
Chapter 53

Sophia didn't like dresses but she knew she had to wear them now for her child's safety besides what she was going to do was already far dangerous for her child.

She rested all day so she could gather all the powers she needed to create a portal that would take her to Mayes.

Sophia didn't want to harm her child by stressing him or taking the little magic he had yielded in the early months of his life.

She closed her eyes creating a big portal one that was more sacred and protective since she was Queen the door pushed open....

She didn't expect anyone to come into her room at that time especially without knocking but who walked in next shocked her.

Princess Dodai.

"I want to see my mother Queen,I am going with you" Dodai says.

"And how did you know I was a Queen?"Sophia asks momentarily distracted by her presence.

"I acted like a maid here for days....there is nothing we maids do not know....you are the current Queen of Witches...I over heard your conversation with Talmon" Dodai says.

Sophia looked at Dodai contemplating whether or not to let go along...

"Princess my portal might not accept you, you're human and since the king raised war against us our magic has harmed any human that got close...it's a defense mechanism" Sophia says.

"Nothing will happen to me Queen, besides you yourself said I was destined to end my lineage's curse...so I won't die until I do so" Dodai says determined.

She was right...at the moment the ancestors were silent..they wanted her to make the decision and she was well aware that her decision would affect all her kind..

Sophia didn't want to make the same mistake as Diane did..

"My mum wouldn't even like the fact that the Queen of Witches is alive...she hates you all" Dodai adds

"This I know that is why I must go there.." Sophia says.

"Even tho it's dangerous for you?" She asks.

"My people first Princess" Sophia shrugs

Princess Dodai looked at Sophia with awe in her eyes she was going to risk her life and that of the child for her people?

in that moment Dodai knew she wanted to be just like her when she became Queen.

"Queen Sophia?" Dodai calls.


"The maids here know who you are and that you're pregnant,but why would you take in for your worst enemy Queen?"

"For my people Princess, this child will give us a place in Gabesh once again"

"Your child has his blood now how do you feel? I mean you must hate it as you hate him"

"Can I ask you something princess?" Sophia asks sitting down.

The portal had closed temporarily.


"Your mother hates witches and here you are with me trying to help out.... why don't you hate me?"

Dodai kept calm.

it was her decision to see the good in the witches, somehow even though her mother and grandmother hadn't realized it,they had a strong bond with the witches. ..

One that Curse or hate couldn't break and she was able to recognize and accept it.

"I love my child very well Princess,and it has my blood as well as the King's.... above all it has my magic this baby is more of mine than the king's" Sophia smiles a little.

"More yours?"

"You wouldn't understand, you're not a witch Princess...I just want you to know that this baby is probably the best thing that has happened to me"