
His Majesty's Bride.

{Warning; Mature Content} **She was ice. He was fire. And none of them were willing to melt, or quench the other.** Princess Raziah Octavius, the strange and curious princess had only two things in mind. One; To be alone. Two; Take revenge on the person responsible for her nightmares that unfaithful night. On the night of her introduction, she comes across a unique devil dressed as a prince, and she immediately agrees to get married to him just to get the frustrating night over with. Whisked away to his kingdom, she finds out just how unique his Majesty is with all the mystery around him. But no matter what happens, and how much this devious devil tries to burn her with his touch and gaze, he can never melt her frozen heart. ...Or so she thought.

Aniverse_ · ファンタジー
204 Chs

Merciless and Unyielding.

Her eyes never left him, not even for a second. Aragon knew every movement she was making, but she wasn't doing any one of the things he had listed. Right now, she was on the couch watching him sleep, and in a short, while he heard her light footsteps gaining closer to him, till she climbed on the bed and sat down beside him.

Her hazel globes roamed around his body for a while, but after that she didn't move again.

"So long..." He heard her muttering, then she made a smacking sound with her lips.

They stayed that way for almost an hour, and Aragon was a little shocked to find out that she was unmoving up to the point that he thought she had actually fallen asleep, but when he peeked at her, she was still wide awake.

The towel around her hair was loosening, and a golden lock had fallen over her pale face. She was currently staring at his lips, wondering why it was so damn red. Raziah had to admit that she was so jealous of him right now, how can a man be so good-looking?

The maids and guards back at the castle of Naria referred to her as snow-white because of the nature of her skin, and how she could spend more than a month inside her room without coming out. She usually engrossed herself with different books. The only person that ever came into her room was Ms. Ophelia, to check on her, and Sir. Malcolm.

Her mind was brought back to the present when her husband's eyes fluttered open, revealing those gorgeous Dark eyes of his. Startled, Raziah stumbled back a little but he reached out and caught her waist, pulling her back to the bed.

She was now lying, her head placed over his chest and beating heart. The whole scenario had her going out of her mind, and she quickly shifted back again.

Aragon chuckled softly, revealing his white teeth. He sat up, facing her, "What were you doing?"

Raziah looked away from his burning eyes, "Watching you."

"You were watching me? Why?"

"It's nothing," She tried to Stand up, but he held her down firmly, but not too hard.

"It's something," he whispered, "Now tell me."

"Your Majesty, it's really noth..."

The next thing he did had her heart running wild inside her chest. Aragon had just suddenly leaned over without warning, like he was about to kiss her.

But instead, he stopped when he was less than an inch away from her inviting lips. Her eyes were heavy with shock as she gazed into his, and she had lost her words completely.

"Tell me, Now." He breathed, and it fanned her lips.

Raziah tried to open her mouth, but nothing came out. For goodness sake how does he expects her to speak when he is this close to her? His heat and aura had also surrounded her body, caging her in its merciless burn.

"I'm waiting."

His voice reminded her of what she had to do, and she quickly found the strength to lean backward, as far away from his face as possible. His hands still retained their hold on her waist, and it was only her upper body that was trying to get away from him.

She saw the devious smile forming on his face again, and it made her stomach rumble.

This man was dangerous for her. She needs space, she can't be close to him. She can't let him creep in.

She's not willing to, and she never will.

"My mother," She replied softly, "She said I should look after my husband."

"When he's asleep?"

"Every time, but mostly when he's asleep. A man is most vulnerable when they do not know what's going on around them, so as his wife you have no choice but to protect them during that period."

Now he was the one who was taken aback.

She took that opportunity to wriggle herself away from him, then asked, "Shall I prepare a bath?"

Just then, the towel loosened completely and fell away from her hair. Her hair needed to be combed a little as most of the damp strands were scattered all over her face. She blinked at him, wondering why he wasn't replying her.

"Ah, yes." He nodded.

She walked into the bathroom and found everything she wanted to use. As she made his bath, she couldn't help but think about the situation she had found herself in. His room was smaller than she imagined - even her room and bed back at Naria were bigger than his.

Or was that how it planned it all? He made his bed small to make sure they cuddle all night? Was he the touchy-feely type?

