
Chapter 6

Their classes for the day had been finished. And it was time for extracurricular activities which usually began by 3 pm and most of the time ended by 5 pm.

The students were gathering their stuff into their bags, in preparation to leave the classroom and head to the various locations of their activity.

"What club would you like to join, Kim? Ruby asked

"I was thinking of the Music club" she answered like she wasn't sure about her choice.

"Great really, that's the club I'm in!" She beamed.

Making Kimora laugh at her enthusiasm.

Ruby wore a green floral corset top and a tight-fitting black skirt that stopped a little distance above her knees. Her black afro hair was let down in curls. She was a natural beauty and she looked stunning in her outfit.

Together, they left the classroom and headed to the music class.

It was a very big hall and beautifully decorated, with many musical instruments lined up and placed strategically.

Kimora was lost in the beauty of the hall.

"Wow, this is so beautiful, " she said to Ruby.

"Yeah, I'm still enthralled by its beauty " she confesses.

"But you would need to close your mouth if you don't want to get a name within your first week of school " Ruby chuckled while moving to put her bag into her drawer, she took her keys out of her pocket and opened the drawer, put her bag into it, and said to Kimora;" You can put your bag in here with mine while we go to register you for the class, you'll get your own drawer after the registration."

"Thanks," Kimora said with a smile on her face.

After they were done with the registration, they returned to the hall and joined the other students to seat on the seats provided for them.

Meanwhile, In the male football club, the boys were changing out of their school clothes and into their sporting wear.

Their changing room was loud, as the boys laughed and made jokes at each other.

Jaden was the school football captain and he was arguably the best player in school. He was tall and athletic and well built.

He loved playing football and basketball, and he was quite good at both. He always loved practice and anticipated it, it was his best part of the day.

Today however, he was interested in joining the boys to practice, and was absent minded.