
Chapter 4

In another class…

"Sierra have you heard of the new student?" " They say she's beautiful, even more so than you" Mia a friend of Sierra comments.

"I went over to her class, I couldn't get a proper view of her because her seat was overcrowded with people ,but from what i saw of her side view I don't think the rumors are false" Patricia another one of her friends adds. " beautiful blue eyes, a nice height, a nice shape too and she's of mixed race, I've heard that they're usually beautiful and she's prove of that!, she defo a whole package!" She adds dreamily but stops when Angel; another one of her friends taps her subtly indicating she should stop.

Patricia turns to look at Sierra and notices that she has been glaring at her .

"Mmm..mm" she awkwardly clears her throat.

Dreame high school is one of the most prestigious schools in the country, and students who could afford to attend the school were mostly heirs and heiresses and students who came from very rich families , but if you got lucky you could enter based on scholarship.

Although you could say that only the rich were able to afford to the school, there was still of course different classes of rich people as some people were obviously richer than the others.

And of the filthy rich class belonged Sierra Anderson Paul. Although she wouldn't be termed as the top in this category. Her parents were popular in the country for their family business which Sierra stood to inherit. Her parents were also amongst the top donators to the school.

Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, She was the typical definition of a spoilt princess. Proud and someone who didn't like to share her things with anyone. Sierra was obviously beautiful with her long blonde hair and silky smooth skin, she used the most expensive of skincare products recommended to her by her dermatologist. She had full lips and a perfect smile.She was among the top 3 best students. She had so far been praised for her beauty and even regarded as the most beautiful girl in school. So was getting a little bit insecure about the rumors, she wanted to validate if there was any truth in the rumors but she didn't want to go look by herself as that would make her appear insecure.

Pursing her lips, she opened her book and focused on it pretending to be reading.

"Huh, aren't you going to say anything Sierra?" Mia asked looking at Sierra who seemed not be disturbed by the news .

"Nope" She replies casually, sounding unbothered.

If only they knew how she much was she aching deep down to find the new student and claw her face out! Sierra didn't like to share the limelight with anyone as she considered it her birth right.


Back in Kimora's class the number of students surrounding her sit had dispersed slowly after the English teacher came into the class.

'Finally' she breathed out after the had all gone back to their seats.

Looking to her right, there was the boy from earlier whom she recognized immediately, he was the same guy who had ignored her in the hallway earlier that morning.

"Hey, I'm Kimora, what's your name?" she said waving and smiling at him.

He looked at her and as though he couldn't be bothered by her existence let out a yawn, raising his hands lazily to cover his mouth and then he faced his front focusing on the teacher once more.

"He doesn't speak to people " Ruby said quietly from her side.

"Oh!" Kimora said nodding her head as if in understanding . What Ruby had meant to tell her was that the boy didn't like to speak to people, but Kimora's dumb brain interpreted it as the boy was mute.

"What's his name?" She asks Ruby in a low voice.

"Alexander" Ruby responds in an equally low voice not wanting to catch the attention of the teacher.

Turning to look at Alexander , Kimora drank in his features—he was no doubt handsomely built, his black eyes seemed to have a splash of silver in them, his pointed nose looked like something which was moulded to perfection, his pink lips were making him look more attractive, his eye lashes were so long and Kimora was proud of hers as she was sure that hers were as long as his if not longer. Looking at his relaxed and expressionless face she felt an immense surge of pity for him as wondered why someone so handsome would be mute.

Sighing with pity in her heart she said to him "Hey Alex, I'm sorry for asking so many questions in one day" she whispered to him and added " To think that even cursed you when you ignored me earlier, I'm sorry " she continued regrettably.

Alexander spared her a look of annoyance before looking back at the teacher.

"I'm really sorry, okay? Can you forgive me and then we can be friends? Had I known you were dumb I wouldn't have done that " she added.

In shock Alexander didn't know when he started coughing loudly staring at her with wide eyes. His cough resulted in the class members staring towards back roll.

Quickly Kimora searched her bag and brought out her can of water , stretching it out for him to take.

" Are you okay ,Alex?" She asked which made the class members look at her in shock making her wonder what was up with their exaggerated expressions.

Alexander looked at the girl who was holding out a bottle of water for him , and looking at him with great pity in her eyes. Never had he thought he would be mistaken for a dumb person in his life.

"Are you alright, Alexander " the English teacher asked.

After he managed to control his coughing, he sat back in his seat. Ignoring both the teacher and Kimora. The teacher continued teaching like she hadn't expected him to answer her question , while Kimora retracted her hand and slowly put her can of water back into her backpack, feeling unhappy that Alexander hadn't collected from her. She supposed that was his way of showing that he hadn't forgiven her.

Soon the English class becoming more and more boring and she was beginning to feel sleepy. But fought against the urge and tried to stay awake.

She didn't know that she had slept off until she was tapped awake by the teacher.

'Shit, what a great first day of school' she cursed in her head