After taking his bath, he walked out to find her staring out the window. She kept her eyes there till he was done dressing.

"Your hair." She pointed it out. It was still dripping with water.

"What about it?"

How is it so long? Did you never cut your hair? "It's wet. Let me get you a towel and comb."

He shook his head, eyes twinkling, "I like it wet."

Oh God, why did he have to say it that way? And when did she become so dirty-minded?

"Stay here and wait for me. I'm coming." He added with a small grin before he left the room.

Shortly afterward, he returned with two things. One was a table he pushed inside lined up with dishes, while the other was a measurement tape.

"Hold out your hands."

She did as she was told, and gasped softly when he began measuring her with the tape. He got the length of everywhere on her body, but he wasn't writing it anywhere. Her bust and waist weren't left out, and somehow she felt like he was taking a long time to measure those places.

"For now, put on my clothes, okay?"

She asked, "You...never intended to marry anyone when you left for the grand castle, right?"

"I did not."

"Then...why did you marry me?"

"Why? Because I want to unravel you," He didn't even hesitate, and the smirk on his face had deepened, "I want to know everything, every nook and crook. To put it short, I'm very much interested in you."

She could only stare at him.

"What about you? Why did you choose me?"

"I just wanted to get the night over with. Also, you were the first man to propose to me," she replied simply. There was more to her answer, but she preferred to leave her words as they were.

"So you're saying, if someone else has asked you to marry him before I did, then you would have chosen to dance around him instead?"

"You should count yourself lucky, your Majesty." Her eyes twinkled for a second before they fell again.

Why did she even say that?

"It wasn't luck," he responded.

"What do you mean?"

"If you have chosen another man, I would have stolen you away still."

His word sounded outrageous to her, "Kidnap?"

"Yes, Kidnap. But you would love my kind of kidnapping, and even if someone comes to rescue you, you'll never want to leave me." Why did he have to whisper in the end? It was making her legs weak.

"What would you do to make me want to stay?"

"I can simply restart or renew you."

Confusion shook her, "How is that possible?"

"I did it earlier."

"What is...?"

Her eyes widened when his face bent closer to hers, stopping right before their lips met. He had knocked away her senses again with that move, and her throat had gone dry.

"This." He whispered, his merciless burning gaze holding her unyielding icy glaciers.

"Oh!" She exclaimed as he pulled back.

"Start eating. When you're done change into something in my drawer that fits you."

Then, he left the room again.

Raziah never knew something could spin her this bad without even trying, and now she was a little scared. Ms. Ophelia had talked to her about it, and she thought she would be okay with it since it was a part of marriage and getting pregnant, but how in the world is she supposed to consummate her marriage with a man who kept setting her on fire all the time? And speaking about pregnancy...

Shaking her head, she tossed the thought to the back of her mind as the aroma of the food wafted close to her nose. The food scented so deliciously in her lungs, much more enticing than the one she ate back at Naria, and Raziah mentally noted herself to find out who was the chef of the palace.

She finished eating her food, and a satisfied sigh escaped her lips. Next, she did as she was told and opened the king's drawer. The first wave of air that hit her nose was filled with citrus, and her nose was beginning to like the smell a little too much.

As she searched for smaller clothes that could fit her, she noted how lovely, heavy, and embroidered all his clothes were. She didn't know princes put on heavy clothes, except for Kings.

Finally, she came across a mint khaki shirt and pants, similar to the ones he was putting on when he came for her. Shedding herself off the dress, she wore the new set of clothes.

The trouser was held up with a band that gripped her waist so she didn't need to worry about it falling. But, everything else was big on her.

So she folded the pants up, and the arm of the shirt so they would make her look less of a skeleton putting on clothes. Her eyes were now back to the door, and her husband still wasn't back from wherever he went off to.

Raziah wasn't the curious type, but ever since she met this mysterious prince of Erandell she found herself doing even stranger things than she did before.

And right now, she wanted to at least have a tour of the castle even if it was for a few minutes. Just because she wasn't that type of person doesn't mean she would deny herself of it whenever she felt like it.

With that thought in mind, she pushed the table of plates out of the room while finding her way around the vast Castle.