
Chapter 31

Amelia walked down the hallways to the king's room with a few handmaidens trailing behind her. She was Queen after all,every guard she passed that where stationed at each door of the palace bowed to her as Queen.

She stopped at the King's Chambers and the maids behind her halted as well bowing slightly in honour of their Queen.

Amelia turned to the guard standing outside the King's room.

"I would like an audience with the King" She says softly.

She had been trained to be Queen all her life,A Queen was meant to speak softly and carry herself with Grace.

"My Queen sorry to inform you but the King doesn't want to see anyone today" The guard says.

Amelia looked at the both guards protecting the door. Yes she was a Queen both she wasn't naive. Something was very odd.

"Where is the King's second in command?" She asks glaring at the guards.

"He isn't supposed to see anyone either" The other guard says.

"You two bastards" She mutters under her breath. Of course they where lying to her. Their Queen. She would teach them a lesson they would never forget.

"Last chance,where is the King and his second in command?" She asks gritting her teeth sightly.

She had just come from the second in command's room and gotten the same answer as she had gotten here.

Long story short the guards who lied are in the dungeons being beaten up by their fellow guards who obeyed her.

The both guards looked at themselves as fear filled their eyes. Their King was ruthless but their Queen wasn't any better. She was cunny,evil and wicked.

She did whatever she said. Everyone was happy she couldn't give birth to the heir or else the power that came with being the heir's mother would push her to do more evil at the expense of her pride.

"Uhm....Your highness ....The king and his Second in command is not around.." One of the guard confesses

"Where did they leave to?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"We weren't informed My Queen we were only told to not let anyone notice until they were back....they took no guard with them" The other guard adds.

Amelia was in deep thoughts.

She had come to talk about the Witch Queen and her mother's arrest but the both royals where absent?

she found it oddly suspicious. They were hiding something and she was going to find out one way or the other.

"When the king returns inform me immediately,you are quite Lucky to be on my good side today" She says smiling and turning around.

As she strolls away the Guards sigh in relief,she was case study