
His Majesty's Sweetheart

She was a girl from the village of Razo who dreamed of being more than just some man's wife. After rigorous training throughout her childhood in both combat and stealth Sakura is finally able to try out to be a guard of the Razo kingdom. However, on her way she finds herself being stopped and nearly attacked by one of the king's guards and forced to protect herself. Things take a turn when she meets Kyro, the king himself! Kyro witnesses Sakura's skills and strength first hand and immediately picks her to be his personal guard! But of course not all is what it appears to be when the two find themselves in crazy situations that lead to a lust filled attracted towards each other and are claimed as forbidden territory, due to the fact Kyro is already married to the current queen and childhood friend, Kiyoko! Will Sakura accept her feelings and Kyro's love by giving up the opportunity to be a wife and be with someone who genuinely understands her? Or will she continue fighting by his side and claim the title as not only top guard but the next queen of Razo?

natashahills · ファンタジー
7 Chs

The Girl from Razo Village.

How did I end up in this situation? I came here to provide for my family, and now not only am I the king's personal guard but the mistress of the Razo kingdom and Kyro Diyokai's second wife.

But how did all even happen you ask? Well, let's start from the beginning.


One year ago in the Razo Kingdom...

I woke up bright and really as I always did, brushing my teeth and getting ready for what I thought would be another normal day. Grabbing a piece of bread, I hop on one foot attempting to put my boots on and run out to the rice fields. I see my parents talking with the other members of our small village and make my way over.

"Ah there she is!" one of the ladies says as she sees me approach. "Good morning Sakura."

"Good morning." I reply politely.

At the sound of my words my mother turns around to look at me and her eyes widen in shock. She quickly approaches me and brushes my face.

"Sakura..." she sighs. "You could have at least cleaned off the bread crumbs from your face."

"It's fine dear," my father said with a smile on his face. "She's young, let her enjoy the food."

"She won't find a husband like that," one of the ladies snicker. "Sakura is no lady of Razo village, she should be training to be a wife not a guard."

My mother looks at me with saddened eyes and my father let out a disappointing sigh. What that lady said was the truth, I was different and didn't just want to be a wife. I wanted to be someone, someone important! I wanted to be a guard for the Razo Kingdom and protect those who lived here, but apparently that wasn't a proper choice.

"You don't have to be so rude!" the lady from before said. "Sakura is a fine young lady and should do what she feels is right, besides you married a rich business man who ended up leaving you. Are you in any position to speak?"

The woman angrily looks away in shame.

"Don't you have to get to the training grounds sweetheart?" my mother says stroking the side of my face. "You don't want to be late do you?"

"Oh right," I shout. "I- I'll be back later!"

I gave my parents a hug before running from the house, but no matter how far I ran those words continued to ring in my ear. Was I just chasing a hopeless dream?


I ran all the way to the training grounds making it with just a few minutes to spare, as long as I made it through those gates I would be in the running to be a guard of Razo and nothing was going to stop this.

"Ah!" I slam into someone dropping to the ground. "What in the gods was that?"

I rub my head and look up to see a guard standing before me, he glared at me in anger and didn't move a muscle.

"What was the for?!" I shout angrily.

"The trails for the guards of Razo is about to commence, you are not allowed in." he says, continuing to glare. "Leave!"

"I hate to break it to you, but I need to get in there or else I'll miss the trails!" I stand up and get into the guards face. "Why don't you get Master Yuza? He'll clear everything up."

"I told you to leave, so why don't you be a good girl and do as you're told." he scoffs. "You know the consequences for disrespecting a guard of Razo, and I don't think you'd want to put your family through that burden."

"You think because you're a Razo guard you can treat the villagers like this?! I might be a girl but I promise that I'm a much better guard than you could EVER be!"

"Why you no good little brat!" he shouts. "I'll show you where that smart mouth gets you!"

The man reaches for his sword and pulls it out immediately, I take a step back but he is quick to point it at my neck. I could feel the point against my skin and didn't move an inch. I could see a disgusting and evil smirk across his face, he knew I was afraid and loved every moment of it.

However, there's no way I'd let him win.

I reach over on my side and whip out my sword and lash his away from me. It might not be as sharp but it was definitely strong, the guard looks at me with widened eyes as I take a stance waiting for him to move. He lunges towards me swinging his sword, I'm able to duck and swing my sword and slashing his left leg.

"Ahh!" he shouts, falling to his knee, I stand up looking down at him in agonizing pain "You insolent brat, I will have you killed for this!"

I hold out my sword having the point against his neck as he did to me.

"Sakura!" I hear Master Yuza call my name and hurry towards me. "What is going on here?!"

"He attacked me, so I defended myself!" I say still pointing my sword at the guards next. "That's what you taught me and besides he's a disgrace to the guards."

"That's a high accusation." a man says walking towards us.

His skin was fair and he was dressed in a royal black suit that matched his somewhat messy back hair. He stood in front of me with a hand in his pocket and stared at me with those emerald green eyes.

"Last time someone insulted one of my guards they were sentenced to death, and yet here you stand before me holding a sword to one of them." he smirks. "Master Yuza, is this the one you mentioned earlier?"

"Y- Yes your majesty," Master Yuza says bowing his head. "I apologize for her behaviour, however your guard did attack her and she was forced to defend herself."

"I see."

He steps closer still looking at me, he reaches for my sword.

"May I?" he asks, taking the sword from my hand.

He then turns his attention to the guard and the look on his face goes dark. Suddenly he pushes the guard down with his foot looking down angrily at him.

"You go on about the consequences of disrespecting a guard and yet you disrespect the people of Razo!" he says sternly. "Give me one good reason why you shouldn't be punished for your insolence?!"

"F- Forgive me your majesty," the guard desperately begs crawling on his knees. "I have a family, please don't do this!"

He lifts the sword in the air and I look around frantically when I notice the guards sword laying on the ground. I grab it and quickly swing it forward taking the impact, his strength was unlike any other, I end up landing on my knee still desperately stopping the sword.

"Please, your majesty," I pleaded. "I know what he has done is wrong, but death is not the answer! I wasn't going to harm him, I only wanted to teach him a lesson about how guards should behave with the people of your kingdom!"

He lowers the sword and walks up to me and I bow my head in respect as I was expecting punishment for my actions. However, when I lift my head I see his hand reach out to me. I place my hand in his and he helps me stand up, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by his dashing appearance and somewhat warm expression towards me. He looked like a completely different person compared to just a few moments ago.

I catch myself staring and attempt to pull my hand away, but he doesn't let go.

"Yuza, I pick her." he says without breaking eye contact with me.

"Yes your majesty." Master Yuza agrees without hesitation. "I will begin the preparations."

"Preparations?" I say shocked and aggressively pull my hand away. "For what? If this is about marriage then I refuse!"

He smiles and looks at me.

"This has nothing to do with marriage, I have chosen you to be my personal guard." he says, holding my hand again. He lifts it to his face and softly kisses it before looking at me with those eyes, my face turns red and I'm left speechless. "Besides, I don't think any other relationship would work between us."

"A- And why is that?" I say as my voice shakes. "Is it because I'm not royalty?"

"Not at all," he brings his face against my hair and whispers. "It's because you're much too beautiful to be a mistress."

"A mistress?!"

Thank you for my story, I hope you enjoy and look forward to more!

natashahillscreators' thoughts