
Chapter 35

Sophia sat before the mirror glaring at her reflection. She had been clothed in night attire but the maids had made sure to apply make-up on her.

Of course for the maids must have known she was to spend her night with the king.

She doesn't turn even when she hears the door open and close.

"I never imagined I would be doing this to a witch...worse the Queen" Ramos whispers.

Sophia doesn't move, she stays Silent and stiff. She needed to gather herself together she hated him so much she was going to sleep with him to hurt him.

She could hear her grandmother's voice in her head crying for vengeance and Fuck Nemesis!

She wouldn't wait for that at all,As Queen she was meant to fight for her people and that is what she would do.



"Soph my dear granddaughter, today I am going to teach you something about the witches history many people have no idea about" Hepher says.

Little Sophia nods eagerly, she loved stories but what she did not know was that her granny wasn't going to tell her any more stories, she was going to tell her the reality.

"A long time ago when then witches and socerers where close friends....they used to live together even. The witches had been able to do somethings they couldn't and so one of the socerers got angry" Hepher says.

"Really? Like the Devil did? Grandma did he rebel too?" Sophia asks.

"Yes dear, you're so wise! he did and soon all the socerers where against the witches...they stabbed them in the back and attacked us when we least expected killing many witches" Hepher says.

Little Sophia's eyes widen in shock.

"Do you want to know what happened?" she asks curious Sophia.

"Yes granny please" Sophia says nodding her head like a lizard.

Hepher chuckles before continuing her story.

"When witches die unjustly or by being betrayed their souls don't go to rest.... they stay and wander around crying for justice until someone gets Justice" Hepher finishes.

"But granny, they'd be ghosts,no one would be able to see or hear them" Sophia says.

"That is indeed true my dear but you forget the witches have a Queen.... it's her duty to fight for The witches so only her would get to see those souls" Hepher says.

"Wow! Grandma I wanna be Queen!"