
Chapter 57

Ahishar looked throughout the whole castle but she couldn't find her daughter..worry began to creep in.

She was going to be a grandmother so now she was not only responsible for her daughter but also her granddaughter.

She waited patiently for Talmon to return from the date she went out with Edom.

The minute they stepped into the castle she was in front of them.

"What's wrong aunt?" Talmon asks.

"It's Sophia dear, she's not in the castle" Ahishar says.

"That's not possible, she must be somewhere in this castle" Talmon says.

Edom paced upon hearing the news,Then King wasn't going to be pleased when he found out.

"You think she stepped out to get some fresh air? you know it's good for the baby" Talmon asks.

"Or she left?" Edom asks.

"You mean ran away? my daughter would never do that Edom,her people came first and she knows what would happen when she ran away" Ahishar says.

"Then if she doesn't return by evening we'll be sure something is wrong" Talmon says.

Ahishar had a bad feeling about it,she was certain something was wrong with her daughter.

"I'm going to let the king In on this,she is carrying the heir of this whole Kingdom, nothing must not go wrong" Edom says.

"We could just wait a little before telling him...what if she returns?" Talmon asks.

She knew the King would throw a big fit when he found out and it wouldn't be easy for her friend...no matter what she had to gain time for her return.

"Okay Tal, I'll listen to you this once, we'll wait..an hour" Edom says.


King Ramos paced like a lost soul uncomfortably, it was dark and Edom had no other choice but to inform the King about Sophia's disapperance as expected he was


"Why am I being told now?" Ramos asks gritting his teeth.

"Your majesty we thought she just went out for a stroll" Edom says

"Witches have a death mark hanging on their heads here in Gabesh and you felt at ease knowing she might have gone out there on for walk?" He asks furiously.

Edom looked at him like he had grown two heads,it was all his fault witches had to go through all that....

Now,he was getting a taste of his own medicine,he just worried for his Talmon who Ahishar had to place a spell on.

She couldn't stay at ease... Talmon had gone out in search of her twice already even though it was damn risky...They had no other choice.

"Where do we look for her your highness?" Edom asks after a few moments of silence.

"She left of her free will and she'll return on her will as well" Ramos says.

Edom's eyes widen in disbelief.

Was his King insane? did he really not care?

"Your majesty you sound so confident" Edom says.

"I visited a soccerer" Ramos says.

The king was fond of them, if only he knew that they were his enemies.