
Chapter 2

It was after she alighted from the taxi that she realized she hadn't had anything for breakfast,

'oh well' she thought at least she had a pack of chips in her backpack and a bottle of water she would just survive on it till lunchtime .

Although Kimora knew that she wouldn't be punished for whatever it was that she broke this morning but still she didn't want to be scolded so early in the morning.

The time was 7:45 now and school lessons wouldn't begin until 8:30 she decided not to head to her assigned class wherever that was. She thought it would be better to go to the school library instead.

Although it was quite early she observed that there was quite a number of students who had arrived too.

"How good of them to be in school so early" she mused for she knew that she wouldn't have been in school so early if not for the mess she'd created at home.

"On the brighter side though, I wouldn't be late on the first day of school " she thought happily. "After all , first impression matters " she said smiling to herself.

Entering the school hallway she asked the first student whom she saw for the direction to the library but instead of answering her the student just looked at her and walked away like he wan't the one being spoken to.

"What the…" She thought.

"Hey, hey you, i'm talking to you " she said going after him. But he kept on walking not even sparing her a glance.

"How rude!" She cussed at his disappearing figure.

She decided to ignore him and ask someone else instead, but this time she looked at the faces of the people around before deciding to ask a girl whom she saw approaching.

"You walk further down the hall, take the second passage by your left, then you take the first passage by your right, you climb up by the stairs then you get to the second floor, you'll see a small corridor by your right… " the girl was saying while Kimora just kept on nodding her head like she understood what the girl was saying , she had never been good at following directions and even though the school was huge she didn't expect that she would have to walk through a maze in other to get to the library.

"… there you see the library by your left " the girl finished.

"Thanks so much, you just saved my life" she said to the girl sounding genuinely grateful.

"It's no problem, you're welcome " she says smiling politely at her.

So as not to look completely dumb Kimora walked down the hallway as she had been told to but she soon as she turned around and didn't see the girl in question she turned right back and prayed to God to send and angel to guide her.

"Hey, excuse me please, I'm a new student here and I don't know where the library is located, could you please direct me to it? She asked yet another student sounding extra sweet and innocent.

"Oh… yes , I'm actually heading there now , you can come with me "

" Sure, I will, thanks " she said breathing out a sigh of relief and followed the girl.

When they finally got to the library, she thanked the girl once more before going in. Just before she went in she saw the girl remove her backpack and put it into one of the many drawers there , then then locked it with the key in the key hole and slid the key into her skirt pocket before heading to a shelf.

Kimora shrugged her shoulders and entered with her own backpack. Looking around her surroundings she observed that the library was indeed very big, it was an e-library. There were only a few students in here at the moment and they all seemed to be seriously reading.

"What a bunch of book worms" she muttered to herself. She found a deserted and somewhat hidden corner, made her way towards a sit there and sat down before opening her bag to bring out a novel which she had been reading. It was an action and thriller novel and soon she was lost in it, completely oblivious of time and everything going on around her .

While reading her novel she began to feel hungry and remembered that she had a pack of chips in her bag. Taking it out she opened it and began to munch it while having her eyes still glued to the book she was reading.

"And what do think you are doing, student?"

Kimora was startled by the sudden sound coming from just beside her. Looking up she sees the the owner of the voice.

A middle aged woman was staring down at her with a displeased frown on her pretty face , her hands on her hips.

"Umm… I'm reading?" She responds confused.

"Obviously, I can see that, but then why are you eating in the school library ?"

'Oh no' she thought face palming herself in her mind.

"I'm sorry, kind ma, I had no clue it was against the rules " she said nervously in an attempt to escape from the moment.

" And you came in with your backpack also", the woman added folding her arms in front of her, the frown on her face deepening.

Kimora looked at her bag , and picked it up placing it behind her in a baseless attempt to hide it. She said nothing but just smiled sheepishly at the woman.

Shaking her head, the woman asked, " what are you still doing here by this time don't you have any classes today?"

Frowning Kimora looked at her wrist to check the time; 10:32 am.

"Oh, no, oh, no" she began to say repeatedly "I'm going to be very late!" Grabbing her backpack , she ran towards the exit door but stopped midway as she realized that she had left her opened pack of chips and her novel on the desk. Running back, she picked them up, smiling embarrassedly at the woman who was shaking her head in disapproval.

Her cheeks turned pink and her blue eyes became misty, she felt like crying tears of embarrassment!

Making sure she left nothing behind this time around, she bowed slightly to the woman, and once

again ran towards the exit door.