

Mira levenson .. strong and practical ready to face any challenge. She has always loved everyone and everything and has such a sweet and beauty heart. she falls for Damien ...a ruthless billionaire and set to break his iron stone heart .. Damien Lockhart...set to the destroy the race which he hated most but get distracted a long the way ...lowering his resolve on his mission. When things don't go according to plan and complications set it...how will the overcome the situation and still maintain the peace once and for all... Can Mira be able to weaken his resolve and change him for good ... Find out..in ..HIS MAGNIFICENT...MY first book

Itz_Vick · 若者
24 Chs

Chapter 20:is that a baby's cry

She watched as Mira and two others entered the car with the bags.

"What's going on?" ..

She was supposed to be in jail. How can she be here shopping?..

Not just in any place, this boutique of all places. How did she get this much money to even afford here.

Then she also realized something, she was the reason why they couldn't attend to her.

This only made her hatred for Mira grow more.

She watched them enter the car and quickly trailed them. She had to get to the bottom of this.

"How can a low life suddenly become rich over night?.. how did she get out of cell and why wasn't I informed? " Lady Ri kept on asking herself as she followed the black car.

They entered a little traffic and before lady Ri knew it, she had lost her.

"Shit. This isn't possible" she groaned frustrated.

She immediately turned her car and went to the station.

Parking her car, she quickly rushed inside the station.

She ignored all the greetings from people and went the officer in charge.

"Good day...."

"How did Mira get out of jail?" She immediately questioned the officer without giving him a chance to finish his greetings.

"Oh do you mean mira levenson?" The officer asked even though he knew that's what she meant.

" Yes" she said and took a seat opposite him.

" She has been granted bail" he replied and continued with his work.

"What do you mean she has been granted bail?? Who the hell bailed her out? " She asked angrily.

" Mind your language miss and do not shout in here this is a police station not your home" the officer dropped his pen and said sternly.

" if you must know Mr Lockhart came and bailed her out yesterday" the officer replied and picked up his pen once more.

" Mr Lockhart?" Lady Ri said to herself.

'who is this Mr Lockhart that keeps helping the levenson's even when I try to destroy them' she asked herself completely confused.

"Thank you officer sorry for raising my voice earlier" she immediately apologized, she grabbed her bag left.

Even though she looked cool on the outside she was fuming inside of her.

lost Mr Lockhart helps Mira's mum by taking her to the hospital now he bailed mira out of jail ,who is he?

Lady Ri couldn't just understand why the man was helping mira family.

'could he be possibly related to them' she thought but then she cancelled the thoughts cause if that was the case then mira and her mum won't be living poorly.

This just simply means that she didn't accomplish have one goal. She didn't make mira to suffer as she expected because God has sent a Savior for them.

"This cannot be happening" she yelled and grab her hair from the two ends.

She felt like she was about to go crazy.

"This isn't over yet. I'll make sure I finish them once and for all no matter what it takes and that's a promise"


Ezekiel couldn't concentrate on his work at all after hearing the news of mira's mum. He kept on thinking of ways to break the news to Mira but still none seemed suitable.

He couldn't imagine how heartbroken she would be when she hears it. She may even hate him thinking he is the cause.

But who could it be trying to harm her mum like this to this extent.... This was also a question that has been on his mind for a very long while.

He made up his mind to have it investigated. He dialled Lucas number told him to meet him as soon as he's done with his own work .


"Yes you called me" Lucas said when I finally met Ezekiel.

"Do you know any good detective or investigator around?" Ezekiel asked.

"Why do you need one? "

" Mira's mom.. "Lucas groaned in frustration as soon as he heard the name .

"Not again" this was becoming upsetting to him.

" What about her? " He finally asked.

" She's no longer in her Senses. Someone is purposely doing this to her and I want to know who" Ezekiel said and Lucas facepalmed.

" Who the heck do you think you are?" Lucas suddenly asked after being silent.

"What do you mean?" Ezekiel asked confused.

