
Chapter 10

Hepher had been busy the whole day,as human among witches she had gotten tired easily but due to stress and the magic they all practiced around her.

She didn't know whether to be thankful or annoyed at the fact that her granddaughter almost became like her...she almost turned out to be human.

Thankfully nearly couldn't kill a bird.

Although Sophia only knew had to do basic magic when all her age mates where performing spells at least she wasn't human like her.

Seating on her bed so she could rest a little she suddenly feels the instinct that someone was present in the room.

Hepher was not a witch but she had the blood of witches flowing through a veins and had lived all her life with them, even her siblings where,she knew the gut feeling of reverence every witch felt when their leader was present.

"What's with you visiting my family these days? first my daughter now me?"Hepher asks.

Diane walks seats on the couch adjacent to the bed where Hepher was seated.

"I thought Ahishar was the right person to tell about what had happened" Diane says.

"You never appear to witches,you summon them or call a meeting,what's different about my family?" Hepher asks.

"I see, you're so overprotective of your family aren't you?"

"Look Queen,I don't have any idea if you're here to finally kill me and my granddaughter since we are of no use to you so I've got to be vigilant"

"Don't be Granny,you are very much useful as your granddaughter is and when it's your time to die,even you will know it" Diane says seriously.

"so what brings you here?" Hepher asks.

Diane crossed her legs sitting comfortably as her magic danced around her hands.

just by her arm was a golden Crest worn just like a bangle. It was the reason Hepher was highly suffocating,the magic in it was excess.

"You know am human? make it easier for me Diane" Hepher says gritting her teeth.

"oh,right, forgive me" Diane says before reciting some spells.

"What do you want?"

"Why is everyone mean to me? am Queen after all"

"No one is, we're just mourning,you don't expect us to laugh and welcome you with a cup of tea when you visit,you know our rules"

"I love the way you speak like your one of us"

"That's because I am, I am Ahishar's mother as well as Sophia's grandmother and they're both witches" Hepher Scoffs "So I ask again what brings you here?"


"My granddaughter?" Hepher whispers.

Ahishar had been one hell of a mother.

When she had found out her child wasn't picking up on magic the way children her age where supposed to she had thought Sophia was just like her and had left her in the hands of her grandmother.

Hepher couldn't blame her daughter,she had strived hard to find a place for herself among witches but had gone through many insults and betrayals even from her own family. It was like she was an alien to them..Like she was just picked on the road or adopted.

Ahishar didn't want that kind of thing for her daughter so that was why she handed her over to her mother once she realized.

But she was wrong,at fifteen years Sophia suddenly began to get basic magic right and by twenty she was perfect in it.

Eventually all her mates had already gone ahead of her and where masters in Witchcraft but it wasn't a problem as long as she could do magic basic or advanced....as long as..she wasn't like her grandmother...

When Sophia had turned twenty she began to feel disgusted about the way her grandmother was treated because she wasn't a witch..even herself...some of her mates as well as elderly witches humiliated her every opportunity they got to rub it on her face that she wasn't a real/complete witch.

Sophia knew only one thing,to show them that being a Witch,human if half Witch half human didn't matter because what mattered was living your life to the fullest and having people who love you and would do anything for you.

She began to dress in crazy jeans,shorts and half tops because she was certain Witches where only allowed to wear dresses.

She broke many more rules of the Witches and went into becoming irresponsible and careless,the only people she became responsible for where her grandmother and mother.

Because of this Hepher had vowed to be on the watch out for her and protect her...that was the least she could do as a grandmother.

"What do you want from Sophia?" Hepher asks

"I don't want anything from her Granny,the ancestors are the ones who want something from her" Diane says smiling.