
Chapter 16

"Prince Ramos of Gabesh do you take Amelia Zadok as your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health,in sorrows and in happiness till death do you apart?" The priest asks.

"I do" Ramos says through gritted teeth.

The mare closeness between them irritated him already how much more spending his entire life with her.

He didn't care anyways,he was going to be a King and he surely wouldn't follow in his father's footsteps because he wasn't as lucky as him to marry the woman he loves..hell...he didn't even love anybody anymore other than himself.

Ramos had decided to take as many concubines as he wanted as well as marry as many wives that he would even have a harem for them.

Marrying the lady before him at the moment was just to get him the throne after that fill in the space of a Queen other than that she was useless.

"Do you Amelia Zadok, Crown princess of Gabesh take Prince Ramos to be your lawfully wedded husband,in sickness and in health,in sorrows and in happiness,in wealth and in poverty till death you apart?" The priest asks Amelia.

"I do"

"Very well I now pronounce you man and wife" he concludes.

The priest dared not say 'kiss your bride' because before the wedding had been held and the bride arrived a couple of guards had walked up to him and threatened him against it,at that moment he knew the Kingdom was going to go down the drain with the kind of King they where going to have and looking at Amelia smiling and arrogantly ordering people around he was certain also that even the Queen would have a hand in their downfall.

Amelia and Ramos sought the blessings of all the cabinet members as well as Amelia's parent even though her mother attended after being forced to.

When everyone had settled and began eating and dining Ramos took the podium.

"Thank you for attending this wedding,we both appreciate it and because you've all gathered here o would like to make an announcement" He says.

Everyone turns to listen to what he has to say.

"We shall we be conducting the coronation tommorow,and so I am inviting everyone of you to our coronation please do attend it" Ramos says shocking everybody including Amelia.

"Why so soon my prince?" A voice is heard from the crowd.

"that is because we can't leave the throne empty for too long,it could make enemies think we are vulnerable and believe me we are not" Ramos says.

Murmurs are heard but soon the crowd begins to go silent.

"I think the wedding has come to an end you may all leave" Amelia says.

Ramos turned to look a her,he had momentarily forgotten she was besides him.

Arrogant bitch.

What was she eager to get the guests out for? what a fool she was.

He wasn't going to touch a filthy bitch who taught she was worth him,instead he would spend his night thinking of how to punish those witches.