so hard to calm myself. " Xynith is a Vasquez too! She deserves to be known!" I shouted out of frustration. Dad was about to hit me, but mom pulled him away and shouted "stop". I was about to say something else when Grandma slapped me. Iari's mouth parted at what our grandmother did.

"You shut up, Theo! Think carefully! Hera, tell them everything! Spill it out." Grandma said it in hard English. She glanced at Aunt Hera without any emotions in her eyes. She's dead serious.

"Mom! You promised me, we don't have to tell them about it!" Aunt Hera answered in disapproval. Uncle Kleo gave Aunt Hera a questioning look. I can say that everyone in this room is clueless about what Grandma said, including me. It looks It looks like only Grandma knows.

"They should know, Hera! You are like a daughter to me; you know that. I promised your parents that I would protect you and love you like my own; we should tell everyone! That's the least you can do. Tell Yunis about that," Lola said with authority.

"What is it, Hera? Are you hiding something from me?" Uncle Kleo asked coldly and faced Ma Hera. She's out of words; she remained looking down until she sighed and slowly turned aroundturned around.

" I-i… I-I have endometrial cancer..."
