
Chapter 88

  She looked around in approval at the shelves and shelves of books, she could get lost for days in a store like this, but her momentary bliss was broken through by the sound of arguing.

"Bonnie, we have talked about this!" an angry voice rang out.

  "Alphabetical by subject, author, then title."

"No one cares about the author," another voice, presumable Bonnie, argued. 

"They care about the title, so they should be alphabetical by that. The other stuff is unimportant."

"You want to know what is really unimportant?" the first voice taunted.

  "Those chickens of yours. Worthless beasts, all of them."

"Take that back!"

Isla and Kelly looked at each other in confusion, and then at sapphire.

  Whatever they had been expecting, it hadn't been what they had just walked into.

Sapphire rolled her eyes with a huge sigh. 

"My sisters. I shouldn't be surprised they're bickering. Bonnie, Alexis! I'm back!"