
Book 2: Chapter 53 - Requiring help.

   "Is this really necessary?" I mumble unhappily, rolling my sleeves up. The nurse overhears me and tuts in disagreement before spinning around on her heel. She glares at me sternly, looking annoyed.

   "Yes, this really is necessary." The nurses responds, her lips fixed into a thin line. I widen my eyes a little at her attitude and glance at Jake. He's leaning against the wall, hands stuffed inside his jacket pocket. When we make eye contact, his lips twitch up into amusement. His entire posture screams out 'I told you so' and I glare at him in return, hating how smug he looks right now.

   He waggles his eyebrow at me, blue eyes shining brightly as he notices my unhappy expression. My response is to glare at him further, eyes trained into thin slits.

   "Come on Muffin, it's only a few blood tests." Jake chuckles in defeat, shaking his head.