
Chapter 1

Samantha's POV

"Baby!" I was laying down on the couch here in our living room when I heard my mom calling me. I groaned and got up as I put my cellphone at the top of the table.

"Coming, mom!" I answered lazily and walked to the kitchen. I don't know what the occasion is, but mom's cooking and baking my brother's favorite cheesecake. I rolled my eyes and walked toward her.

"Look, is it okay? Do you think it will be enough for seven to ten people? " Mom asked as she showed me the Afritada she cooked. I looked at her with my brows up.

"What's the occasion, mom?" I asked in a bored tone. I sat in the high chair next to the counter.

"Your brother's friends will be here later. Theo seems to have returned!" Mom said, full of excitement, which made my brows arch. Theo? His name sounds familiar; it's like I've heard it before.

"So?" I asked Mom. She looked at me in disbelief as she raised her brows at me, "I mean, why? I don't even know that guy! " I added and rolled my eyes. I reached for Mommy's glass and, without saying anything, I drank the juice that was there.

"Sweetie, have you forgotten Theo? You were already nine years old when he left! " Mom exclaimed. I just nodded as an answer to make her stop insisting on things. I'm not good at remembering things, unless I find it fun.

I left the kitchen after mom had finished asking me random questions about my school and the foods she was preparing. I'm already 17, yet I still don't know how to cook. Unlike my mom, she's good at it.

I decided to go upstairs when I felt that boredom was eating me. I immediately picked up my cellphone and airpods and went upstairs. My room's just beside my older brother, Yohan, and sister Gia's. I have two siblings and I am the youngest. Gia is the eldest, and next is Yohan.

I opened my bedroom door and found my sister lying in my bed. Irritation rose in my face when I saw her hugging my Tata pillow. How dare she hug my favorite? She just shook her head and rolled her eyes after seeing my reaction.

"Don't be too harsh, Samantha." She said as she immediately got up from lying on my bed and approached me. I pouted my lips while glaring at her. I didn't notice her near me, and a minute later, I felt that someone had flicked my forehead.

"Sis! What the hell, what are you doing?" I said out of irritation. She loves teasing me all the time. She's already 27 years old and she's successful in her field. She has a clothing and makeup line, and I admire her for being that successful at such an early age since she started her business at the age of 17. How I wish I could be like her someday.

"We will be releasing new shades of tints and some clothes next week. I heard from Dad that you want to buy a new camera, right?" She asked in her usual bored tone and sat again on my bed.

"Yeah, but err! Did Dad tell me to wait for my 18th birthday? It's a bit long. I have to wait for almost a month!" I ranted. I carefully threw my cellphone on my bed. I'm not that dumb to throw it hard! I value my things a lot.

"Very nice then!" she said and clapped her hands. I looked at her in shock and disbelief.

"What the hell?"

"Since I am too busy to hire someone to model my new products, why not just you?" She asked with a wide grin on her face.

"Bruh?! Duh, why me? " I asked. I enjoy make-up and aesthetics, but I will never consider modeling. She immediately looked at me and gave me a serious look.

"So? Why not you? I didn't know that you were dumb now, dear sis. Of course, I chose you. " She said and rolled her eyes at me. I let out a sigh and faced her.

"You know that I'm not into modeling, Gia." I said and shrugged. She stood up and walked toward me. She immediately took both my hands and smiled at me.

"You are still affected, huh? Sam, you are pretty. Okay? Aside from the fact that we all have that in our genes, you are really beautiful. But of course, I'm just prettier. " My sister proudly said. She's really like this when it comes to herself. She never said that she was ugly, even though she experienced being bullied back then. Well, not to brag, but she's really pretty. I love her skin, unlike me, her skin color is somewhere between morena and white, while I am morena like our mom.

"I can't help it, Gia. If only I had listened to our dad at that time! Damn him for making me lose my confidence! " I said out of irritation and cried. Gia hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

I had a boyfriend at the age of 15. He was 18 at that time. He told me that he loves me and he is willing to wait whatever it takes. I don't know if I loved him or if it was just a crush. I trusted him, but I found out that he was two-timing me with someone I didn't know.

I wasn't hurt because he had a new girl; I got hurt knowing that I trusted him. He ruined the trust I gave him because I was not ready to give him the one thing he asked me to. I may have loved him at that time... or maybe not. But I love and respect myself.

I felt so low that time when he told me that I wasn't worth his time. Like what the hell?! He is not even that handsome! My ego as a woman was hurt. I may not like him romantically, but no one deserves to be two-timed. He cheated on me, and I don't deserve it.

From that day on, I barely gave trust to anyone. I only trust my friends and family. I don't have that many friends, but at least they are all true, unlike having lots of friends who will say something bad about you behind your back.

"Shhh, cheer up Sammy. I will always be here for you, ok? I'll protect you as long as I'm breathing, and that's a promise. " My sister said, "Seriously" and hugged me. I cried in her arms and she just let me go. The two of us may often tease each other, but we always end up comforting one another. I'm lucky that I have a sister like her. Not to be dramatic, but she's the one I trusted the most.

"Gosh, thanks, Gia. I don't even know why I always end up crying whenever I remember that. He's not even worth my tears!" I said and wiped my tears, "But you understand me, right Gia? I don't care if he said those hurtful words to me, I was just hurt because I trusted him. Tss. "

Gia cupped my face as she shook her head with a smile on her face. She took a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped it over my eyes. "I'm always here to protect you, ok? I won't let another man hurt you again, not until I die." Gia said and laughed at the end. I looked at her badly because of that.

"What the hell are you saying, Gia?" I hissed at her. She just laughed at me.

"You know what, Sammy, I'm just stating the facts. We just borrowed the life we have, whether we like it or not ...the day of our end will come unexpectedly or expectedly. " She spoke in a deep, solemn tone.A minute after I looked at her with a teary eye, a smile replaced her serious face.

"Don't leave my side, Gia, ha? I trust your promises, " I said softly and looked down, letting the tears that had been wanting to flow from my hold.

"Hush, Sam. I'm always here. Just keep on moving forward, okay? Moving on has a long process, and I'll be with you throughout that. " She gently said, and wiped my tears again, " Stop crying. I'm becoming prettier when you cry! So, what's the story? You'll be my model together with Risen and Bernadette and some of your friends too! " She added, which made me pout. I just nodded in defeat. Knowing this, she won't stop until she can make me say yes.

"Fine! Tss, you should've told me that my friends would be with me. " I said and giggled when she handed me her card. I looked at her like a happy kid who received a very beautiful gift for Christmas. I jumped in happiness and pulled her for a hug.

"Here, don't tell mom and dad. Buy whatever you want. But please, not too much! I'll be the one who will tell Daddy to reduce your allowance, just in case!" My sister said, and put her card in my palm.

"Omg, you're the best eater in the whole wide world!" I shouted and clapped as I jumped.

"Aside from your friends... Samantha, I am your only sister!" She said, in disbelief and pouting, "But yeah, bring back my card next week!" She added and kissed me before leaving my room.

I was very happy when my sister came out. I immediately got my Tata pillow and sprayed it with my favorite perfume with a smile all over myself.

"Omg my baby Jungkook, you are okay, right? Did she hug you tight? Gosh! But yeah, I'm going shopping tomorrow and I'll buy new stuff again!" I said it in front of my Tata pillow and giggled as if he understood me.

It's already around 3 pm. That's why I decided to take my notes. I'm currently a grade 12 student, about to turn into college. I almost forgot that we have an exam next week! I was preoccupied with the thoughts of buying some things that aren't related to my studies! I shook my head as I got my pen and started taking down notes.
