

I got out of the car into the cold night. Muffled music blasted in the air from the party. Dilan threw another party like he didn't almost got busted for the last one two weeks ago. My best friend Kara followed out of the car then stood beside me

looking at the house.

"What do you say, let's get wasted!" she exclaimed.

"Yea, let's do that." I said, smirking.

We walked towards the house, teenagers outside passed out after puking, smoking or making out. Red cups and cigarette butts everywhere. I opened the door to the living room. I was welcomed by strong smells of alcohol, cigar smoke and sweat. Such a combination would make a new comer's head dizzy but I'm used to it.

Music blasted in the room from all front corners where I noticed the speakers sat.

"Let's grab a drink!" I told Kara then held her hand as we pushed through the massive dancing bodies on the dance floor. I grabbed a large spoon and scoped some of the pink punch from the table pouring it into two cups. I handed one to


"Oh come on! Punch really?" She complained.

"You would want to start slowly then get to the good strong stuff, right?" I pointed


"But then they would be finished!" she exclaimed.

"We just got here and the party just started like thirty minutes ago." I stated

"Whatever." She gulped the drink. "Now let's get the good stuff." She said as she smiled wide.

"Alright. Let me just have mine first too." I said the gulped the punch I was holding then we set for the good stuff, as she said.

We went to the small bar area and ordered some shots. We quickly took them then I turned to look around the room. The disco lights bounced beautifully from the crystal chandelier at the top roof making it more spectacular. Dilan's family was

rich. His father was a business man owning a company and his mother was a lawyer. They both had tons of money getting into their accounts. He had no issues when it comes to money. He even owns the latest sports car that he drives to school every day. Lucky bastard. If only he wasn't too cocky he would have been my friend. So you ask why I'm at his party when I'm not friends with him, well it's because I like parties despite whosoever can host them. I'm always in for the food, dance and wine or beer. It makes me sometimes forget that I have issues.

"I see Justin right there. I'm going to go to him for a dance. See ya!" Kara said then ran off to where I could see Justin, her boyfriend. She left before I could even respond to her. I order another shot and a beer. After having the shot, I was slowly

sipping my beer when I saw a guy looking at me from across the room. Ok so if a guy looks at me from across the room, it means several things; first it's that he is interested in me and he will ask me for a dance, second it's that he is eye raping me and he wants to lay with me or third it's that he is a bad guy out to get me for unknown reason to me at all. I think it's a safe bet I get to him first maybe to catch him off guard or something. I walk towards him without breaking eye contact.

"Hey." I greeted. He looked at me surprised but quickly masked it with a smirk.

"Hey beautiful. Want to dance?" he held out his hand to me.

"Sure, why not?" I said smirking.

We went to the dance floor then started dancing. He was a pretty good dancer and everything was going well until he started touching me.

"Hey!" I shouted while pushing him back in the process pushing others. They complained. Some went back to dancing but some stood to see what was going on.

"What's wrong pretty girl? Don't you like dancing?" he asked moving back towards me.

"Creep." I said glaring at him. I started moving away from him but he harshly grabbed my arm turning me back towards him.

"Let go! I said let go!" I forced my arm out with my strength then managed to get it out of his grasp then slapped him as hard as I could. People gasped at the situation then started murmuring standing closer to look at us. The guy's facial expression showed that he was shocked.

"did she just slap him?"

"did the quarterback of the team just got slapped?"

"oh my gosh"

They murmured.

"Stay away from me, you creep!" I shouted.

Then Jason's group of friends came through the crowd assuming they were going to help me but I thought otherwise.

"Hey freak! You are in no position to do that to him. Get lost or we will give you some." One of the girls in his group said to my face.

"He molested me and you expect me to just stand back and let him do so?" I asked.

Where is Kara when I need her?

"Yea maybe." She stated, crossing her arms like the others. I looked at Jason for help with pleading eyes. He is my best friend's boyfriend so he can help me, right?

"You heard her. Shoo" he commented. I could not believe my ears or eyes. They must be in a glitch or something. I looked around for Kara then I saw her just behind me with the gathered people.

"Kara…." I reached out to her but she just left, left me there standing in complete humiliation. I was the victim for goodness sake! I turned my heels towards the doors away from everyone. Opening the door, the wind blasted to my face. It was kind of refreshing. Kara must be somewhere out here. She must have been shocked too she had to get some fresh air. I looked around for her till I found her just near underneath the balcony, with someone. I was about to call her but I overheard her talking with that person. As nosy as I am, I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation while hiding besides the bush.

"…pretty stupid. I want nothing to do with any of that. I don't want to get involved." She said.

"well then, pick a side." He said. Wait a minute, I recognize that voice. That's Jason!

"you know I'm on your side. No need to ask." She replied. What are they talking about?

"I just needed to confirm. I don't want you to be on Tiffany's side no matter what. You keep spying on her and tell me anything strange about her. I want enough information so that we can take her down and make her life here a living hell then she can get expelled and get her freaky ass out of here." He explained.

"yea baby," she said as she kissed him. My heart shattered by what I heard. I can't believe my best friend would betray me like that. I quietly moved away from the bush.

"wait, do you hear that?" she asked as she breaks the kiss.

"what? I hear nothing." He replied getting back to the kiss.

I leave walking down the side walk. I didn't bring my car because we came by Kara's car and now I have to walk back home. I took off my heels and held them in my hands. Better off walking bear footed than walking in these painful heels. At least my feet should be relieved of the pain if my heart is going to hurt. I took out my phone then looked at

the time. It was something almost midnight. Well, that's too early to leave a party but anyways, what's done is done. As I walked I looked up looking at the sky. There were clouds here and there and the half-moon shone brightly. I looked at my

surrounding and everything was clear as if the moon wasn't being blocked by the moving clouds. I've always known that I have pretty good eye sight.