"Why do you want to get yourself involved in that girl's matter?"Lucas asked angry.

" I believed that girl has a name"

"And I believe I don't care" Lucas replied back sarcastically.

" First you bail her out, then you took care of her mother's Medical bills, then you allowed a stranger to stay in the mansion... Now you want to investigate her mother's insanity. Who do you think you are?.. Are you super man or God? " Lucas suddenly raised his voice a bit not wanting to draw attention.

"Why are you being so irrational?" ..

"It's seems to be that you don't like Mira" Ezekiel just said.

" I don't like people I don't know. She's a stranger for crying out loud" ..

" You are caring for a stranger. Or wait.... Don't tell me you like her already? "..he asked.

" No... It's not that. But isn't it suspicious how such illegal drugs were injected into her mom? ". Ezekiel tried to reason.

" And since when is that our business!!.. you shouldn't involved yourself in people's lives. Your not a hero. Stop trying to act like one" Lucas finally calmed down.

" Ugh... If your worried about her to break the news of her mother health to her, then I advise you don't tell her at all. As soon as she's well, then you can tell her. Your worried should be on how you will tell older Mr and Mrs Lockhart on why a stranger is staying in the mansion"

Lucas finally left after his words of advice. Ezekiel sighed and entered the car. After minutes of being in the car as they drove home, he finally asked.. "what do you think Thomas?" ..

He wanted to hear what he had to say to. Thomas although not to old, was older than Ezekiel and he believed he could give him some advice.

"I think you should listen to Lucas sir. You don't have to involve yourself in the girl's matter" he said and Ezekiel nodded.

'i guess it's settled then" and he sighed.


It was such a tiring day for Mira. As soon as they got back, she tested some clothes one more time, those she admired then she folded them neatly and kept in the wardrobe. She then remembered her clothes in her house. She would have to grab some. Many were important to her especially the matching outfits of her and Kira.

She slept off with these thoughts and work up when the sun was already long gone.

She looked at the time.. 9:15pm... How late.

She fell asleep around 5pm. She didn't even had dinner neither has she thanked me Lockhart for the shopping.

She quickly entered the shower and came out. She wore a pink pajamas with Minnie mouse face all over it. She packed her hair in a ponytail and went to her window. She loved the way the stars shone on the pool and how it glittered everywhere.

She immediately grabbed a glass of water and drowned everything. Dropping the glass she went outside to the pool side and continued to admire the view.

The breeze was cool and refreshing and she loved every bit of it.

"Mira" she heard a husky voice called behind her . She turned and so Ezekiel joined her. He held a glass of red wine in his hand.

"Oh.. erm...good evening...I mean good night... err...I..." Mira was suddenly confused on how she would greet him. It was no longer evening but saying goodnight too sounded awkward.

Ezekiel laughed at her confusion and Mira froze. She stared at him laughing at her.

"It's alright. Good evening Mira. That greeting should be alright for now" he said and Mira nodded with a smile.

Ezekiel faced back the water and so did Mira but then...." Thank you" she whispered softly but enough for him to hear.

" For?" He asked and took a sip.

" For everything. You really saved I and my mom. You had me bailed out, helped me with my mom treatment. You offered me a roof over my head and you were so thoughtful to allow me go get some clothes. I really appreciate. I'll be forever be indebted to you"

Her words touched Ezekiel in his heart. For a moment, he was tempted to tell her about her mom because she deserved to know but then he remembered everything Lucas said.

"There's no need to thank me. It's the least I could do"

Silence took over them and since none had anything else to say,Mira said good night and went off to bed.


12:00am...in the middle of the night..

Mira suddenly jerked up from sleep. She was restless again. She grabbed the jug beside her bed but it was empty. She then remembered drinking everything earlier on before going to the pool side.

Her throat was dry . She was so thirsty.

She decided to take the risk to get water. She didn't even know where the kitchen was. She was just walking till she heard a cry. She froze in her footsteps.

She listened carefully to the scream which continued...

"Is that a baby's cry"....
