
Chapter 68

For the next few days Sophia rested and made sure to take the herbal drugs her mother had prescribed while she waited.

Waited patiently for the socerer to come to her like he had said.

She didn't know if her mother was going to be able to stop him from her taking her but she made sure either way she,her baby and the people would benefit.

The King hadn't spoken to her again after the incident,she was relieved but at the same the same time tempted to get him speaking.

After seating bored in her room for hours the minute she realized he had arrived she smirked getting up from her position on the bed.

As she passed one of the servants her spell entered into the maid's nostrils and next she was running to Sophia with a tray of food.

"What is it?" Sophia snapped once she knew the she was close enough for the King to hear.

"You have to eat Queen,you have not had anything since dawn" The servant pleaded.

She was under Sophia's spell.

"But I said I am not hungry" She shrugged.


"What is going on here?" A voice asks.

She turned quickly hiding her mischievous smile.

"Your majesty she has refused to eat since Dawn..." The maid says.

He nods glaring at her before taking the tray from the servant. "I will take it from here" He says.

The servant nods and walks off...The spell would wear off in a few minutes.

"I do not want to eat" She scoffed.

"You want to kill my child?" he asks raising his eyebrows.

"Isn't it my child as well? I have all the rights to do as I please with this child as well" She shrugged.

"Is this your revenge?"

"Am I your baby mama? servant or a container you simply put a baby into and await it to grow so you can take your baby?"

Ramos had shut his mouth at her words...he had been too busy with the court and things of the kingdom.

"Eat" He whispered.

"Or what?" she raised her eyebrows.


she would blame it all on the damned hormones.

Or the fact that she is also the once yeilding the powers her baby was supposed to have.

"You're daring me? King Ramos?" he mused

"Why? Are you my ancestors?" she smirked but it was wiped off her face the moment she began to nauseous.

"what's wrong?" Ramos panicked.

"I wan-t to...." she walked a little fast with him on her hot tail.

As she entered the garden she released and emptied her stomach.

All she had eaten was gone.

Now for real there was no food in her... funny how her drama turned out real.

"You look pale" King Ramos whispered.

She nods avoiding his eyes. " I don't feel good, please get my mother" she says.

Sophia didn't want him to see her vulnerable ever,she was supposed to be the strongest person in her kind.

"Okay,but after I make sure you're in your room safe" he scoffed.

"no no no,no need for that...I really want the fresh air and serenity that comes with being here"

"Fine" he grumbled quickly rushing out to get Ahishar.

He panicked for her.

Just what did she and the baby mean to him?