
Chapter 1

6:30 a.m

Tick tock tick tock…

Kimora Hamilton was awoken by the sound of her alarm clock.

Groaning and slightly annoyed, she moves towards the left end of her queen size bed, stretches out her slender arms and puts off the erring alarm clock which sat on her bed side drawer.

With a small smile visible on her beautiful face she once again snuggling in she gets comfortable on her bed ready to fall back into her peaceful sleep.

"Just a little more time" she mumbles sleepily.

Today was Monday and she was supposed to go to her new school, something she was hardly looking forward to.

It hadn't been up to ten minutes later, when the alarm went off again.

Slightly pissed and with a confused expression on her face she reaches over once again and turns it off with annoyance written all over her face.

Ten minutes…

Bzzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt …

Groaning heavily and none too pleased to say the least , she reached out once again to turn off her alarm clock but then noticed that the noise wasn't coming from her beside alarm but another one instead.

Confused she squinted her eyes and swept her eyes over her big and beautifully decorated room, when she spotted it on her mirror cabinet.

Bzzt bzzt bzzt …. It kept on ringing and dancing!

Annoyed she threw back the covers in displeasure and went for it turned it off, stood in front of the little evil device staring down at it with her blue reflecting her annoyance and her hand on her petite waist.

She looked at the foreign device wondering where it came from and who placed it there, for as long as she could remember she'd had only one of these in her room.

"Grandma" she muttered under her breath, for no one else could have been up to this if not her.

Sighing in displeasure she drops her arms to her side walks back to her bed in large strides, raises up the covers gets under them.

By now the sleep in her eyes was almost gone but she still she laid down and closed her eyes trying to summon it back once again.

Bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt…!!

" Oh my goodness!" She half exclaimed and half yelled sitting up immediately on her bed.

Looking around her spacious room again but this time with murderous intent evident in her dark blue eyes she sights yet another alarm clock! this time around on her reading desk.

She marches menacingly towards it and picks it up not even bothering to turn it off, marches to her window and flings it through the window and into the air with all the strength she could muster .

Feeling satisfied like she had accomplished a major achievement, she smiled smugly.

'Smash Smash Crunch Crack'


"Aaaaahhhhhhh" a loud piercing scream rang out into the air.

"Oh my Good Lord!" Kimora exclaims with her eyes widening in disbelief while putting her hands over mouth ,looking out her window and down at the damage she had just done to her neighbor's property.

"Oh no no no" she mutters frozen in shock muttering a silent prayer .


As though the spell had been broken , she made a mad dash for the bathroom and she was out in approximately five minutes!

With her towel around her body but her body still dripping wet, she made for the clothes which she had previously laid out on her chair and wore them swiftly, picked out a pair of jordans and wore it too.

She hurried to her bedroom mirror to stare at her reflection, she took off her satin bonnet cap from her hair and wore a matching pair of necklace and earrings, her eyes flew to her edge control gel and made to grab it but instead changed her mind and picked up a scarf and tied it over her hair, picked up her backpack and dashed out of the room, only to return about ten seconds later to untie the scarf and discard it and to pick up the edge control and take a hair brush and carefully slick down her unruly baby hairs.

After she was done she took a step back from the mirror and admired her reflection .

She was wearing a beige crop top and a baggy almond colored cargo pants with her sneakers, her long hair had been done in waist length butterfly locs braids .

She twirled around and satisfied with her looks she smiled sheepishly at her reflection and said " so pretty that even the angels would be jealous hmmm" she laughed and admired her self for about five extra seconds before she made a dash for the door once again. She ran down the stairs and out through the entrance door and not bothering to call her gate keeper or her chauffeur, she opened the gate herself and went out close it behind her.

She looked at her wrist watch the time was 7:09.

She walked some distance and then hailed a cab to school.